It's all over multiple. Here's one from April:

Q24. Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, do you think federal politicians should:
Work to enact nationwide laws that restrict access to abortion: 14%
Work to enact nationwide laws that ensure access to abortion: 49%
Leave laws on abortion entirely up to the states: 37%
No opinion: *
April 18-23, 2024

That's 63/37 for federal from the population at large. Here's another with 70% of women 18-49 supporting a federal law protecting. Add on whatever handful of percent favor a federal ban and you're really high up there. Sorry, MAGA in the minority again.

Write some legislation and pass it, then, crybaby commie boy.

Wah wah.

***** OFFICIAL Southern Miss Vs. Kentucky Game Thread ******

Dumbest thing I've about ever read.
I’m glad it doesn’t bother you. Their pink, yellow, green mouth pieces flapping I found annoying. Can you not have a mouth piece if you aren’t going to use it? What is the point? Let’s have this piece of rubber flapping around while I run routes and need elite focus


Wrong. Polling post-Dobbs shows majorities of both women and people at large prefer a federal law. Overwhelming majorities for birthing age women. It's the opposite of what you're saying, only a minority want it left to the states.

You keep making these statements, so why doesn't I show up in the legislative vote?

Seems as though if it was that much overwhelming support for over 50 years, maybe you clowns would have actually gotten a law passed that reflects the will of that overwhelming majority, you assclown.

I simply don't understand the lack of information regarding the game.

I was in the stadium, there was no update inside the stadium until 9:25. 1 hour and 40 minutes after the scheduled start of game. The WIFI in stadium sucks. No updates for us in stadium is pitiful. NO EXCUSE FOR THIS. The communication inside stadium has been horrendous for years. They gave scores for eight games the entire night. 50 - 60 games today and UK can only give scores for 8 games. This has been going on for years . I’m sorry but our stadium is a joke. And no one in our administration cares.


Dems doing everything they can to try to make abortion a focus point for the election. Never mind all of the other massive and pressing challenges facing our country.
And that's because that is all young female voters care about. Who cares if world War 3 starts or we turn into a 3rd world country. We want to screw around without consequences!


My simple question to anyone is this: How are you better off today than you were four years ago?

I'll answer it for myself. I am not. Everything costs more. My spending habits haven't changed either. It's not like I've started buying exuberant items. Just the normal stuff. My savings has dwindled down under this administration. Even with my wife deciding to work more as an OT we aren't making the money we did pre Biden Harris administration. Let me make it real simple for everyone, she's lying now. If she can fix everything in January she can do it now. She has no plans of doing it then. It's a lie because she thinks enough dumb voters will believe it. And I can speak for someone coming from the agricultural sector. $3.00 a bushel corn isn't paying anyone's bills. Again resulting in more middle class strain. Biden has nearly broke the middle class. A Harris administration will kill the middle class. So again I ask how are you better now than 4 years ago? Cause I am not.

Brother, I got a basically 50% raise 3 years ago, and I barely notice a difference day to day.

My habits haven't changed at all.

Despite the Village Idiot crowing about the DOW, money is tight for everyone I talk to.
