I say lucky because he could never win a national election and was therefore of little political value other than what he provided. No other gop presidential candidate needed to connect with the religious right so he really only held value for one person.

Yes but that isn't always a bad thing. Thought provoking and providing platforms are interesting. Making Hitler anything other than a heinous evil being is much beyond that imo. That goes beyond controversy and hurts his credibility with the casual viewer.
"was therefore of little political value other than what he provided." How does that make him lucky? Seems he provided exactly what was wanted of him.

TC has always tried walking on the edge of saying what he could get by with w/o causing high backlash - causing his employer problems - vs. what you tell was really underneath but couldn't say. I watched his old program a few times & I realized he was too kooky for me. Intelligent? Yes. Smart? Not so much.


You and the others on here lump together everyone who is not a Trump fan as "leftists" or whatever nonsense. The people who will decide this election are those who see this as a choice between two flawed candidates.

Anyway, one reason I can't in good conscious vote for Harris is her extreme anti-business position. She paraded around with union groups on Monday and repeatedly endorsed the "Pro Act" which is the most pro-union (and anti-business) piece of legislation imaginable.

Each election....both candidates are flawed in some fashion. Every one. However, in this one, we already have a balance sheet of what one candidate did for our country vs. what is taking place now.

On this thread, the anti-Trumpers are pretty much leftists, although perhaps not as extreme as those you see on TV and in the media. It is hardly nonsense.

Anyway...I appreciate your last paragraph of honesty.
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Agree other than I don't know that he was lucky to get as far as he did because of how maligned he's been for doing his job Jan. 6, 2021. Good, honest man. At least Indiana appreciated that.

I say lucky because he could never win a national election and was therefore of little political value other than what he provided. No other gop presidential candidate needed to connect with the religious right so he really only held value for one person.

Way out there has been my take on TC for a long time.

Yes but that isn't always a bad thing. Thought provoking and providing platforms are interesting. Making Hitler anything other than a heinous evil being is much beyond that imo. That goes beyond controversy and hurts his credibility with the casual viewer.


Thanks. I for one had the impression that the Trump organization itself is huge.

However, would it be more correct to think they contract out most of the day-to-day, or construction work?

If even that. The craziest thing about the liberal NPC machine turning against trump - trump used to be a literal case study for anyone negotiating or going into property/property law/transaction law. His book the art of the deal was literally assigned reading when i was in law school.

Trump made or makes money by 1) taking over existing distressed but historically great properties and revamping them 2) finding a great location and hiring a contractor to build an incredible property 3) adding his name to an ongoing build to increase presales and prices.

In every single situation or project he has these things in common 1) financing was always using someone else's money. He never risked anything. That meant he got less of a cut but everything was always pure profit with zero risk. 2) turning the management of the finished project over to someone else. That meant every bit of work hed ever do was all front loaded. When it was built he would hire a property management company for a cut of rents and he was off to the next deal. 3) massively cutting costs through negotiating down costs of everything and negotiating up the revenue coming in.

Its pretty incredible and thats just the basics but his business model was ingenious. Was basically him and a super small team that spent other people's money and made everyone rich while he incurred no risk other than to his brand. Once his brand reached a certain level, he could charge a piece of the total project just to add his name. Thats why adding a financial value to his name has literal basis in fact.


So over 200 former Trump staffers and his former VP are endorsing Harris over Trump but they are the problem.... Not Trump?
Ok Culty C. Culter. 😂
False. It says 200 former staffers of past Republican presidential nominees...not 200 of Trump's staffers. Did they put their names to it or is this just one of those "confidential" resources?

Do you even try to hide lies or just think nobody will notice?


Has Dion, Sam, Dore, or Dread listed and analyzed Kamala's policies/platform yet? Or is it simply TDS 24/7?
You and the others on here lump together everyone who is not a Trump fan as "leftists" or whatever nonsense. The people who will decide this election are those who see this as a choice between two flawed candidates.

Anyway, one reason I can't in good conscious vote for Harris is her extreme anti-business position. She paraded around with union groups on Monday and repeatedly endorsed the "Pro Act" which is the most pro-union (and anti-business) piece of legislation imaginable.


Pence reminds me of kasich.
Shows you how 'rock solid' conservative that whole group of 'conservative' Repubs were back in the 90s when Newt and the rest of them would do their speeches on C-Span in the empty chamber at night. While it worked to get Rs elected to Congress...time has shown that weren't/aren't 'conservative' Republicans.

Pence, Kasich, Asa Hutchison....and probably more. Would throw McCain in with this group as well, but he was in the Senate.


Some are so TDS enraged, they simply will not look at the policies affecting this country, and that is the only reason they are voting for Kamala.....who has done nothing but put this country in peril from day one. Fine...if your hatred is such that you are willing to sacrifice the good of the nation because of your ill will towards Trump, then have at it.

Slightly OT: Why Is Winning Not Important In College Coaching Contracts?

It’s real easy to say “well, I’d only give 1-2 year extensions”…

It’s not a normal workforce. If a salesman under performs, there’s hundreds of thousands eager to replace him. How many football coaches are there that have experience and can win consistently high level programs? Maybe 30-40 at any given time.

Plus, all these guys talk. The first university to not give you a nice buyout and only offer a few years, welp, now you’ve got a rep for being cheap. Say goodbye to any chance at an in demand guy. Literally what UK is doing right now with Stoops is establishing that we will pay top dollar and we will give you a favorable contract and we will give you a real chance.

It’s like a QB in the NFL. You don’t know if he’ll be the guy, but you know you cannot win without a guy, so all the leverage goes to them.

That being said I think salaries may go down in the next decade or so, seeing as now that you can pay players, maybe a top level coach isn’t as valuable as it used to be.
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