Big Z is here?

No one, not a bad word has been said about Cal… I mean CCC, Bradshaw, Reeves, Ugo, their “posse”, the athletics director, the president, and even admissions who are only doing their job.

BTW, anyone who thought we were gonna start the season with 7 players is clueless. That’s like crying about having one commitment. We literally only have one so is crying about smart? That’s just like the people crying about Big Z getting eligible now.
amazing how the ccc lovers continue to revel in his double talk and disregard reality. I don't really think anyone actually thought that U K would only have 7 players on the roster. Amazing how quickly ccc found Burks & Hart after by passing all of the transfer talent. Mitchell fell into UK's lap as Huggy Bear screwed up his career. Then the Croatian sensation appeared and chose UK. Suddenly there may have been some light at the end of the tunnel. But as quickly as the light appeared, it disappeared. Bradshaw & Ugo have foot injuries & now the Big Z is just looking like an after thought. So please tell us all, how will this team fare with no one but Mitchell to man the center position, as I truly have reservations about Ugo, Bradshaw & Z playing for UK this year. If that happens, it will be another dismal season, lucky to break even due to lack of talent & lack of coaching.
waiting for someone to call out Kyle Tucker for making it worse than it is to try to drive clicks and readers. Is that how it works or is that only how it works for MJ?
Nobody can see what Kyle Tucker says. He blocks everyone that doesn’t 100% agree with him on Twitter.
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Unbelievable....from JP...

"Not great, honestly. They're hoping the pushback helps the school understand how ridiculous this all is.

There are kids on campus who communicate exclusively via translator. Foreign students everywhere who have had accommodations made for their visa or credentials. Endless number of resources available at the school to promote diversity and inclusion.

Yet... they're going to shut out a kid who took two separate tests to prove his English proficiency and passed every section with high scores with the exception of one? And that was because he didn't have the proper accommodations made to take the second test in the first place -- he's dyslexic, from what I understand.

So the University of Kentucky is going to put its foot down on this one because a kid with a learning disability couldn't pass a reading section of an English proficiency exam on short notice? Great work, UK admissions! That'll show 'em!"
Pilgrim thinks this is personal with Cal.

IDGAF what Cal has done or not done, if that is the case, Capiluto should be the guy walking out the door. You don't screw a kid over to get back at Cal. Not to mention the guy has been a great ambassador for UK.

If the admins are doing this to spite Cal, what they are really doing is giving BBN the middle finger.

This is a joke.
Pilgrim thinks this is personal with Cal.

IDGAF what Cal has done or not done, if that is the case, Capiluto should be the guy walking out the door. You don't screw a kid over to get back at Cal. Not to mention the guy has been a great ambassador for UK.

If the admins are doing this to spite Cal, what they are really doing is giving BBN the middle finger.

This is a joke.
Don’t disagree with you at all. But sadly, this is where we are at with Cal. The man has burned so many bridges (internally and externally) and its been biting him the last several years.

As a fan who lives outside the state, seems like UK needs a shake up from top to bottom.
Don’t disagree with you at all. But sadly, this is where we are at with Cal. The man has burned so many bridges (internally and externally) and its been biting him the last several years.

As a fan who lives outside the state, seems like UK needs a shake up from top to bottom.
That's fine. But rule number one for educators. You NEVER use a student as leverage. EVER. Shame on UK and Shame on Capilouto.

Don’t disagree with you at all. But sadly, this is where we are at with Cal. The man has burned so many bridges (internally and externally) and its been biting him the last several years.

As a fan who lives outside the state, seems like UK needs a shake up from top to bottom.

That may be the case and I'm fine if they want to do that. They can pony up the $40M they agreed to pay him and move on.

You don't sabotage the program in what could be a banner year all while screwing over a kid from across the world for some grievance you have with Calipari.

It is embarrassing.
That's fine. But rule number one for educators. You NEVER use a student as leverage. EVER. Shame on UK and Shame on Capilouto.

