I don't usually do this, because my thoughts and two dollars will get you a cup of coffee. That's about all their worth. But I was sitting around tonight with some rare down time, and I had these thoughts. I'm telling my age, but I compare this team right now more to the Pitino teams once he started drafting instead of recruiting. They would blow the lights out of the scoreboard, and he wouldn't bring anybody in that couldn't shoot. They played at that fast pace, and they scored in waves. This defense isn't nearly as good as what he had, but the offensive comparison is there. I've also got one more. This team is kind of like the Washington Huskies football team. The offense is good enough to beat just about anybody in the country, but they are going to have to be improved on the defensive side to beat the best teams. The defense doesn't have to be great because the offense is high flying. It just needs to be good enough.