Slightly OT: Why Is Winning Not Important In College Coaching Contracts?

I can agree to that to a point. Cal and now Dabo are perfect examples. Cal wasn't the same as when hired him. Yet if Mitch had decided it's time we owed him a ton of money.

Imagine if Dabo says, "Screw it. I'm not changing, you can't make me!" and holds Clemson basically ransom and going for the record he did last season. That's obviously not what Clemson wants to pay him to do.

It's just interesting to me it's soooo much different from any other job on the planet. I mean, even PLAYERS of pro sports don't get that much of a guarantee. if they stop producing, they are traded or sent packing. Imagine a sales manger who's not living up to expectations sitting in his office going, "Whelp, you can fire me but you owe me millions! Until then, kiss my ass!" I wouldn't fly.

It happens in industries where there is a limited talent pool and corporations have to fight over the top talents. CEOs for example have similar situations as coaches with buyouts etc, same for bank presidents. Basically in those jobs getting the right candidate can make that company/universities hundreds of millions of dollars so they have to put in very employee friendly contracts to get them.


Some good stuff from Trump. He answers more questions in a day than Biden or Harris would answer in 2 years.

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"Oh, No, Trump said we need more religion, He gon force errbody to go to church n put ya in a concentration camp if'n ya don't, he said it."

That's going to be the new rallying cry for the lefties.


Whats this tucker deal with what appears to be an attempt to absolve hitler of his evil that lead to ww 2?

I didn't watch his interview but saw several of the points made. They basically boil down to - ya hitler was exterminating jews and putting them in camps but England was the aggressor who instigated the war.

Ok and?

I love tucker and love having controversial people on that have no voice but man....this is way out there. Plus its one thing if you just let people talk but quite another to put your stamp of approval on everything they say.

A bridge much too far imo and hurts his credibility to reach moderate folks who might be open to legit conversations about politics in our nation.
Way out there has been my take on TC for a long time.

We Are A Bad Match Up for South Carolina

He does against USC!

Through last year he’s averaging 6.63 wins per year at Kentucky. Now mind you there are 3 to 4 Patsys on your schedule each year. Let that sink in. Yet he is considered an extremely good coach and your fans are afraid he will leave. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Edit: why do I feel like JD Vance spouting facts at Dana Bash?


Pence definitely does not know trump. You can guarantee they were never friends nor spent any time together that wasnt solely for a photo op. They have literally zero in common and cant be more different.

Pence reminds me of kasich. Someone who did a good enough job as a governor and got disappointed when he couldn't parlay that into national success like he wanted. Pence was always completely unelectable because of his allowing personal religion to vastly influence his political decisions. He was fortunate to make it as far as he did and wouldn't have but for the need to shore up the religious right vote.
Agree other than I don't know that he was lucky to get as far as he did because of how maligned he's been for doing his job Jan. 6, 2021. Good, honest man. At least Indiana appreciated that.

Farm work

Cutting it not as bad as stripping it!
Stripping tobacco was the easiest part of the whole process.

I'm a tall guy and hated cutting. I'd usually only cut a day or two before spending the rest of that season in a barn housing. I mostly worked the wagon/ground where my height was an advantage.

Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

Short answer, of course not. But their schedule is a damn breeze, AGAIN. But we will beat them AGAIN so they can be ranked whatever they want we are miles ahead of their program.

VA Tech was considered a dark horse to win their conference yet they lost to VANDY 🤣

Our schedule they go 6-6 this year


Terribly off-base and ignorant, and I don't know what specifically you are referring to, but it likely hearkens back to Patton's "we fought the wron enemy" sentiment.

The enemy was/is socialism, be it nacional (fascist) or international (communist). Both are equally vile and pernicious, completely antithetical and incompatible with our foundational American values premised on freedom, i.e. free-enterprise capitalism.
Knowing Tucker I’m guessing there’s probably a lot more to it if you listen to the whole interview and those were just chosen quotes to make him look bad. The guy seems about as sensible as they come, so I can’t imagine he’d come out and say “Hitler wasn’t wrong” while a the same time being all for Israel fighting Hamas.


Except I've watched several podcast with him and he's said he's a physicist and mathematician.... Never mentioned economist. He did say he was a bad guitar player though... Got it?
Mathematicians often make good economists, formally trained in the subject or not. Does he deny he's an economist? Does look like it:

"Eric Weinstein is a Mathematician, Economist, and a frequent public speaker on a variety of subjects within the sciences. Currently, he is Managing Director of Thiel Capital "

"Eric Ross Weinstein (/ˈwaɪnstaɪn/; born October 26, 1965)[2] is an American investor and financial executive."

"Eric Weinstein is an American mathematician and economist. He earned his Ph.D in mathematical physics from Harvard University in 1992, is a research fellow at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University,"


Companies finally listening to their shareholders and realizing that alienating half your customer base is not good for the bottom line.

New MLB proposal?

I've read in a couple different places the past week about MLB wanting to REQUIRE teams to keep their SP in the game 6 innings, unless they have already gone over 100 pitches or given up 4 ER (or I assume get injured). And I do think that could reduce injuries. Why? Because starting pitchers, knowing they aren't going to be in there for long are going 100% like RPs but throwing twice as many pitches as an RP. Whereas when guys would throw complete games, maybe they were only going at 90-95% wanting to finish what they started. I also think another reason is all of the new pitches, cutters, etc... being thrown putting more pressure on the elbow.

However, rather than creating a requirement of teams to keep their SP in for 6 innings, what do you think of this solution?
- Both leagues now have the DH. The DH is a surrogate at the plate for the pitcher, a stunt double. But he is often one of the better (say top 5-6) hitters on the team. Why not instead make that when you substitute out your SP, you are also substituting out his lineup surrogate (the DH). So, it would be more of an incentive to keep your SP in longer, than a requirement to do so.
- I would limit it to when you replace your SP, because if you do it after every pitching change, you might run out of players to DH (without having pitchers start DH'ing).


Pence knows Trump. Trump tried to get him beat up and he had to run from Trump's goons at the Capitol.
But y'all love violence so not surprised you would attack the victim of Trump's insurrection attempt.
I bet you have a Hamas cosplay picnic cloth on your head right now.

I said for months UK had no chance for Darryn Peterson

But I can't imagine living my whole life that way, as basically a merc.

That’s kind of a weird way to describe it imo. I understand sports and fandom but it’s not that different from any other job that 99% of us do. If you had two companies wanting you to be an accountant you’d typically go with the one that paid the most if it was significant. If it was close then you’d probably go for other factors but if one wanted to pay you 30% more it’s going to be difficult to say no.
