It’s always so predictable.

Any movie that doesn’t portray conservatives badly is a zero. But if a movie is filled with gays and blacks or has some female lead with one of those combos then it’s “OMG! 100% perfect score! See how virtuous I am?”

Go look at the difference in critic scores of the Star Wars stuff like Last Jedi or Acolyte. 😂

Last Jedi: Critics 91%, audience 41%

D’Souza’s Death of a Nation: Critics 0%, Audience 88%

Acolyte: Critics 79%, Audience 18%

Ghostbusters 2016: Critics 74%, Audience 49%

Soul Surfer (Christian movie about Bethany Hamilton): Critics 45%, Audience 75%

The Star (animated talking animal movie about the animal leading Joseph and Mary to give birth to Jesus- national release) Critics 44%, Audience 70%

I could do this with so many films. If it’s “woke” and ideologically driven that aligns with the dogma of the left wing critics then it’s “awesome.” If it’s anything short of that with the slightest humanization of someone different than them then it’s terrible to critics.
Even stuff like House of The Dragon... You can tell how good an episode will be by looking at who wrote it and who directed it. Certain people on that show just can't keep their politics out the show and their episodes suck. I've had to quit listening to director commentary post show because it makes a bad episode even worse. ASOIAF is actually a left leaning world view by a guy that is a very liberal guy... but it's not far enough for some people so they just shove scenes down your throat to make sure "you get it" . LOL.
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The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

This... Ukraine has been pressuring NATO to do more to help. They want to attack further into Russia and hit more sensitive targets... with us doing the targeting and supplying the missiles. It's getting harder and harder to say we aren't involved in this war.
