walking dead

Yep. I bet Darryl's a goner. Which is kinda stupid considering he may be the best character on there besides Michonne. But he's not in the comics and they've certainly started to feminize him. Wouldn't be surprised. Hate to see it and hope that he's stays on all the way through.
They don't have the balls to kill Daryl, imo.

If they did, TWD tv show would rival GoT for willingness to kill off major/beloved characters.

A corollary would be GoT killing Tyrion Lannister.
Here are your spoilers for the finale......proceed with caution:
Nobody in Rick's group dies. Morgan shows up. Neegan does not. The Wolves make an appearance.
I think Darryl is much to popular to kill off.....would be somewhat of a killer to their ratings.......
If any goes I think its Glen or his wife (I think she's one) and one of the other women.......the preacher is also sure to be a short timer after what he said about the group.....

Would they kill off the baby????? the hint was it would be a tear jerker
From TWD marathon Ive learned...

1)When the group arrives at Noahs gated community which has been attacked and ransacked, there is graffitti spray painted on a rock wall inside the community which reads " wolves not fair". There are no bullet holes in any of the buildings or bodies, only chopped up bodies and burnt structures. While Tyreese is laying there bit thinking hes listening to the radio, they announce reported groups attacking communities at night hacking victims with machetes and burning alive even young mothers and children. This is the first sighting of the walkers with the "W" marked on the forehead.

2) When the group is dragging a bitten Tyreese through the woods outside of Noahs gated community, they have to go through a cable fence that is wrapped around trees. This is the same kind of cable used to tie up the woman that darryl and Aarron find in the woods in the last episode.

3) Not sure how it matters yet but the gate to Noahs community was still locked from the inside because Glenn had to break the lock with a bat. Looks like whoever attacked the community blew up holes through the wall and entered that way.

4) The map that Morgan finds in the church in ATL shows the exact route that the group is using to get to DC so it is realistic that Morgan could be in Alexandria.
The last 25 minutes better be awesome, because the first 65 have been boring.
Was hoping Glenn would break that guys legs and left him there. Was looking for a semi-major character to die. Little disappointed with how it went down.
30 more minutes of walking dead with 25 more minutes of damn commercials!!!!!!! For Gods sake AMC, we GET IT there is also Mad men and freakin saul. And who gives 2 shits about 80 remake movies appearing in theaters 3-4 months from now. I bet there wasnt 20 minutes of actual show tonight. damn! rant over.

IMO, Great season finale. pefect amount of anticipation for next season.
So what point in the show was Norman referring to when he said there would be tears? Father Gaberial (sp) is still alive and that almost pisses me off.

I know they have a sense of security now but is there no one to worry about the fact Glen didn't show up to the meeting? Oh he must be down at the arcade playing games. Rick, Carol and Shasha have all gone nuts.
Originally posted by O-Ville_CAT_FAN:
Who else thought Daryl was gonna get gay in the car?
I did. I even thought Darryl would let the zombies watch.

This post was edited on 3/30 7:13 AM by Willy4UK
Originally posted by O-Ville_CAT_FAN:
Who else thought Daryl was gonna get gay in the car?
First thing that crossed my mind. I thought to myself, self, 15 million people are getting ready to see a double handjob on national television.

I don't get the tears flowing from Norman either. I was moderately happy during the whole thing.
Why are you guys watching commercials? For 1 hour shows, start 20 min late on the DVR. This isn't a novel idea.

I thought it was a very good episode but can't believe no major deaths. They could have easily killed off Gabriel or Sasha or the girl that has been injured for the past few episodes and they wouldn't have had much uproar.

I'm excited about next season AND the new series Fear the Walking Dead, which apparently starts in July or August. It starts off before the outbreak apparently.
I thought the finale was basically a extended preview. IMO....writers are coasting on past success
I don't think the finale sucked, but I think they should have done the Rick meeting earlier in the show. They could have fit the Morgan piece, Darryl's gay day, and Rick's meeting in the 1st hour easy. That leaves the last 30 to build drama with the Glenn ordeal and have some more movement on the Wolves to Alexandria.

But what do I know....I am no writer.
The Wolf dude looked like the wrestler "Edge"

My biggest shock of the night was finding out the actor that plays Morgan is British and has a strong accent.
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:

My biggest shock of the night was finding out the actor that plays Morgan is British and has a strong accent.
Never seen the movie snatch but I couldnt help but think of the movie "Book of Eli" when Morgan started politely whipping those 2 wolf asses.

Im wondering if Glenn is bit, he looked really pale.

Im thinking Maggie could still kill Gabrielle, even If she doesnt I think they are going to exile him from Alexandria for what he said about the group and for leaving the gate open.

Did Rick get all of the walkers that got through the gate or are there more roaming around?

Why do the Wolves keep trailers of walkers? Do they unleash them on communities as an assault tactic?

I thought the apology between Abraham and Eugene was kind of intertaining. Eugene is starting to kind of "grow" on me as a character.

Glad Michonne took up her sword again.
They need to just kill everyone in the town and keep it for themselves. There was a bunch of build up to potential death and then...meh.

