
The old MVP versus MOP issue.

Hit Ward426 this weekend. Dude is on point.

Bibb lettuce Salad for wife. Duck confit salad for me. Perfect blend of Stinson blue cheese, cranberry, shaved brusselsprouts.

Tried the John Dory, white fish with oil infused tomatoes and spinach. She had the filet.

Lemon cheesecake with blueberries.


Sounds Dope! (as Kooky would say)
I agree. If given a choice between cod or catfish I am prone to say catfish just because it sounds better, but I know damn well I would rather eat the cod fish. I fight this battle often on Fridays at the Cracker Barrel and it usually ends with me throwing my arms in the air and yelling WHY JESUS AINT YOU JUST NAME IT CANDY FISH!!! CONFUSE I SO!!!!
Already seems like 2 weeks since UK'S last game.

And's pretty obvious that you are ready to take the next step. Just start main lining heroin. Make you forget all about having to wear a mouth piece.

Maybe if I was main lining cocaine. Heroin would my teeth more relaxed.

Sad thing is, I can't do hard drugs anymore. That sucks. Well, except for LSD. That's actually healthy for you.
Hey there men. Hangovers saved me from being an alcoholic. Well, 4 kids played in there too. I had to quit doing some things cause it didn't fit anymore. Hope you're ok Willy. FCC.

Thanks, I'm ok FCC. Just partied a little too hard last night. To the point that I can't remember if I paid my bar bill or not. Bout to go to my online banking. haha