Pence definitely does not know trump. You can guarantee they were never friends nor spent any time together that wasnt solely for a photo op. They have literally zero in common and cant be more different.

Pence reminds me of kasich. Someone who did a good enough job as a governor and got disappointed when he couldn't parlay that into national success like he wanted. Pence was always completely unelectable because of his allowing personal religion to vastly influence his political decisions. He was fortunate to make it as far as he did and wouldn't have but for the need to shore up the religious right vote.
So over 200 former Trump staffers and his former VP are endorsing Harris over Trump but they are the problem.... Not Trump?
Ok Culty C. Culter. 😂
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Has anyone had the New Haven style pizza? I have not tried it.
Old guy here, made trip to see Jeter play in AA ball in New Haven, Albany Yanks (whatever they were called) v New Haven Ravens.
Knew of Jeter, believe Posada played that night but don't think he was a name at time. Anyway, hit up Pepe's and it was the truth. A shining light in a city that is a dump.

If you're in the area and get maxed out on pizza, recommend heading 15 minutes, maybe N Branford and just go north along the Long Island Sound. You can go town to town getting good lobster rolls.

There is a classic thin crust place in Stamford, CT called Colony Pizza. Incredible. Chris Dury, NHL player and Ranger GM and LLWS fame, went in with his LLWS buddy and they have the franchise rights to it. Highly recommend.
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Pence knows Trump. Trump tried to get him beat up and he had to run from Trump's goons at the Capitol.
But y'all love violence so not surprised you would attack the victim of Trump's insurrection attempt.

Pence definitely does not know trump. You can guarantee they were never friends nor spent any time together that wasnt solely for a photo op. They have literally zero in common and cant be more different.

Pence reminds me of kasich. Someone who did a good enough job as a governor and got disappointed when he couldn't parlay that into national success like he wanted. Pence was always completely unelectable because of his allowing personal religion to vastly influence his political decisions. He was fortunate to make it as far as he did and wouldn't have but for the need to shore up the religious right vote.


Trump's pro abortion now according to some of his latest interviews. But he's also against it in others. Waffle much?
I also love how he is gonna have the government use our tax dollars to fund IVF. Great use of taxpayer dollars don't ya think?
It only runs about 30k per procedure. 😂$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I see now why Trump's federal deficit was double Harris/Biden's.

"Depending on your needs, a single IVF cycle can cost $30,000 or more. More often, the total bill will fall somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000."

Sam thinks we are all in a cult yet still believes every single lie the left puts out 😂

The CBO’s projection for 2021, the last fiscal year of the Trump administration, forecast the federal debt to reach about $35.3 trillion by 2031, that is, over the next decade.

Today, 3½ years into the Biden administration, the latest estimates from the CBO project the debt will hit over $42.5 trillion by 2031.

January 2021 and June 2024 CBO forecast graph
The Congressional Budge Office forecasts an increase in debt.
In other words, the CBO now expects the debt to be $7.2 trillion higher than it had projected when Trump left office—all because of Biden’s reckless spending policies.


Uh oh...When do the Dems switch out Commie-la?
Nah… they just order more toner for the mail in ballot printer.

Direct tv issues

I use it because I have a receiver in another room. I have to stream through a firestick hooked up to the receiver and by doing that I can’t get the same picture that my TV gives and have use fire tv’s picture which is awful compared to my Samsung HDTV. My DTV box is connected thru a CAT5 in the wall that goes to the reciever so the picture is perfect. I’d have to tear up the walls again and run a HDMI cable from the TV to the receiver to get the good TV picture through streaming. May end up doing it as DTV is way too expensive. ($212).
That sounds like a lot. Why can’t you just connect a Roku box to your TV with an HDMI cord and watch YouTubeTV that way? Or if you have a smart TV, just hook it up to your wireless and get YouTubeTV?
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Two things are hard for me to believe about leftists: that they have the audacity to make such incoherent "arguments," and that they are suaded by them.

As a former exclusively dem voter, this inate and perpetual characteristic of their "argumentation" would have been enough to persuade me, never mind the anit-American and unAmerican nonsense, all the woke degeneracy and celebreation of deproudcitve values.


What a fkn psycho with absolutely no reason! Must have held a toke in 4min too long at some point after her 5th Starbucks soy latte...

THIS IDIOT IS JUST ONE REASON why people think we evolved from chimps. Hateful and hypocritical, programmed and illogical, so ignorant that even the professionally ignorant are embarrassed listening to her talk. She's a stepford wanker
This lady makes the exact same arguments that the leftists make on here. And some posters still want to "get along" with them.
