And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars...

To me, the Other Side is the opposite of Life. What sparks Life? And when that spark goes away, where does it go? Does it go to a life yet to come? Maybe the Buddhists are right when it comes to reincarnation.

To put it another way, my parents had a combined lifespan of 132 years. Yet, death will hold sway for however long until the End of Days. Which state has more or death?

Ghost, I just try to filter out the obvious bullshit, apply the facts that I know, and use common sense and reason. This seems to help me stay out of trouble and be moderately successful in life.

My understanding is that the brain defines a person. It can be artificially manipulated by drugs or surgery to change our thoughts, memory, and personality. Despite reported pseudo-science, there has not yet been any evidence for a soul. Destroy the brain and the person goes with it.

That's all I know about it. Anything else would be wild, unfounded speculation, or in other words, just bullshit. And I have no use for that.
Ida, i was 1 paragraph in a response to Ghost's post, but i said f*** it and erased it.

I tried to sell my soul to Satan 20 yrs in return that no one else ever goes to Hell.

But i couldn't get a contract signed.
Willy, send me his e-mail. I need to discuss accommodations and see if there's anything I can do to get a few upgrades for when I arrive.
Thanks. I'll keep the light on for you and line up a few toothless skanks on your brimstone bed with small asses so your dick won't disappear when it goes in.
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Just wanted to clarify something if I may.

As I said before, and in many, many other religious posts over the years, I was raised in a Christian home. I RESPECT anyone who believes there is a god, that Jesus was his son, died for us, etc. I simply do not possess the ability to take things like this based on "faith" alone, but I know most believers do, and that's cool.

I try not to mock the believers because, while i reject what they believe, I can also respect them FOR believing, even if I find it incredibly far fetched. As another posted stated above: so many of us everywhere, and from all walks of life, fall into "absolute" category, and cannot, and most often will not, entertain the thought they, and their beliefs might be wrong.

This leads us to the inevitable: bickering, fighting among each other, and fanatics who want to destroy anyone who doesn't fall into line with what they believe is the truth. None of us know FOR SURE how the universe began, and science may never figure it out, bit that's OK, because science is the search for truth, so let them search. Let the believers believe; we should be capable of having a rational discussion about this topic, or for that matter any topic, without mocking those who believe differently than we do.

That said.....I read, several years ago, (can't recall where, and I'm not going to try to find it tonight. Been a long day, and then I had to come home and mow 3 acres.Sitting here eating "dinner" before hitting the sack), that there exists at least three accounts, PRIOR to Jesus' birth, of "virgin births". When I read things like that you can't help but wonder if THAT story wasn't borrowed by the people who wrote the account of Jesus.

I'm not a biblical scholar, and do not wish to be; what I have to go on is 18 years of probably hundreds of Baptist preachers' sermons.

I'll hang up and listen now, and try to finish this crappy "dinner".

Peace, WW.

Other Gods before Christ...

HORUS (Egypt 3000 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Born with a star in the east
-Adorned by 3 kings
-Teacher at age 12
-Baptized and began ministry at age 30
-Had 12 disciples
-Performed miracles
-Known as "The Lamb of God" and "The Light"
-Crucified upon his death
-Dead for 3 days

ATTIS (Greece 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Dead 3 days

KRISHNA (India 900 BC)
-Born of a virgin
-Born with a star in the east
-Performed miracles with his disciples

MITHRA (Persia 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-12 Disciples
-Performed miracles
-Dead for 3 days
-Known as "The Truth" and "The Light"
-Sunday was the day of worship
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Other Gods before Christ...

HORUS (Egypt 3000 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Born with a star in the east
-Adorned by 3 kings
-Teacher at age 12
-Baptized and began ministry at age 30
-Had 12 disciples
-Performed miracles
-Known as "The Lamb of God" and "The Light"
-Crucified upon his death
-Dead for 3 days

ATTIS (Greece 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Dead 3 days

KRISHNA (India 900 BC)
-Born of a virgin
-Born with a star in the east
-Performed miracles with his disciples

MITHRA (Persia 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-12 Disciples
-Performed miracles
-Dead for 3 days
-Known as "The Truth" and "The Light"
-Sunday was the day of worship

It would probably freak you out to learn that all those 'gods' are the same guy and he's in the Old Testament. He's the first anti-christ, Nimrod the king of Babylon. When God confused the languages at the tower of Babel all these new civilizations were formed by those who spoke the same languages and they were all describing their king, Nimrod, in their new tongues.
Other Gods before Christ...

