walking dead

Originally posted by fballcats76:
I agree about Rick giving it to ol girl.
I'm sure the hairstylist's husband may have something to say about that. If was Rick, I would throw the bone to the Deanna. Get summa that power.
I think the leader Dianne wants the group there for protection because she knows her group is weak and inexperienced in combat. Its a win/win situation for her. Even If Rick does take the town, at least its in good hands. Still, there is something "fishy" going on with this town. Darryl has yet to let his guard down and dispite almost trying too hard to relay that (by carrying a dead possum and then gutting it on the front porch), I tend to trust his instinct more than the others. Im not sure he will ever fit in here.
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:
I think the leader Dianne wants the group there for protection because she knows her group is weak and inexperienced in combat. Its a win/win situation for her. Even If Rick does take the town, at least its in good hands. Still, there is something "fishy" going on with this town. Darryl has yet to let his guard down and dispite almost trying too hard to relay that (by carrying a dead possum and then gutting it on the front porch), I tend to trust his instinct more than the others. Im not sure he will ever fit in here.
It's hard to say what's gonna happen with Darryl. He isn't a part of the comics, so anything with him may not play an influential role. Unless they deviate off from the comic plot. I think what UKbrassow said may happen. Darryl may take a leave for awhile and come back when Negan is around. Either way. I hope he doesn't get eaten. That would suck because I think Darryl is my favorite character. Him and Michonne.
It was a change to see them get to clean up after years on the run. The gun Rick hid being gone is disturbing, someone is watching their ever move. I don't doubt but what the walker that was supposed to be chained up actually being lose wasn't a test too. Is Carl going to get a gf or is she just bait they are using to drawl him into something? I thought it was odd that barbers husband didn't show his face, you just know he's not going to be around long.
I think the quite teenaged girl got Rick's gun. She was seen watching them as they entered the gate. Later she climbs the wall and roams around outside. I bet she saw him put the gun in the blender and took it soon as he was out of sight.

Very interesting how Carol is acting. Totally acting like she's inexperienced and very innocent. She "struggled" to remove the automatic rifle from over her shoulder as they were turning in their weapons. She told the woman in her interview that she used to cook and clean, and how she misses her husband. Then she asks if she can run a Junior League and suggests she could bake some cookies. Finally she gets cleaned up and dresses like a retired Librarian. Someone at some point is going to underestimate Carol and wind up paying a hefty price for it.
I loved the episode and the direction the show is going.
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
I think the quite teenaged girl got Rick's gun. She was seen watching them as they entered the gate. Later she climbs the wall and roams around outside. I bet she saw him put the gun in the blender and took it soon as he was out of sight.

Very interesting how Carol is acting. Totally acting like she's inexperienced and very innocent. She "struggled" to remove the automatic rifle from over her shoulder as they were turning in their weapons. She told the woman in her interview that she used to cook and clean, and how she misses her husband. Then she asks if she can run a Junior League and suggests she could bake some cookies. Finally she gets cleaned up and dresses like a retired Librarian. Someone at some point is going to underestimate Carol and wind up paying a hefty price for it.
Glad someone else noticed that. All the talk about the group 'protecting her', her dress, etc. is set up to keep her be underestimated.
If I was Rick and had cleaned up and been made the po-po, my first act of authority would be line all them stinking sumbitches up and make em all shower and change clothes then give Carl a buzz cut just for shits and giggles!
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:
I think the leader Dianne wants the group there for protection because she knows her group is weak and inexperienced in combat.
Thats what I thought too.

Thought this was one of the better episodes they've had in a while. The "interviews" were an interesting spin and provided a little insight for the characters, which is rare on this show.
It's a ploy. Rick said it. Survival mode. What is she doing to survive?

In terminus, when the hag let people in, they raped them.

What has the politician done to survive? Everything is s trap and she is baiting them. For what? Not sure.
I liked how the group just looked and acted like they just landed on another planet after going from the wild to Mayberry. Very fish out of water experience. They are all boderline wild animals at this point.
Originally posted by -LEK-:
It's a ploy. Rick said it. Survival mode. What is she doing to survive?

In terminus, when the hag let people in, they raped them.

What has the politician done to survive? Everything is s trap and she is baiting them. For what? Not sure.
IMO...I think that unlike the hag at Terminus, the politician was able to get her bad seeds out before they took over everything. Remember she said she had put some members out. Im thinking she fears their return/ revenge and knows she is surrounded by pussys that cant fight and defend the place so she is looking for some "hardened" members to take in and SOMEHOW she found Rick and company. Not knocking the ROTC but I would trust Eugene and Carl with my back over those two assclowns she had making runs.
Im falling in love with black sniper chick. Would clean her kitchen.

