
Haha, that's a perfect reference. I'd have dropped a hundo if the crowd had ignored him and start shuffling out after he begged for applause.

Jeb- "OK, don't write this down, but I find myself probably as boring as you find me. Mrs. Bush finds me boring too. I'm a little bit long-winded, I don't translate very well into our generation, and my jokes are terrible...

But that doesn't relieve you of your responsibility for voting New Hampshire. Now I'm waiting for some delegates from some of you... Listen, I'm not joking. This is my job!"
Jeb- "OK, don't write this down, but I find myself probably as boring as you find me. Mrs. Bush finds me boring too. I'm a little bit long-winded, I don't translate very well into our generation, and my jokes are terrible...

But that doesn't relieve you of your responsibility for voting New Hampshire. Now I'm waiting for some delegates from some of you... Listen, I'm not joking. This is my job!"

OK kooky, on that last sentence, which word is the emphasis on? FCC.
Science Break:

It may have been multiple collisions. Galaxy NGC 1487 lies about 30 million light-years away in the southern constellation of Eridanus. The object we see here actually consists of two or more galaxies merging together.

Whatever the original galaxies looked like, and even how many there were, would be very difficult to determine now after the violence of the collision. Possibly several dwarf galaxies in a small group have collided and combined here.
Science Break:

It may have been multiple collisions. Galaxy NGC 1487 lies about 30 million light-years away in the southern constellation of Eridanus. The object we see here actually consists of two or more galaxies merging together.

Whatever the original galaxies looked like, and even how many there were, would be very difficult to determine now after the violence of the collision. Possibly several dwarf galaxies in a small group have collided and combined here.

"violence of the collision." Oh, the humanity! FCC.
Gave a pitch with some of my team to a prospective big time client this morning. After we were done, president of that company got up and started strutting around talking about their history, their values, and their expectations. All the while, fly is, cannot-be-missed-by-anyone-ever dropped to lowest position.

Guy pontificates, conveys some emphatic quotes, walks toward the end of the table and hikes his leg up, ending with "and I know my f---ing pants are wide open and I don't care one bit because these are MY rules in MY house."

Brief silence then the guy erupts in a gregarious laugh and zips it right up.

Think we got the contract, actually, which seemed less important at the time. Hated that dude basically hanging brain all meeting but he was awesome otherwise.
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Evenin' everyone.

Still smarting after the loss to UT the other night; somehow just doesn't seem real even though I watched every minute of that meltdown.

Usually look forward to Friday's, but not this one. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my eldest son's death, so it's already tainted.

Have to be in Somerset in the morning to interview six applicants, in a Hardees no less. Have interviews lined up from 9:30 am-2pm, so if you're in Somerset tomorrow, and looking for a job, feel free to stop in, lol.

My sister was in Lexington on business today so she took me to lunch. Went to Saul Good behind Fayette Mall. We arrived 20 minutes before they opened, so we went to a UK shop next door. (Can't recall the name) We were in there for 15 minutes, and what seemed like every 10 seconds an associate would walk up and ask us if we needed any help, often the same one several times. Before we left I wanted to scream "YES, PLEASE HELP ME, I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE HATS OR SHIRTS!!!!!" Just very aggravating experience when you can't even browse around a store without someone doing that constantly.

Back to UK: not looking forward to playing Florida ay their place; it's always tough there, but with the team we have this year, and it being on the road, I don't feel good about coming out of there with a win. Besides not having a frontline worth a damn, this team just doesn't have "it", sans Tyler of course.

Quick thought: has anyone any idea whatever happened to Wyvern? Haven't seen him post in a long time.

Thanks guys, WW.
Evenin' everyone.

Still smarting after the loss to UT the other night; somehow just doesn't seem real even though I watched every minute of that meltdown.

Usually look forward to Friday's, but not this one. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my eldest son's death, so it's already tainted.

Have to be in Somerset in the morning to interview six applicants, in a Hardees no less. Have interviews lined up from 9:30 am-2pm, so if you're in Somerset tomorrow, and looking for a job, feel free to stop in, lol.

My sister was in Lexington on business today so she took me to lunch. Went to Saul Good behind Fayette Mall. We arrived 20 minutes before they opened, so we went to a UK shop next door. (Can't recall the name) We were in there for 15 minutes, and what seemed like every 10 seconds an associate would walk up and ask us if we needed any help, often the same one several times. Before we left I wanted to scream "YES, PLEASE HELP ME, I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE HATS OR SHIRTS!!!!!" Just very aggravating experience when you can't even browse around a store without someone doing that constantly.

