Slightly OT: Why Is Winning Not Important In College Coaching Contracts?

Dabo was amazing a while back with 2 titles. He isnt adapting (like cal) and man does that 60 million sting.

It's always more beneficial for the coach OP.

Pope even got a nice buyout. He gets an extension for making a sweet 16, which is comical at UK.

This. Dabo didn't get some insane contract without doing jack shit. Same with Cal. Programs see success like those two have had, and they try to lock them down. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody could predict that both Dabo and Cal would stop producing, and become shells of their former selves.


There is no exception for rape in Ky so it is the law here.
And you must have not finished reading the article...
"it's unlikely Ashley would have been able to get an abortion in Mississippi; with heavy restrictions in effect and the high penalties on physicians who violate the abortion ban, it is unlikely she would have found a doctor willing to perform a procedure."
It says right in the story there is an exception for rape in the Mississippi law Sam. Who says it was unlikely? The reporter with an axe to grind?


How utterly sad and pathetic. I never imagined we'd have such a weak character running for office that she'd slink away like this. Feel so sorry for her and anyone that ever told her she should run for office, but at the same time, she made the final decision to run on the kneepads and class president platform. Frickin sad af
Biden has ignored reporters for going on 4 years. Walz ignored a point blank question about the murdered hostages while stuffing his face with ice cream or something. Kamala is now trying or run a campaign with answering no questions. It's almost like they don't think they need American's votes or approval.

*** Official CatsIllustrated Stupid Underdog Pick Contest - Week 2 ***

*** I found it. My code didn't pick up "Southern Ca;" as being "USC". I didn't see that it didn't find your pick. MY code spits out a lot of warnings when it can't find a pick or someone makes a second pick, etc but I didn't see it when I manually looked through everything. People post a lot of things that aren't picks so by file gets a bit cluttered and my vision isn't as good as it used to be. It should be correct now. How you alerted me is the way you should do it. I try to make things right and fun. At the beginning of the year, there are a lot of things that are exceptions. One of my least favorite is the changing abbreviations for the teams. I had a ton of them this year, including "F" for "Furman" which my code would not accept no matter what I did. I finally went back in and changed the name to Furman. I'll probably have a few more of those things this week too.

So for those thinking of using "U" for Miami, I'll quote Biden, "Don't!" Might be single character names find a bug that I have.
You probably need to delete your post or it will have you picking Southern Cal again this week. Or you could edit it and put '***' in front of it. my program ignores everything after "***".


You MAGAs are the most gullible fools on the face of the planet.
You believe anything you see on these far right fake news sites... Most of which are put out by Russian bots.
Try checking legit news sources before going full blown Forrest Gump.
Trump and his Russian buddies are going all in on fake news to scare the ignorant right now.
^Accuses us of being gullible and believing what the media tells us, then claims far right media is ran by Russians who apparently have some vested interest in scaring us about letting tens of millions of unvetted foreigners in.

I mean wtf?! How does one unpack this much stupid and lack of self awareness?
i like turtles GIF


Says right there in the story, state law would have allowed for her to have an abortion. You should try reading your links sometimes instead of just the headline.
There is no exception for rape in Ky so it is the law here.
And you must have not finished reading the article...
"it's unlikely Ashley would have been able to get an abortion in Mississippi; with heavy restrictions in effect and the high penalties on physicians who violate the abortion ban, it is unlikely she would have found a doctor willing to perform a procedure."


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This is overwhelmingly the majority of white female Democrats. Dumb AF, low info, doesn’t even understand basic terms, no clue of what’s going on, but wants you dead.

In this video, she thinks Trump is a communist and that he started political division in 2015 and that she wished he would’ve been murdered and she hates to say it cause she doesn’t have any “hate in her heart.”

What a fkn psycho with absolutely no reason! Must have held a toke in 4min too long at some point after her 5th Starbucks soy latte...

THIS IDIOT IS JUST ONE REASON why people think we evolved from chimps. Hateful and hypocritical, programmed and illogical, so ignorant that even the professionally ignorant are embarrassed listening to her talk. She's a stepford wanker


If I say that X and Y are something, it's true that I've said that X is something. In the Charlottesville march, Trump said both sides (X and Y) had fine people. So, he said the White Nationalists had some very fine people.

The difference between that and your example of the Gold Star Families? You supplied the "AND Y" in the mocking of the Gold Star family. You are inventing the connection. You could have inserted anything at all because there is no link between Trump's behavior and "Gold Star Families" over Trump's behavior.

As for the reporter, he was to hold the reporter up for ridicule, he used a grotesque version of the disability to do it with.

Don't join in with him. He's a creep and a bully. A criminal. He organized the crowd to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power. And he purposefully took National Defense documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. How many times does he have to betray the country for it to sink in that he isn't just a buffoon? He's a gangster.
Not everyone interested in protecting the statues in Charlottesville was a white nationalist. Is sending pallets of cash to Iran, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment for the Taliban not betraying the country.? The disruption of peaceful transfer is not even worth the time. It’s a farce your ilk lovingly holds onto. All Presidents take documents. Joe Biden even took them from a time when he was Senator and VP. Illegally. Bill Clinton had them in his sock drawer.