I’ve worked in higher ed for almost a decade, it’s filled with petty people who will hold onto grudges forever. You also have some folks who will always hate college athletics. It’s a perfect storm for this current mess.
You’re the clown. As of this moment he still isn’t eligible. I think we all hope he ends up on the team but it is very much in the air at this moment in time. You know this, you just like being an ass.
We only have one 2024 recruit as of this moment, are you gonna meltdown about that too? LOL at the joke you crybabies are. I’d hate to see how y’all handle real problems in life.
That may be the case and I'm fine if they want to do that. They can pony up the $40M they agreed to pay him and move on.

You don't sabotage the program in what could be a banner year all while screwing over a kid from across the world for some grievance you have with Calipari.

It is embarrassing.
If I were Z, I’d be pretty damn frustrated and probably be on the phone with other schools right now.

It is what it is. These last few years of UK basketball have made no sense to me and this situation just fits into the current shit show.
I’ve worked in higher ed for almost a decade, it’s filled with petty people who will hold onto grudges forever. You also have some folks who will always hate college athletics. It’s a perfect storm for this current mess.
Used to be in education, the absolute crap that was and is pulled is ridiculous. The front line educators were rarely the issue. It was the admins and supers that were almost always political hacks that could not care less about students.
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We only have one 2024 recruit as of this moment, are you gonna meltdown about that too? LOL at the joke you crybabies are. I’d hate to see how y’all handle real problems in life.
I took care of my parents for 13 years and worked a full time job. Please tell me how I handle real problems in life.
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We only have one 2024 recruit as of this moment, are you gonna meltdown about that too? LOL at the joke you crybabies are. I’d hate to see how y’all handle real problems in life.

Two different things.

1. Folks blaming Cal for lack of 2024 recruits.

2. Folks blaming university (not Cal) for screwing over a foreign student athlete.

If you care at all about UK basketball, you should care about number 2. Number 1 has a history of working itself out. Number 2 doesn't.
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Two different things.

1. Folks blaming Cal for lack of 2024 recruits.

2. Folks blaming university (not Cal) for screwing over a foreign student athlete.

If you care at all about UK basketball, you should care about number 2. Number 1 has a history of working itself out. Number 2 doesn't.
I do care about #2, I’m just not gonna meltdown when it’s likely he will be eligible. If the time comes that he’s not eligible and the reasons are not justified I’ll take issue then.
Pilgrim thinks this is personal with Cal.

IDGAF what Cal has done or not done, if that is the case, Capiluto should be the guy walking out the door. You don't screw a kid over to get back at Cal. Not to mention the guy has been a great ambassador for UK.

If the admins are doing this to spite Cal, what they are really doing is giving BBN the middle finger.

This is a joke.
I am not sure "this is personal with Cal" is in the right context. (Maybe Pilgrim has a later tweet??) ... but when he said that a day or so ago, it was in the context of Cal has made it his personal mission to get him enrolled at UK, including talking to Capiluto about it. That is a positive thing.. not some revenge against Cal for something he might have done.
That may be the case and I'm fine if they want to do that. They can pony up the $40M they agreed to pay him and move on.

You don't sabotage the program in what could be a banner year all while screwing over a kid from across the world for some grievance you have with Calipari.

It is embarrassing.

It's embarrassing, it's not a good look for the future of athletics, and quite honestly.. and something the anti-Cal crowd won't want to hear.. but this gives Cal an out of things go bad.

You don't like a guy for whatever the reason may be, so you try and get back at him by basically removing a huge potential roster piece, at a position we really need? If Cal loses this year, he's going to have an excuse.. and honestly, he wouldn't be wrong. Name another coach whose own school just attempted to knee cap them? If we can't beat Duke or Kansas, I'm not going to look to Cal on this one (unless he really does something glaring wrong).. I'm going to ask "how can we be expected to be a top5 basketball program when we cant even get on the same page as the admissions department?" Until something like that gets fixed, you're playing the game with one hand tied behind your back.

