Odds on the first coach that gets fired

The good thing about being UK is that losing to us is a death nail for coaches on the hot seat. We could get 2 coaches fired and might put one on the hot seat.... Kiffin to UF is picking up steam online so week 3 could be wild.
I think Kiffen at UF would kill it, so I hope that doesn't happen.

The Jet Sweep pass/run plays

UK had 24 rush attempts...5 of which were WR sweep plays. I'd argue 2-3 more were those flip plays to WR coming in motino that counts as a pass attempt.

I think those are setting up plays later in game....but I'm fine with 10% of our plays designed to get Barion/Maclin the ball in open side of field to see if they can outrun and make a gain with their feet.

Again, as stated earlier...why Coen would not do this more last year vs. the fade balls that never were caught is beyond me.
Screw Coen. Wasted another year because of Stoops’ stubbornness.
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Awful ways to die

About 12 years ago, one of my best friends developed ALS. Less than a year later, he was dead. Watching him slowly (or quickly, depending on how you look at it) deteriorate from using a cane to a walker to a wheel chair to being bed ridden and being barely able to speak and move his eyes was gut wrenching. At the end, he couldn't do anything but move his eyes. I can't imagine the horror of knowing your body was continuing to shut down, day by day, piece by piece and function by function.
I’d go see Dr Smith & Wesson a month or two into the diagnosis.