HORUS (Egypt 3000 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Born with a star in the east
-Adorned by 3 kings
-Teacher at age 12
-Baptized and began ministry at age 30
-Had 12 disciples
-Performed miracles
-Known as "The Lamb of God" and "The Light"
-Crucified upon his death
-Dead for 3 days

ATTIS (Greece 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Dead 3 days


KRISHNA (India 900 BC)
-Born of a virgin
-Born with a star in the east
-Performed miracles with his disciples

MITHRA (Persia 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-12 Disciples
-Performed miracles
-Dead for 3 days
-Known as "The Truth" and "The Light"
-Sunday was the day of worship
Thank you sir, I knew there were several accounts of these other "gods"......BEFORE Jesus' time, contrary to what BB claims.
I never understood how people can (like the post earlier about the guy who said he believed in god bc they prayed and in return their family member no longer had an illness ) say God exists bc "well we prayed and this happened "

You think all the christians that are / have been executed / heads chopped off by isis etc in the Middle East weren't praying to stay alive ? Or the parents of children who die from cancer at age 7?
For every "hey I prayed and this positive thing happened " there is the exact opposite- "I prayed for this and this And nothing happened "
I never understood how people can (like the post earlier about the guy who said he believed in god bc they prayed and in return their family member no longer had an illness ) say God exists bc "well we prayed and this happened "

You think all the christians that are / have been executed / heads chopped off by isis etc in the Middle East weren't praying to stay alive ? Or the parents of children who die from cancer at age 7?
For every "hey I prayed and this positive thing happened " there is the exact opposite- "I prayed for this and this And nothing happened "

They still get eternal life, that's a pretty good reward in the end.
So what happens if you are happily married for many years and your spouse dies. They supposedly go to heaven, you are fairly young so you fall in love again and remarry. What happens when you and your new spouse die and supposedly go to heaven? Do you get both wives? Your spouse was waiting on you, does she move on and date other angels? How's this work?
They still get eternal life, that's a pretty good reward in the end.

Don't dodge the question.

Why is it when something good happens , it's bc they prayed to God and god granted them a miracle, but if someone prays and the bad thing still happens , or their kid still dies or their house still gets crushed by a tornado ... it's "well god has a plan !"

Or when people say it's because of prayer and God that they "got this incredible job!" So god is gonna help some random person get a job but just kinda ignore the genocide , raping , killing etc that is going on somewhere at the same exact time ?

Ehh idk.
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I never understood how people can (like the post earlier about the guy who said he believed in god bc they prayed and in return their family member no longer had an illness ) say God exists bc "well we prayed and this happened "

You think all the christians that are / have been executed / heads chopped off by isis etc in the Middle East weren't praying to stay alive ? Or the parents of children who die from cancer at age 7?
For every "hey I prayed and this positive thing happened " there is the exact opposite- "I prayed for this and this And nothing happened "

Used to work with a guy whose uncle had cancer and was expected to die. He said that his mom and her sisters held prayer several nights a week for several weeks praying for their brother to be healed. He said his uncle died pretty much around the time his doctors said he would, but then his sisters chalked it up to "God's will". I've never been a believer in "God's will"....but instead I'm a believer in "shit happens". I've seen bad/horrific things happen to so many good people. I've seen those same things happen to bad people. I've seen good things happen for good people, and I've seen good things happen for bad people. everyone....
Used to work with a guy whose uncle had cancer and was expected to die. He said that his mom and her sisters held prayer several nights a week for several weeks praying for their brother to be healed. He said his uncle died pretty much around the time his doctors said he would, but then his sisters chalked it up to "God's will". I've never been a believer in "God's will"....but instead I'm a believer in "shit happens". I've seen bad/horrific things happen to so many good people. I've seen those same things happen to bad people. I've seen good things happen for good people, and I've seen good things happen for bad people. everyone....

