
I like ThomYorke. Like KS said. Weird dude.

Whew had a dream last night that 3 other friends and I dropped acid. Within in the trip, apparently Danny Trejo dropped with us, and he died from it. All of us were spooked out that his heart stopped from LSD.

Hey Willy dear friend. How's things? 30 in the City. ATC should be joining us soon. FCC.
Hey Willy dear friend. How's things? 30 in the City. ATC should be joining us soon. FCC.

Not bad. Just been an active three weeks. Gotta do memory screening for 8 hours at a church on Sunday. Hope you been good my friend.

Almond milk is the shit. I quit drinking milk in 2012 and permanently moved to Almond and Cashew milk. Best choice I ever made. Now when I drink milk, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Would you still drink it if it were an endorsed and branded as Gregg Allmond Milk?

What is benefit of nut milk? Or is it the relief of getting off lactose?

It certainly isn't for taste preference as Almond milk tastes like wet cardboard.

More calcium. Lesser calories and fats. Less sugars.

I like sweetened version. I have now started on vanilla unsweetened. It tastes great to me. That's of course has changed my taste buds over the course of 4 years
I've heard most adults develop a small lactose intolerance the older they get. Not sure if true, but don't drink much milk. Kids do, but make sure it's organic.

Probably safer to guzzle Willy's nut milk.
That non-organic milk causes 8-year old girls getting D-cup titty balls.

All hail non-organic, fully steroided VitaminD milk.
Willy drinks nut milk? WTF?

Well, OK. Let's not hit the panic button just yet. To each his own I guess. So let's see here…


OK. Here's our official stance…while releasing the developing "nut milk drinking" news flash to the gen pub might gain us a few votes in the LGBT community…we would lose almost ALL of the votes on the right and about 1/4 of the vote in the "undecided" ranks.

Thusly, I think it would be severely detrimental to the overall campaign to release said info…so let's just keep this on the down low. Um kay?
I do not give a fart about people's musical taste. I'm always open to listening and finding new stuff and relistening to stuff I previously dismissed.

I used to listen to Creep at the end of every cardio session in the gym. But I didn't keep up much after Pablo Honey.

Yeah, I don't care about what's popular either…especially when it comes to music. Music is an individual preference. "Good music" is in the ear of the beholder…or something like that. Just making an observation.

And as much as i liked Pablo Honey I think the 2nd and 3rd albums were better. Here's how I rank 'em…

  1. OK Computer
  2. The Bends
  3. Pablo Honey
  4. In Rainbows
  5. The Live album of material from albums 4-6 (have no idea what it's called)
  6. Silence
  7. Crickets chirping
  8. Nails on a chalk board
  9. etc…

124. Albums 4-6

12,456. Their last album about limbs or whatever
Willy drinks nut milk? WTF?

Well, OK. Let's not hit the panic button just yet. To each his own I guess. So let's see here…


OK. Here's our official stance…while releasing the developing "nut milk drinking" news flash to the gen pub might gain us a few votes in the LGBT community…we would lose almost ALL of the votes on the right and about 1/4 of the vote in the "undecided" ranks.

Thusly, I think it would be severely detrimental to the overall campaign to release said info…so let's just keep this on the down low. Um kay?


Milk is what makes us mammals mammals. I simply can't believe that milk gives you cancer.

Only bottle fed whusses would drink almond milk.[banana] We need to keep titties important.

31 and overcast here.


well, I told ya'll I was a paranoid skeptic.

Plus, I get that cancer thing from my quack Asian in laws. You see, apparently the low rates of cancer in the Asian population (minus the cigarettte smoking lung cancer) is due to the lack of dairy in their diet. May be it's crazy, but still. I'm paranoid.
it's because people are pusses and allergic to everything. Oxygen gives people cancer nowadays. Bet cavemen never got no damn cancer.


Here's a secret about me: I don't hardly ever wash my hands. IDGAS.

I ate a piece of a toast off the floor this morning. Picked a dog hair off it. IDGAS.

I haven't washed my YETI cup (I'm really braggin now...) once since I got it this Christmas. IDGAS.
I've heard that cancer is mostly a disease of age, meaning that if you live long enough, you will probably have some type of cancer. So, given that, I doubt cavemen had cancer. They didn't live long enough to see it materialize. Same thing for our great grandparents.

I don't know of anyone in my family having cancer. They all die from heart disease before cancer can get going. So I've got that going for me. Yay, no cancer. Boo, my ticker's gonna explode/fizzle out.

Mash - you are a living example of what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
hell I NEVER wash my hands when I'm not at work. Only time I wash at home is when I'm playing with the dogs and I get their slobber all over my hands and arms from putting my hands in their mouths and yanking em around (fish hooking a boxer's lip and watching him squirm is a very underrated fun activity).
No hand washing after a home dump? That's disgusting, but then again, you eat sammiches while on the can.