One loss Clemson

I know we lol at UF losing that game, but Miami is legit this year.
I think they are but as of now it is based on beating Florida which still has respect nationally when in reality they are not a good football team at the moment. Miami will be last years FSU out of the ACC as their schedule is really weak. At Louisville is likely their hardest game on the schedule.

Biggest game of the Stoops era?

What have you done for me lately? All that stuff seems like ancient history now. Where is the program going now? That goodwill is mostly gone at this point. Can this program take the next step?
It does say Stoops era…/

But regardless, I can’t see beating a bottom dweller usc team js all that big of a game.

We do need to win it…but we need a few more sec wins more this year to be biggest game of the season
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What is happening at Memphis?

Whoa. Nothing says stable environment than moves like this.

Their pictures all look like mugshots, and the dude in the middle is trying to be Malcolm X. Hey guys… it’s ok to smile!

Farm work

Grew up next to a farm. Next door neighbor owned a very large farm. Hay, tobacco, cows, horses, pigs, fruit, veggies, walnuts, the whole nine yards.

I helped several times growing up when they needed an extra hand. They had 5 kids but one was 3-4 years older than me and we hung out a lot during summers and after school.

I cannot even estimate how many acres they had, it was a lot, thousands I'm sure. They owned pretty much everything up there. My parents bought my childhood home from a family member of theirs.

What is happening at Memphis?

Whoa. Nothing says stable environment than moves like this.

Probably tired of that clown show and worried they will get robbed leaving work everyday.

Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

They have a good team and should do well with their schedule, they were ranked last year so I guess that helps. Not saying you but too many people get caught up in the rankings early in the season and it’s hard for anyone to know about most teams who play a bunch of scrubs. We’ll find out more about ours earlier than most on Sat but as of now my only concern about UL is at the end of Nov in Commonwealth.


radio report this morning said brown is leading in ohio. don’t know what their source was.
Barnes doesn't say the Pub is leading .. He said that historically there's very little ticket splitting in Senate races .. And Trump will win big in Ohio and carry Moreno across the line .. he said bet on it, as I mentioned


The Russians and other bad actors absolutely have a vested interest in inflaming racial tensions in America. It’s one of their primary methods of attack. It’s ludicrous to suggest otherwise.

So you admit letting in millions of illegals is going to inflame racial tension. Why?

And if that IS the case, why is the current administration allowing it?

Riddle me that one, Joker.
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