walking dead

You are right that the doctor used Michonne's weapon to kill Deanna's husband. At the very end of the episode, Michonne was going to put it back on display on the wall but changed her mind and 'sheathed' it to carry it like she used to.
Originally posted by JohnBlue_:

Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:

Glad Michonne took up her sword again.
I thought it was the Doc that got her sword out and killed Dianna's husband with it. I saw her putting it back up is all that I can recall.
Yes he did. Afer the show was over, they did a quick shot of Michonne hanging the sword back on the wall but she stopped herself, pondered on it a second then sheathed it on her back again like she used to carry it. I took it as Michonne realizing that no matter how much she wanted it, Alexandria wasnt safe and Rick was right in his speech.
Pretty good premiere. Only complaint I have is that the Carter revolt storyline was barely a blip on the radar when it was a sorta semi-major storyline in the comics that had ramifications. In the show it's just basically an excuse to kill off a guest star.

I'm pretty curious to see who The Wolves are as that group doesn't exist in the comics. So I'm wondering if they are using a different name for a group in the comics or introducing a TV exclusive.
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Definitely a solid episode. The three best things about the episode are:

1. No Carl for a whole freaking episode. Now if they will just kill him off I will be a happy man.

2. Killed off Rusty Griswold really quick. He was going to be nothing but trouble.

3. They had an episode that had zombies in it, lots and lots of them.

Rick should have considered more options before doing the zombie marathon. Wouldn't the best thing to do be to grab some dynamite and blow up the roads into and out of the quarry? If you blow a huge hole in the road then the zombies can't escape. I am sure they had some dynamite with the construction site and the quarry both likely using it.

So who do you all think was blowing the horn? I think the list of suspects are:

Morgan - He just doesn't seem to like the new Rick. I don't know what good it would do for him to blow the horn, but he definitely looked like he had something on his mind when Rick sent him away. Plus who is his friend that taught him the bo staff skills after the apocalypse? Could he now be tied into the Wolves or another group? He also seemed mad about the peanut butter bar being stolen. I don't recall if he saw Michonne take it or not, but if he did, he might be upset about her lying. He was crazy for a while so you never know what might set him off.

Ron - While his dad was a dick, he was still his dad and he might just be pissed about it and not thinking straight. Plus he heard Rick and Deanna say not to bury his dad in town and basically just take him out and throw him on the ground and not bury him.

Deanna - She is probably mentally unstable to the point of doing something irrational. Maybe she figures to hell with everyone else if she can't be with her husband anymore.

The Wolves - I think a lot of people probably think it is them, but what would they gain by having the town get overrun by zombies? I would think you would want to take the town intact. If not, it would be hard to get the resources (food and weapons) and likely women. Those three things would be hot commodities in a zombie apocalypse in my opinion. They would be hard to get with 1,000 zombies running around.

Other - Enid (the girl that was sneaking out of the town) I think she is the one that took the gun that Rick hid outside of town. Is she sneaking out to meet with another group, possibly the Wolves? Maybe a new character that no one knows about yet?