Seriously tho...michonne needs to get banged
I dunno. I just dunno. How many enemy clans are they gonna battle before they do something more creative? This whole clash of the clan method week after week is getting old. This thing is so predictable. Let me guess. A few of the lead stars will die with the battle Wolves and they will recuperate and goofy Rick will give some speech to the remaining survivors to inspire new growth. Rick will still be alive, Carl will be a closer to his first menstrual cycle and lah dee dah da.

But wait! Just as they get comfortable, Negan comes into play. They fight. A few lead stars will die(won't give away the outcomes). But I think you know the pattern by now. Rinse and repeat.
Things I don't get:

They have travelled several hundred miles. Fought the gov. Survived canibals. Fought various other baddies. So, they know there are many evil doers out there, not to mention the walkers. So why the hell do they go outside the walls virtually unarmed?

When michonne and Maggie went out after the crazy black girl, they took almost no weapons. Come on!

Glenn follows the guy out into the woods. Why? And no weapons? Come on!

They have access to an arsenal of weapons but Darrell insists on only the crossbow. I mean that's fine for one or two silent kills but going against an unknown enemy? Come on!

And the gay guy only has a knife and a small revolver? Come on!
Originally posted by mdlUK.1:
Things I don't get:

They have travelled several hundred miles. Fought the gov. Survived canibals. Fought various other baddies. So, they know there are many evil doers out there, not to mention the walkers. So why the hell do they go outside the walls virtually unarmed?

When michonne and Maggie went out after the crazy black girl, they took almost no weapons. Come on!

Glenn follows the guy out into the woods. Why? And no weapons? Come on!

They have access to an arsenal of weapons but Darrell insists on only the crossbow. I mean that's fine for one or two silent kills but going against an unknown enemy? Come on!

And the gay guy only has a knife and a small revolver? Come on!
and can they not find a sporting goods store that had silencers stocked when the apocalypse when down? The only one on the whole show, that I have saw, is the homemade one Carl had.
Originally posted by meeksfor3:
Originally posted by mdlUK.1:
Things I don't get:

They have travelled several hundred miles. Fought the gov. Survived canibals. Fought various other baddies. So, they know there are many evil doers out there, not to mention the walkers. So why the hell do they go outside the walls virtually unarmed?

When michonne and Maggie went out after the crazy black girl, they took almost no weapons. Come on!

Glenn follows the guy out into the woods. Why? And no weapons? Come on!

They have access to an arsenal of weapons but Darrell insists on only the crossbow. I mean that's fine for one or two silent kills but going against an unknown enemy? Come on!

And the gay guy only has a knife and a small revolver? Come on!
and can they not find a sporting goods store that had silencers stocked when the apocalypse when down? The only one on the whole show, that I have saw, is the homemade one Carl had.
It's true..."realism" takes a backseat on TWD..... errrr aaaaa ..... heyyyy wait-a -minute............
The next season opens with Rick pouring the coals to his new chick, Morgan and Eugene are watching through a window. One can dream. I thought the last episode was very good. They had me guessing Glenn is going to die, Rick is going to die, everybody is going to die and me praying to God that Daryl didn't go down on Aaron while in the car. I was curious about Morgan's Bow Staff skills. I imagine that he practiced on walkers to improve his skills as he walked the Earth. I like the direction the show is going. Bring on the Wolves!
Yeah, you'd think they'd wear some sort of protection every time they left the walls. Catcher's mask, shin guards, etc. Also, why don't they have music-bombs they could throw like a grenade whenever they're in trouble.

Also, I'd build a giant trench surrounding the grounds, like a moat that would trap them. They have the machinery to do that it appears. You'd think they would be better at building traps for the zombies. I guess all of these would restrict the danger though.

I do think it would be hilarious if someone had some sort of rag-tag protection suit put together and walked around like a catcher at all times.
Originally posted by fballcats76:

The next season opens with Rick pouring the coals to his new chick, Morgan and Eugene are watching through a window. One can dream. I thought the last episode was very good. They had me guessing Glenn is going to die, Rick is going to die, everybody is going to die and me praying to God that Daryl didn't go down on Aaron while in the car. I was curious about Morgan's Bow Staff skills. I imagine that he practiced on walkers to improve his skills as he walked the Earth. I like the direction the show is going. Bring on the Wolves!

Great way to get a Napoleon Dynamite reference in there.
People complaining that there's more commercials than before are stupid. I download the episodes, and they're the same ratio of commerical/show as every other show on TV. It's not like sometimes the running length is randomly 30 min or something. It's always around 43/44 min.
Originally posted by Vandalayindustries:
Yeah, you'd think they'd wear some sort of protection every time they left the walls. Catcher's mask, shin guards, etc. Also, why don't they have music-bombs they could throw like a grenade whenever they're in trouble.

Also, I'd build a giant trench surrounding the grounds, like a moat that would trap them. They have the machinery to do that it appears. You'd think they would be better at building traps for the zombies. I guess all of these would restrict the danger though.

I do think it would be hilarious if someone had some sort of rag-tag protection suit put together and walked around like a catcher at all times.
The governor's people had some traps set up IIRC.

You'd think someone would be wearing hockey pads and stuff like that as well. Also, I'd be carrying a friggin sword or mace. a piece of rebar with something heavy attached to the end would make sense.

Overall, I think the finale was pretty good. I'd like to know who got shot at the end? Do the people in Alexandria know that everyone is infected?