imo, this is cal’s defensive problem (long)

it’s been going on for years now. there’s no curing it because it’s very obviously purposefully by design or from a lack thereof.

if any of you played middle school basketball, let alone high school or college, you know that inevitably your team’s practice (after drills and/or scrimmaging) ended up slowing down to show how basic rotations work on defense, whether zone or man.

your coach stopped the ball and said, “if the ball goes in the post” this perimeter player will dig, this post player will close the opposite passing lane. this guy guarding the post will play off this shoulder (or that) and force the post player to go this way or that way and everyone else will rotate accordingly…” etc.

so we don’t see this extremely basic approach play out with cal’s teams, unless he has groups of elite defenders on the same team (like having mkg and davis for instance). we’ll have 2-3 guys chase the ball, 2-3 guys go for a block, 2-3 guys be lost with regularity.

this is not an all effort thing either. in fact our guys are now at least fighting over screens, and getting slightly better at closing out on shooters (ok, i’m being nice). point is, this is basic coaching. it’s like a shortstop not backing up a 3rd baseman going for a stab in the hole. it’s elementary. our guys don’t stay home, and when they do rotate, other players don’t pick up for rotator. meaning 1 screen and 1-2 passes gets you an open shot or layup. we go after the ball like it’s gold, only to see a simple reversal or offensive rebound render the whole defensive possession fruitless.

tonight, when the ball went to the post (any of the forwards for the zags) with thiero on them, you didn’t just assume they’d score. in fact you knew they’d probably miss. problem is you knew they’d be all alone on the opposite side of the rim for an easy put back. why? sure we were out toughed many of those instance, or were just beat by a good move, and even had some unlucky bounces. most of the time, however, there was just no one there. why?

this is not just something a decent coach would allow possession after possession, game after game, year after year. it’s simple fundamentals. you can’t just say switch everything and hope for the best. our guys are no even putting themselves in position to help. it’s one thing to get beat at the point of attack, it’s quite another to have a player run himself out of the play entirely. this is an ever occurring fundamental failure, and it seems no one can get cal to change it.

if you’re going to get beat off the dribble because you’re not quick, fine. that’s usually assumed and when the game of rotation starts. but if you’re not going to help defend, box out, know when to stay at home or when to hedge, your man-to-man is weak and you’re probably using up energy with no better results than what a 2-3 zone would allow. we hurt our chances to win with this style of man-to-man defense. we don’t really have a help defense, just the hope that we may get a block or a steal by taking an unnecessary risk.

After this season cal will be finished in lexington

There was very little good will toward cal last season when he considered leaving. This season there is no good will at all. People who I know that have regularly talked to cal now they don’t care too. There’s a chance he’s back next year but it’s over for him. People being nice to him in public, people even giving a crap it’s over. He’s gonna sit on and make sure the program can’t be brought back. Cal wants to be known as the last successful coach at UK he doesn’t want anyone to come in and upstage him. But it doesn’t matter. Watch what we get the next year or two. No March experience cal doing what he wants while he’s paid what many of us won’t make in a lifetime. The time for reckoning with cal came and went. He’s a failure who has pulled our program in the abyss. It’s what it is. Over for UK basketball living to blue blood status for the foreseeable future and we are gonna just have to deal with the clown that ruined 100 years of tradition. For UK basketball yes the sky is falling. We are in far worst shape as a program than anytime the last 100 years give or take. It’s gonna take a total overhaul and a completely new system. Not to mention now when you turn uk into a turd of a program the last 5 years it will be difficult to find the right guy to fix it. The luster of the job cal has completely ruined it. We are a middling SEC program now after dominating the conference for the ages. Cal did that. And on top of all of it many are dumbfounded how Barney still has a job. That guy has dirt on someone that’s all that makes sense. Thanks cal!!!

I'm shocked that some of you expected a different result.

Any of you who thought this freshman class was going to be different just dont want to accept that the game has changed. I was mocked for saying that we will end up the same as it ever was and be one year later in the removal of Cal. I would rather losing those fabulous frosh....LOL.....and built a team with a new team and new coach, Reid would have been here REGARDLESS.

Cal coaching, poor defense and 21' of suck in the paint is a disastrous combination.

Give me Pitino anyday

All you hollier than though guys can suck it. I want a Coach that actually knows the game, studies the game, can play under different scenarios and win. If he has an ego, so be it. With all Pitinos shortcomings, you never left Rupp feeling sick that the team didn’t played to the best of its ability with the players on the team being in the game and on the floor when it counted. That has never been the case with Cal. That’s my vent.

Three Best Scorers, Reed, Reeves and Dilly Played Only 1.5 minutes Together First Half.

Why would Cal play our 3 best scorers together only a combined 1.5 minute's together the first half. Coach Cal is the most moronic coach in the history of college basketball. When is enough enough and Mitch Barnhart finally has the guts and the balls to fire 🔥 Coach Cal. I am beside myself with anger and dismay.

Too much depth

Is too much depth such a thing? We have too many players that are needing to develop this season but with inconsistent lineup combos no one is showing any progress or consistency . I had hopes that this team could be like the Julius Randle team or the Brandon Knight squad and show some growth towards the end of the season. This team though has shown zero progress. If we played UNCW again at the end of the season, there's a good chance we lose again.
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So much subbing (which Cal said he didn’t in postgame)

Playing bad combinations all game

Where was Rob? (Said in postgame he didn’t want to put him in cause we were playing so well)

Drawing up a lob play to tie (when guards had driven to hole all second half)

Getting destroyed by simplest play in basketball all game with no adjustments

Just unreal coaching malpractice.

Honest question

As I understand the particulars of Cal's contract, $33,375,000 is what we would owe if we "fire" him not for cause. What if the university immediately came out and said that he would not be renewed in any capacity following the 2029 season and that UK would prefer he convert to the "Special AD Assistant on 29 June 2024, which is an option per his contract?