Well said
So what happens if you are happily married for many years and your spouse dies. They supposedly go to heaven, you are fairly young so you fall in love again and remarry. What happens when you and your new spouse die and supposedly go to heaven?
Heavenly cat fight, of course.
Can we just bring pat Garrett back to life and kill brushy bill and his amazing ability to troll an entire board.
Stephen Hawking says, "heaven is a fairy story for those afraid of the dark." Just another bedtime story unfortunately.
Other Gods before Christ...

HORUS (Egypt 3000 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Born with a star in the east
-Adorned by 3 kings
-Teacher at age 12
-Baptized and began ministry at age 30
-Had 12 disciples
-Performed miracles
-Known as "The Lamb of God" and "The Light"
-Crucified upon his death
-Dead for 3 days

ATTIS (Greece 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Dead 3 days

KRISHNA (India 900 BC)
-Born of a virgin
-Born with a star in the east
-Performed miracles with his disciples

MITHRA (Persia 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-12 Disciples
-Performed miracles
-Dead for 3 days
-Known as "The Truth" and "The Light"
-Sunday was the day of worship

These must not have been very convincing, compared to the claims/circumstances of Jesus.
@Brushy Bill have you not learned that the Paddock is not a place to have a conversation related to Christianity? The only responses you will get are those who mock and/or joke.
I hear you can meet up at the crossroads of 61 & 49 in Clarksdale, Mississippi, but be sure to bring a guitar. After living in Mississippi for a while, I could understand why he inhabits the area, or maybe I am thinking of my ex-wife, who lives there.

Ida, i was 1 paragraph in a response to Ghost's post, but i said f*** it and erased it.

I tried to sell my soul to Satan 20 yrs in return that no one else ever goes to Hell.

But i couldn't get a contract signed.
They still get eternal life, that's a pretty good reward in the end.

I think this is key. Most people view this life as all there is, but if you view things against the backdrop of eternity, it changes a lot. The Bible clearly teaches us to expect hardship, pain, etc in this life. It's almost like a staging area or dress rehearsal for the big show.
How's this for another sign?

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.
I wouldn't do take it if I were you, just sayin'.
Pffft, John clearly specified the right hand -- as you can see from the picture, they're putting it in the dude's left arm...

Other Gods before Christ...

HORUS (Egypt 3000 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Born with a star in the east
-Adorned by 3 kings
-Teacher at age 12
-Baptized and began ministry at age 30
-Had 12 disciples
-Performed miracles
-Known as "The Lamb of God" and "The Light"
-Crucified upon his death
-Dead for 3 days

ATTIS (Greece 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-Dead 3 days

KRISHNA (India 900 BC)
-Born of a virgin
-Born with a star in the east
-Performed miracles with his disciples

MITHRA (Persia 1200 BC)
-Born of a virgin on Dec. 25th
-12 Disciples
-Performed miracles
-Dead for 3 days
-Known as "The Truth" and "The Light"
-Sunday was the day of worship
Used to work with a guy whose uncle had cancer and was expected to die. He said that his mom and her sisters held prayer several nights a week for several weeks praying for their brother to be healed. He said his uncle died pretty much around the time his doctors said he would, but then his sisters chalked it up to "God's will". I've never been a believer in "God's will"....but instead I'm a believer in "shit happens". I've seen bad/horrific things happen to so many good people. I've seen those same things happen to bad people. I've seen good things happen for good people, and I've seen good things happen for bad people. everyone....

The Bible actually agrees with you.

Matthew 5:45King James Version (KJV)
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Used to work with a guy whose uncle had cancer and was expected to die. He said that his mom and her sisters held prayer several nights a week for several weeks praying for their brother to be healed. He said his uncle died pretty much around the time his doctors said he would, but then his sisters chalked it up to "God's will". I've never been a believer in "God's will"....but instead I'm a believer in "shit happens". I've seen bad/horrific things happen to so many good people. I've seen those same things happen to bad people. I've seen good things happen for good people, and I've seen good things happen for bad people. everyone....

The Bible actually agrees with you.

Matthew 5:45King James Version (KJV)
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

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