I am torn on who I think it is. I am leaning toward Enid. If she is with the Wolves, then this likely is a distraction to maybe sneak some of them into the town while most of the people in and outside of the town are busy dealing with the zombies.
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I still think reinforcing the quarry would be the best plan. Rick forgot to mention in his plan "hey since we always split up to make it hard, we should probably split up. That way we can have several side shows with character development"
I just saw a preview for next week's episode which showed Enid getting into a car and wrote the letters JSS on the window. A signal of some kind to someone? Might tie into my thoughts on who blew the horn.
I think he said home for where it is coming from. Plus they showed a sign for Alexandria and that is the direction the zombies were heading. That horn sounded like it is on a semi truck. I don't recall any trucks like that near town. Unless that construction site is close by. So I am not 100% sure, but I am betting it is from right outside the walls of the town somewhere. Surely if it were inside the town someone would have showed up to stop it. It was going off for over a minute I think.
I forgot about another suspect. It could be Father Gabriel. He tried to get the town's people to turn on Rick's group. Rick made him stop helping the other guy with burying the bodies. Plus he asked to help and Rick said no within like a second. I think he has a death wish and could definitely be a suspect in the horn blowing.
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I think the horn was the wolves attacking Alexandria and although it affected the hoard of walkers Rick was leading, that wasnt the real intention. Why do I think this? Thats how the wolves attacked Noahs gated community-they crashed through the wall with a truck and since there was partial walkers laying everywhere with "w" carved in their head, I believe that is their method for taking over cities. They release walkers on the citizens, wrap cable around the perimeter of the wall (like the cable they had to drag Tyrese through) to keep the walkers from getting away, let the walkers do all of the dirty work, then afterwards load up all of the walkers they can and kill the rest. Just a guess. There is something about that Enid girl as well that I just cant put my finger on. She could be a spy for the wolves. I know this, If it was Father Gabriel, I would kill his ass!
Since Robert Kirkman says season 6 very closely follows the comics, but I don't recall a horn part in the comics (and there was no walker herding either)...
My guess is it's the Wolves, whatever group that is. Or Negan's group if it's not the Wolves. No one else in the Alexandria group tried to commit treason after Rick squashed the ring leader. And the horn thing wouldn't be something the Hilltop community would do. Of course, it could be looking really far into the future and it could be The Whisperers and they are already teasing a future season, they have a gigantic herd of walkers they keep trapped in a big ass ditch.
They were trying to lead the walkers 20 miles away from Alexandria. Seems stupid to me as any noise might turn them back towards them.
They should just lead them into the quarry and set it ablaze. 1) Falling into the quarry will kill them 2) Fire will kill them 3) Fire will attract them to the quarry because of the light, sound, and smoke 4) start back at step 1
They should just lead them into the quarry and set it ablaze. 1) Falling into the quarry will kill them 2) Fire will kill them 3) Fire will attract them to the quarry because of the light, sound, and smoke 4) start back at step 1

Nope. In the spin-off story about the Governor "A Road to Woodbury", they tried lighting a crowd of walkers on fire and the burning walkers kept going and burnt a town down because the walkers just kept coming. So no, burning them won't work.
I don't see how releasing them and herding them away from town solves the problem. Someone down the road has to deal with them.
I really think Morgan could have came up with a better plan than Rick considering he created innovative walker defenses around his home during his crazy time.
Could have built a barrier back at the quarry to funnel the walkers back into the quarry.
There was a farm machinery sales lot when Glenn was clearing ahead of the main group, they could have used something there.
It would be quite easy to kill them all. It would take time, but you could herd them to a bottle neck opening where 1 walker could be accessible and you stab it in it's brain. Then pull the walker out of the bottleneck and repeat on the next one. Now, it would take some time to do, but it would work
Nope. In the spin-off story about the Governor "A Road to Woodbury", they tried lighting a crowd of walkers on fire and the burning walkers kept going and burnt a town down because the walkers just kept coming. So no, burning them won't work.
Wouldn't have to worry about that since they are trapped in the quarry. The hard part would be finding enough accelerant to burn them all.
Wouldn't have to worry about that since they are trapped in the quarry. The hard part would be finding enough accelerant to burn them all.

That's if there is only one way out of the quarry. So far, there are two points of exit in that quarry. The one where the truck fell off (at top) and the one where the two trucks are bottlenecking (at the bottom).

That's the point of the Woodbury story. If the walkers still have movement to expand, the fire goes with them wherever they go.
That's if there is only one way out of the quarry. So far, there are two points of exit in that quarry. The one where the truck fell off (at top) and the one where the two trucks are bottlenecking (at the bottom).

That's the point of the Woodbury story. If the walkers still have movement to expand, the fire goes with them wherever they go.
I know I'm trying to be too logical but.....

They are in a rock quarry in the middle of the woods. Even if some of them did escape, most would surely burn up long before reaching the town. Assuming they had enough and proper accelerant. and the ones that did escape would be easy to target and take out.

But's a comic book story. Not supposed to be that realistic.
I know I'm trying to be too logical but.....

They are in a rock quarry in the middle of the woods. Even if some of them did escape, most would surely burn up long before reaching the town. Assuming they had enough and proper accelerant. and the ones that did escape would be easy to target and take out.

But's a comic book story. Not supposed to be that realistic.

No worries on that. It's part of being a viewer. One of the things that will keep me watching is smart story writing.

