5 Goose eggs … hard to believe !!

It was a great team win, Onyenso and Thiero established themselves early and let UT know points in the paint would be earned not given.


I see what you did there….
Yes. Ugo needs stronger hands, for sure, but I would to see him go up strong with under out basket. He’ll score or get fouled …
For sure. He had 2 plays where he could of gone straight up and would of scored but eh panicked and threw the ball back out
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It was a great team win, Onyenso and Thiero established themselves early and let UT know points in the paint would be earned not given.
This we only gave up two or three bad dunks. Loved the defensive effort today.

UT also had a couple of good looks not go down for them. That’s part of it. Sometimes you’ll take a bit of luck too.