We probably do need to move on from Cal in the near future, but this isn't the way to do it. And if Kentucky loses in the tournament early, in part because we don't have a big man because of this, then it's going to be hard to put that on Cal, or anyone BUT the University for causing this.
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Holy crap. Someone in this thread loves him some MJ. It's gotta be Matt or his mom. Odd flex defending MJ that hard.
This. Weird shite in this thread and yes, some are working "way too hard" defending MJ. For me, it's much easier read and listen to those I respect, and I generally ignore those I don't. It's interesting that once the ignored realize that no one is taking them seriously or don't agree with them, they protest ... loudly. WTF?
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We only have one 2024 recruit as of this moment, are you gonna meltdown about that too? LOL at the joke you crybabies are. I’d hate to see how y’all handle real problems in life.
Where in my post am I melting down you ass clown. I merely commented we all hope he is eligible but at this moment he’s not which you conveniently kept ignoring that fact. You are one pathetic douchebag.
Well I’m a UK fan posting on a UK message board. I will call out posters who trash the program and players, routinely using BS they read on the internet. I’ll definitely keep doing that and you keep white knighting posters who are attacking players and the program.
Truthfully, if a person can't come to this board and respect the opinions of others, regardless of your contrary attitude or opinion, they might be best served to just read only. People will always have their own opinion and attitudes, to which some may or may not agree, with is fine. "Calling out" others, as if their "opinion" is superior is where the rub comes in ... but many aren't here to be respectful. They come here to stir the shite and that is where they develop a reputation and how they will be remembered. Shouldn't we all come here for the conversation rather than a fight?
A statement from UK spokesperson Jay Blanton:

“Unfortunately, misinformation is being perpetuated regarding the admission status of someone wishing to attend the University of Kentucky.

The truth is members of our university – from our athletics department to our administration and all other units – are working together efficiently and in a manner that is consistent with the institution’s admissions standards.

These are often complex issues, with multiple aspects to them, and they require many people, working to do the right thing for an individual wishing to attend the university.

That is what we are doing. Spreading unfounded rumors helps no one.”
A statement from UK spokesperson Jay Blanton:

“Unfortunately, misinformation is being perpetuated regarding the admission status of someone wishing to attend the University of Kentucky.

The truth is members of our university – from our athletics department to our administration and all other units – are working together efficiently and in a manner that is consistent with the institution’s admissions standards.

These are often complex issues, with multiple aspects to them, and they require many people, working to do the right thing for an individual wishing to attend the university.

That is what we are doing. Spreading unfounded rumors helps no one.”
That's all well and good, but UK is a major university. Why do other major universities never seem to have these public headaches?
A statement from UK spokesperson Jay Blanton:

“Unfortunately, misinformation is being perpetuated regarding the admission status of someone wishing to attend the University of Kentucky.

The truth is members of our university – from our athletics department to our administration and all other units – are working together efficiently and in a manner that is consistent with the institution’s admissions standards.

These are often complex issues, with multiple aspects to them, and they require many people, working to do the right thing for an individual wishing to attend the university.

That is what we are doing. Spreading unfounded rumors helps no one.”
But Mayyutt said. LOL at these clowns
That's all well and good, but UK is a major university. Why do other major universities never seem to have these public headaches?
UK isn’t, UK is the only one with media members feeding clueless sheep BS that they eat up then meltdown over.
I have served on a school board for a 3-year stint. I understand frustration, bickering, hard stances and political repercussion. The fact of the matter is a school board keeps minutes but waste hours hundreds of them. I sort of get it what's happening at UK but it still doesn't keep me from being rankled. In the words of the philosopher Larry the Cable Guy let's just getr done
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No one, not a bad word has been said about Cal… I mean CCC, Bradshaw, Reeves, Ugo, their “posse”, the athletics director, the president, and even admissions who are only doing their job.

BTW, anyone who thought we were gonna start the season with 7 players is clueless. That’s like crying about having one commitment. We literally only have one so is crying about smart? That’s just like the people crying about Big Z getting eligible now.
I asked you who trashed the program, you replied with some shit about Cal.

So I'll ask again, who trashed the program?

Also, you're twisting words again. Nobody said we would have only 7 players at the start of the season, but in June, after most of the best portal players committed elsewhere, we only had 7 players and the options were very limited.

But, obviously you don't understand the difference between having good players and getting random dudes just to fill in the roster. If Reeves transfered and Mitchell never came to UK, Cal would have brought some other guys in, but if you think those players were going to be as high quality as AR and Mitchell, well, you haven't learned a damn thing.