Because you fools are still trying to argue that what Trump did at Arlington is AOK because a family invited him there.
The invitation is irrelevant.
The behavior there is the point of contention. The Army Rebuked TRUMP.....not the family.
But you all no longer care about facts, truth, Arlington, the peaceful transfer of power or whether or not your Presidential nominee is a felon or liable for sexual assault. It is pathetic.
You're in a cult.
You're obsessed bud, over a manufactured crisis. You didn't care at all when Biden did it...bc you weren't told to be upset about it. Keep hanging on to it tho, bc it helps deflect on things like why Harris is suddenly not on board with bidenomics after assuring you bidenomics was awesome. I bet you haven't questioned that either yet have you....see, mission accomplished. Just the same as the "very concerned about lies" crowd doesn't seem to care that watch checker Joe lied about soldiers dying during his admin...mission accomplished again.

Or why an American citizen was assassinated by hamas, and the current admin is blaming....anyone but hamas. Or you believe he's "working tirelessly":

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I hear ya. I believe that most of us grow up not really understanding the issues. We just like one of the two candidates more based on personality. The first thing we learn in life is that authority figures are full of crap. Parents. Teachers. Bosses. Law enforcement. We see the world the way newspaper people do....always through the lens of the "victim." But as we get more experience we begin to understand the rules a little better and why they're in place because we see "victims" abusing the system. Suddenly mom, dad, your boss, the cops you know aren't so dumb any more. The light came on for me in my 30s. It comes on earlier for some and, unfortunately, never comes on for others.
They're still dumb. You just by that point have become one of them. Also dumb. So you identify more. You've had to live under the system and adapt to it, so you no longer have fresh eyes. It's corrupted you.

Awful ways to die

Swallowed by a python is pretty quick per my understanding. 1) Snake bites you. 2) Instantly squeezes you so hard your heart stops (or at the least pass out), and 3) Then swallows you. After step 2 you're out of it so you won't really know you're being swallowed.
Crocodile, shark, or bear would probably be more painful and a lot worse IMO.


Because you fools are still trying to argue that what Trump did at Arlington is AOK because a family invited him there.
The invitation is irrelevant.
The behavior there is the point of contention. The Army Rebuked TRUMP.....not the family.
But you all no longer care about facts, truth, Arlington, the peaceful transfer of power or whether or not your Presidential nominee is a felon or liable for sexual assault. It is pathetic.
You're in a cult.
