
Bad loss no doubt. And the refs didn't cost us the game. Lose a 20 point lead…Ulis and Murray (our best players) getting lost on defense and giving up easy shots in crunch time…and we can't rebound. We absolutely, positively can't rebound. That last one…the inability to hold teams to one shot is what absolutely kills this team. UT can't shoot a lick. But we gave them 2, 3, 4, shots on almost every single possession. You aren't going to beat anybody doing that. Get that ish corrected with a quickness or we WILL be NIT bound.

I would spend the first hour of the next practice on rebounding drills. If you give up an offense board…run a lap. Give up a 2nd offense board…run two laps. And so on. For a solid hour. Then shoot some free throws…a lot of free throws...and then call it a day.

I am discouraged by the loss…but I'm not completely giving up on the season…yet.

Also, REBOUND THE EFFING BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't disagree with any of this. Our bigs are a liability. Will be from here on out.

Poythress played well to start, and once Skal came in because of foul trouble, it was over. I mean, he literally tackled/tripped his own GD player, and fouled a guy falling down tonight. I honestly would not shed a tear if he never suited up again. Humphries can be five fouls and no rebounds. That's what we get out of him.

This poor big play forces them to be a perimeter based offense. Problem with that, check their stats from 3 the last few games. It stinks.

Also, Cal sucks at letting a team go. When a team is throttling, he'll throw in a lineup that lets up. See:Skal entering tonight. Hell, he even threw the reigns on the 2012 team at times. Stall ball, weird ass lineups, sitting back and taking an ass pounding. I seriously have questions if he knows what the **** he's doing anymore. Especially with Skal. It's like he's forcing the kid in games as a **** you, you're gonna like the kid if it kills you.

Couple that with the shitty whistle the last two games, and it is a recipe for disaster. Kansas and UT both made a living at the line down the stretch, and most were touch fouls or play ons.
I was already indifferent about this team. Tonight pushed me over the edge. Won't be watching another game. I'll keep up with it on here during games, but im not doing it to myself. This team is so GD stupid they could fall into a barrel of titties and come up sucking a dick.
Seriously, I think you should have quit watching a long time ago. There are certain people that just aren't cut out for it. UK isn't for everyone.
And it isn't going to get any better folks. We are poor shooters except for once in a while, and our bigs suck most of the time. There are no answers or tweaks. There is a guy on our team that just does not try to get a rebound. He should not get off of the bench. Buy him some coloring books and dolls to play with. He makes me want to puke.
Welcome to the morning after a tough loss. It is a brand new day, Big-D.

"The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore
The moon ain’t gonna rise in the sky
The tears are always cloudin your eyes
When you’re without love................"

UT sucks but they beat UK.
Who says we are not everyone's superbowl?

54 and damp in my area.
"The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore
The moon ain’t gonna rise in the sky
The tears are always cloudin your eyes
When you’re without love................"

UT sucks but they beat UK.
Who says we are not everyone's superbowl?

54 and damp in my area.
43°F here in ATX. Y'all have a good one.
Well, we got 4 days to get prepped for Florida. I have faith that this team can turn it around. The team that played KU can beat anyone in the country.

I will say. We played dumb. But this is also the second straight game where the foul calls on us were very suspicious.
  • I have been coughing for 5 months now. Time to go back to doctors. This is bullshit. Walking pneumonia?
  • After last night's game, it's officially football season.
  • A train hit a car last night right near my house... To get to my side of the tracks coming home from work, I had to drive 10 miles out of the way. That after 14 hours of initial morning departure. Got home 5 minutes into second half and watched the Cayuts suck a load.
  • I too need to see Jed's turds.
  • National Signing Day: woooot
  • Bourbon season over, SuperBowl starts beer season. Ballast Point Sculpin, Founders Azacca, Founders Nitro Oatmeal Stout
  • I want to see Peyton Manning destroyed like a beyotch on Sunday. Fully prepared for it. Dude sucks when pressures on.
  • Barker better be the real deal or UK football may as well pack it in and join OVC.
  • DLeague in-game (basketball) takes are painfully annoying. STFU already. Let shit play out and analyze. Bitching about refs should be insta-Ban.
  • Later. Beyonces.
  • I have been coughing for 5 months now. Time to go back to doctors. This is bullshit. Walking pneumonia?
  • After last night's game, it's officially football season.
  • A train hit a car last night right near my house... To get to my side of the tracks coming home from work, I had to drive 10 miles out of the way. That after 14 hours of initial morning departure. Got home 5 minutes into second half and watched the Cayuts suck a load.
  • I too need to see Jed's turds.
  • National Signing Day: woooot
  • Bourbon season over, SuperBowl starts beer season. Ballast Point Sculpin, Founders Azacca, Founders Nitro Oatmeal Stout
  • I want to see Peyton Manning destroyed like a beyotch on Sunday. Fully prepared for it. Dude sucks when pressures on.
  • Barker better be the real deal or UK football may as well pack it in and join OVC.
  • DLeague in-game (basketball) takes are painfully annoying. STFU already. Let shit play out and analyze. Bitching about refs should be insta-Ban.
  • Later. Beyonces.
Just have to turn that noise off...
Depends on what you value. Cant tell me Humphries can't board better than Skal and Lee. He's a big boy. He displayed that early in the year against Duke when they had a big boy we couldn't do much with....

Really, that's all we need to no. Fn Mark Plumlee or whoever ran wild on us. That dude sucks ass. So does Humphries.

Sigh, that's just what we are. Our bigs are embarrassingly bad.
-That game was [sick][sick][sick][sick][sick][sick][sick][sick][sick]

-Jaquize Cross kind of looks like Steven Avery in this photo
head coach to assist coach: "Think we need to kick a field goal."

*assistant coach runs over to Jaquize Cross and kicks him on the ass*

assistant coach: "Ok coach, I took care of it."


Forgot one thing...

*assistant coach reports back holding his right arm in his left hand bleeding like a SOB because nobody kicks field goat and gets away with it*
Thunder storms in the pan handle this morning, over cast day. Does that mean that the weather gods are pissed at the Cats also. The thunder seems to be saying "No rebounders! No Rebounders!" This team is a perfect example of "You can't fix stupid." I wish I could hire some nasty azz sea gulls to take a dump on the team bus. Of course they would probably say that it would be a waste of a good crap. Maybe uncle Jed could take a dump on their bus?

But other than that things seem to be going well. Super bowl coming up, my money is on the Panthers and with Manning doing a swan song against Super Man Cam it is sort of a changing of the guard to me, anyway. Ramble on D, ramble on.
Why in hell doesn't this bunch rebound?"