Maybe you're right. But I'd be worried about the trees causing a forest fire and that leading to the town to burn down.
Nope. In the spin-off story about the Governor "A Road to Woodbury", they tried lighting a crowd of walkers on fire and the burning walkers kept going and burnt a town down because the walkers just kept coming. So no, burning them won't work.
That is true, BUT you are forgetting one thing: if you are stuck in a quarry, you can't go walking around and burning down other places. Plus they'd be exposed to the fire long enough in the quarry that even if they could barely slip out one-by-one, they will still burn to ashes or be burnt so badly that they won't be able to walk. ALl they would need to do is further barricade the exits and find enough accelerant to get a big blaze going. Once a bunch catch on fire, they'll keep the fire going.
That is true, BUT you are forgetting one thing: if you are stuck in a quarry, you can't go walking around and burning down other places. Plus they'd be exposed to the fire long enough in the quarry that even if they could barely slip out one-by-one, they will still burn to ashes or be burnt so badly that they won't be able to walk. ALl they would need to do is further barricade the exits and find enough accelerant to get a big blaze going. Once a bunch catch on fire, they'll keep the fire going.

It's Rick Grimes we're talking about. Never seen a guy make things so difficult.

Have we fully seen the extent of quarry? I know we have seen glimpses of it, but there appears to be 2 exits. What if there are 4 or 5 and we just haven't seen them yet?
The best idea would be create a "sallyport" like they had at the prison. A large gate which allows a large group in at a time then can be secured so no more can enter. Once the group is secured inside the sallyport and isolated from the larger group, they are funneled through a smaller gate and dealt with one at a time.
As for the quarry, I would set up a flashing light/whistle on solar power (like the ones they had at Woodbury to lure walkers into the pits) and hang it out over the steep cliff edges to lure the walkers/zombies to their fallen death.
I just saw a preview for next week's episode which showed Enid getting into a car and wrote the letters JSS on the window. A signal of some kind to someone? Might tie into my thoughts on who blew the horn.
I am going with the preacher on the horn. He has been a thorn in their side from the word go. Just saw your other post about father Gabriel. My money is on him.
I've said it once, I will say it again...This is not a show about people surviving the zombie apocalypse, its a show about the dumbest people on earth surviving the zombie apocalypse.

I think it is Gabriel as well....But it could also be the wolves because I do not remember any of the Alexandria people dealing with Walkers in the previews for next weeks episode.
It's Rick Grimes we're talking about. Never seen a guy make things so difficult.

Have we fully seen the extent of quarry? I know we have seen glimpses of it, but there appears to be 2 exits. What if there are 4 or 5 and we just haven't seen them yet?
Why would some build a quarry with 4-5 exits?
wildcatsboston1984 said:
Why would some build a quarry with 4-5 exits?

So multiple trucks can come in and out hauling rock.
Maybe its Enid blowing the horn of the vehicle she is barracaded in because walkers are after her and shes scared?
Why not find some dynamite and toss a few sticks down into the quarry. You may not get them all but you certainly will thin the herd.
Who all was left back at Alexandria from Rick's group and/or actually knows how to fight? Carol and Carl (if he counts)? I believe they just left themselves vulnerable and The Wolves were always watching from a distance waiting to strike on the weak. All I know is they're going to use it for as much filler as possible making next week's episode all or at least mostly about the goings on at Alexandria wile Rick and the others were out. They will also find a way to dedicate half of this season to Daryl, Sasha and Abraham who will inevitably be separated from everyone else.
I don't think they are far enough away to not get back and help out with protecting Alexandria. The horn sound probably wouldn't travel more than a mile or two if that. Now Darryl, Sasha, and Abraham might have been far enough away that they didn't hear the horn (don't recall if they showed them after the horn went off) and part of the herd might still be following them. I also don't recall if Glenn's group heard the horn or not. They were further along and could end up separated.

So they will probably do like they did when the prison was overrun and the group got split up. They had episodes of each of the smaller groups until they finally got back together again. That will probably be how they milk out a chunk of this season. The preview for the next episode didn't include a single person that is away from town and one preview I saw Carl was pushing his sister in a stroller.

They likely start this episode as a flashback of right after all the others left to do the zombie parade. Maybe the horn ends up being a call for help because they are under attack and that is when it ties into where episode 1 ends at. Then maybe episode 3 will have Rick's group making it back to town to help out. Glenn's group and Darryl's group are still out away from town and might be gone from Alexandria for a few episodes. All just speculation on my part.
Glen getting it soon? Glad to see Russ Griswald got it, man that hairline is way back! When will Rick nail this chick in the shower? The wolves catch Daryl, after Alexandria is destroyed