Back to UK: not looking forward to playing Florida ay their place; it's always tough there, but with the team we have this year, and it being on the road, I don't feel good about coming out of there with a win. Besides not having a frontline worth a damn, this team just doesn't have "it", sans Tyler of course.

Quick thought: has anyone any idea whatever happened to Wyvern? Haven't seen him post in a long time.

Thanks guys, WW.
Wyvern = Castle Rubrick or sumfin ike at.
Evenin' everyone.

Still smarting after the loss to UT the other night; somehow just doesn't seem real even though I watched every minute of that meltdown.

Usually look forward to Friday's, but not this one. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my eldest son's death, so it's already tainted.

Have to be in Somerset in the morning to interview six applicants, in a Hardees no less. Have interviews lined up from 9:30 am-2pm, so if you're in Somerset tomorrow, and looking for a job, feel free to stop in, lol.

My sister was in Lexington on business today so she took me to lunch. Went to Saul Good behind Fayette Mall. We arrived 20 minutes before they opened, so we went to a UK shop next door. (Can't recall the name) We were in there for 15 minutes, and what seemed like every 10 seconds an associate would walk up and ask us if we needed any help, often the same one several times. Before we left I wanted to scream "YES, PLEASE HELP ME, I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE HATS OR SHIRTS!!!!!" Just very aggravating experience when you can't even browse around a store without someone doing that constantly.

Back to UK: not looking forward to playing Florida ay their place; it's always tough there, but with the team we have this year, and it being on the road, I don't feel good about coming out of there with a win. Besides not having a frontline worth a damn, this team just doesn't have "it", sans Tyler of course.

Quick thought: has anyone any idea whatever happened to Wyvern? Haven't seen him post in a long time.

Thanks guys, WW.
WW - you have my deepest sympathy regarding your son. I can't imagine your grief.

The game on Sat is a home game.
Evenin' everyone.

Still smarting after the loss to UT the other night; somehow just doesn't seem real even though I watched every minute of that meltdown.

Usually look forward to Friday's, but not this one. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my eldest son's death, so it's already tainted.

Have to be in Somerset in the morning to interview six applicants, in a Hardees no less. Have interviews lined up from 9:30 am-2pm, so if you're in Somerset tomorrow, and looking for a job, feel free to stop in, lol.

My sister was in Lexington on business today so she took me to lunch. Went to Saul Good behind Fayette Mall. We arrived 20 minutes before they opened, so we went to a UK shop next door. (Can't recall the name) We were in there for 15 minutes, and what seemed like every 10 seconds an associate would walk up and ask us if we needed any help, often the same one several times. Before we left I wanted to scream "YES, PLEASE HELP ME, I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE HATS OR SHIRTS!!!!!" Just very aggravating experience when you can't even browse around a store without someone doing that constantly.

Back to UK: not looking forward to playing Florida ay their place; it's always tough there, but with the team we have this year, and it being on the road, I don't feel good about coming out of there with a win. Besides not having a frontline worth a damn, this team just doesn't have "it", sans Tyler of course.

Quick thought: has anyone any idea whatever happened to Wyvern? Haven't seen him post in a long time.

Thanks guys, WW.

Welder, tomorrow, my thoughts and prayers will be toward you and your family. Very, sorry for your loss. FCC.
Snowing like a Beyonce in NYC. Horrible.

If there were a day that I could call in sick, sleep in and drink bourbon at 1:00pm watching Days of Our Lives. Today would've been it.

Alas, I'm in the eye of 3 separate shitstorms and have to at least make the appearance that I truly give a damn.
Welder...sorry for your loss. Losing a kid must be devastating. I cant even imagine. Hang in there, brother.

And good luck with the interviews. I don't frequent Hardee's but I highly recommend the Frisco burger.

I too have wondered about wyvern. He posted in the D's on a plaque in the D-League trophy case right next to funky's & mav's photoshop of the year trophies. Someone said earlier, about 243 pages ago, that wyvern was back posting under a different username. Not sure of the validity of that statement or of the particulars of the alleged alias. was that one and only appearance by wyvern in the D that sparked crown's meltdown and eventual demise.