Here's a joke for ya

I guess college is different, but as a HS coach I didn't like running up the score. Those kids worked hard all week. A short story, we had already pulled starter and backups and score was 56-0 with less than a minute left in the first half and ball on 2 yard line. Not wanting to score, I tell my QB to fumble the snap, hoping other team re covered and if not we wouldn't score again. He does this, takes the snap turns and pitches the ball like a sweep or quick pitch only no one was expecting it, it goes 20 yards backward. I won't mention his name but everyone here knows him.
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^Accuses us of being gullible and believing what the media tells us, then claims far right media is ran by Russians who apparently have some vested interest in scaring us about letting tens of millions of unvetted foreigners in.

I mean wtf?! How does one unpack this much stupid and lack of self awareness?
i like turtles GIF
The Russians and other bad actors absolutely have a vested interest in inflaming racial tensions in America. It’s one of their primary methods of attack. It’s ludicrous to suggest otherwise.


Not everyone interested in protecting the statues in Charlottesville was a white nationalist. Is sending pallets of cash to Iran, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment for the Taliban not betraying the country.? The disruption of peaceful transfer is not even worth the time. It’s a farce your ilk lovingly holds onto. All Presidents take documents. Joe Biden even took them from a time when he was Senator and VP. Illegally. Bill Clinton had them in his sock drawer.
The criticism of W was almost as fierce as that directed at Trump. I can't remember where I was posting during the W years, but the pallets of missing money -- the existence of pallets of money -- was something I became something of a bore about. Now, Trump has claimed presidential immunity for stealing the royalties owed Eddy Grant. Let THAT sink in.

The Jan 6 "disruption" wasn't a prank. It was intended to cancel the certification by Congress. Your dismissal of its seriousness is bizarre. Think about the logic. Trump wanted to delay the count and then claim the delay made the count unconstitutional. It's just note-for-note the same melody as the joke about the guy who murders his parents and asks the judge for leniency because he's an orphan.

Had Trump promptly returned the documents when asked the issue would have ended. Easy Peasy. Biden and Pence opened their homes to investigators to search for any docs. But Trump delayed return and lied about the completeness. "The FBI planted the documents and I want them back." IIRC, all of the missing documents haven't been recovered. They are speculated to have been sent by Trump to New Jersey. Some speculations have it that Trump used his ex-wife's bizarre golf course burial plot as the hiding place. (When people call Trump weird, just remember that he buried his ex-wife in the middle of his golf course. That's beyond weird, folks.)


If I say that X and Y are something, it's true that I've said that X is something. In the Charlottesville march, Trump said both sides (X and Y) had fine people. So, he said the White Nationalists had some very fine people.

The difference between that and your example of the Gold Star Families? You supplied the "AND Y" in the mocking of the Gold Star family. You are inventing the connection. You could have inserted anything at all because there is no link between Trump's behavior and "Gold Star Families" over Trump's behavior.

As for the reporter, he was to hold the reporter up for ridicule, he used a grotesque version of the disability to do it with.

Don't join in with him. He's a creep and a bully. A criminal. He organized the crowd to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power. And he purposefully took National Defense documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. How many times does he have to betray the country for it to sink in that he isn't just a buffoon? He's a gangster.
False on both accounts. When Trump said both sides he was referring to the group of individuals who was there that day in support of the statues. What the left never took the time to understand was there wasn’t two sides but three. The protesting group who wanted the statues down, the group who wanted to preserve history and the statues (the group Trump was referring too) and the white nationalists who made their appearance known. The very same speech where the fine people on both sides came from also came the remarks of him denouncing white nationalist.

The reporter, trump was merely commenting on him backtracking on a story and not recalling all the details. In trumps version of the reporter acting flustered not recalling the details he flailed both of his arms. The MSM used a still of Trump with his arm in a similar position that the reporters arm was basically paralyzed into. The reporter could not move his right arm, Trump was flailing both arms. So if he was making fun of the reporters disability which is the inability to move his right arm, why was Trump flailing his arm around? Trump mimicked Ted Cruz in the exact same manner when talking of Cruz not recalling a position he had earlier taken.

The rest of your garbage post, is just that garbage!!!!


Biden has ignored reporters for going on 4 years. Walz ignored a point blank question about the murdered hostages while stuffing his face with ice cream or something. Kamala is now trying or run a campaign with answering no questions. It's almost like they don't think they need American's votes or approval.

Yeah, but Putz and Sniffy Joe are and always have beenbrazen and in your face with their disdain for people. Harris is just an out-of-her-depth, empty vessel that is scared as a rabbit. Biden hidin and Walz two steppin is calculated. She's a fk up
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Tounde Yessoufou cancelled his official visit to Tennessee

I bet the kid is just fatigued from visits at this point. He's been taking them all summer, and he has more on the horizon.

I'd actually be surprised if UK gets him on campus, considering he has visits to UConn and Kansas before us.

In addition to Baylor and the west coast programs he's already visited, that's quite a gauntlet to get through.
I hope he makes it here, I’d love to have him next year.

Biggest game of the Stoops era?

What have you done for me lately? All that stuff seems like ancient history now. Where is the program going now? That goodwill is mostly gone at this point. Can this program take the next step?
Georgia or Tennessee. Stoops needs to beat a good SEC team. Beating Texas would be interesting as it would set the tone for games with them in the future.
Ole Miss isn't enough.

I said for months UK had no chance for Darryn Peterson

Strange list to have for such a highly ranked player.
I’d have to say Kansas is the choice, I can see K state or USC pony up a huge NIL deal for him though. This is obviously about his biggest market or boosters. At least this appears to be the case from this list. Kansas is the best choice for his development and they paid a ton for Hunter so I can see them pony up for him too.
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