Carl- looks like a tranny

Rick sexually harassing hair stylist with rapist kisses.
Originally posted by WalkersGoggles:
I liked how the group just looked and acted like they just landed on another planet after going from the wild to Mayberry. Very fish out of water experience. They are all boderline wild animals at this point.
I think that was the point they were making about the horse
Carol just scared the shat out of me

Darryl is going to end up being gay

Rick is turning into Shane
Agree with this post. I found it hard to watch Carol with that little boy. She's killed a kid before and probably would him if he tells on her. The two gay guys really enjoyed watching Daryl slurp that pasta. I think Rick might end up knocking the Doc off and taking O'girl to pound town! At least I hope that is what happens!

I'm to the point that I wish something would just happen already. Three episodes left.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:
I think the leader Dianne wants the group there for protection because she knows her group is weak and inexperienced in combat. Its a win/win situation for her. Even If Rick does take the town, at least its in good hands. Still, there is something "fishy" going on with this town. Darryl has yet to let his guard down and dispite almost trying too hard to relay that (by carrying a dead possum and then gutting it on the front porch), I tend to trust his instinct more than the others. Im not sure he will ever fit in here.
It's hard to say what's gonna happen with Darryl. He isn't a part of the comics, so anything with him may not play an influential role. Unless they deviate off from the comic plot. I think what UKbrassow said may happen. Darryl may take a leave for awhile and come back when Negan is around. Either way. I hope he doesn't get eaten. That would suck because I think Darryl is my favorite character. Him and Michonne.
Had no idea that Michonne was hot until I saw her on talking dead once.
Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:

It's hard to say what's gonna happen with Darryl. He isn't a part of the comics, so anything with him may not play an influential role. Unless they deviate off from the comic plot. I think what UKbrassow said may happen. Darryl may take a leave for awhile and come back when Negan is around. Either way. I hope he doesn't get eaten. That would suck because I think Darryl is my favorite character. Him and Michonne.
Had no idea that Michonne was hot until I saw her on talking dead once.
I'd clean Michonne's kitchen too. She tight.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:

It's hard to say what's gonna happen with Darryl. He isn't a part of the comics, so anything with him may not play an influential role. Unless they deviate off from the comic plot. I think what UKbrassow said may happen. Darryl may take a leave for awhile and come back when Negan is around. Either way. I hope he doesn't get eaten. That would suck because I think Darryl is my favorite character. Him and Michonne.
Had no idea that Michonne was hot until I saw her on talking dead once.
I'd clean Michonne's kitchen too. She tight.
willy, you would clean the fat chick's kitchen all day and night too, so that isn't saying much!
Originally posted by thabigbluenation:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:
I'd clean Michonne's kitchen too. She tight.
willy, you would clean the fat chick's kitchen all day and night too, so that isn't saying much!
Which is the fat one? Hey, it's gotta be slim pickings. Fatties may have to work or else we may end up like Durl and get into a 3 way sausage.
Whats up with the "w" or "m" on the walkers forehead? On the talking dead they made reference to some character in the comics? I think Rick noticed the mark on the forehead now.
the fat one is the one you go to check out guns or food or whatev. the one that asked sasha for a leg if she killed a boar.

the W i believe is referring to the comic version of the scavengers. on the show they may call themselves the wolves or some shish.

This post was edited on 3/9 11:30 PM by thabigbluenation
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:

Carol just scared the shat out of me

Darryl is going to end up being gay

Rick is turning into Shane

I think you could be right.....
Question I have concerned The Wall...
It took more people than what I have seen to build it... Where are they?
There is a fog like "strange" that hangs over that town... Steven King like.....
So far so good... I think that how well I like the season depends on how strange they can keep it.........
Darryl coming out would be just too predictable ...but think you are right VT/UK Rondo
Did anyone notice toward the end of the episode, as Rick is walking through town, the name of the street where he pauses and looks around is called Morgan Drive or Avenue, something like that?

Potential spoiler for those who haven't read the books. I haven't either, but my son gives me info on when things from the show and the books kinda line up.

The episode where Tyreese dies. After he is bitten and they're trying to get him to the car. The gate has a lock, chain, something. Glen takes a baseball bat and breaks it open. My son tells me that is an ominous foreshadowing involving Glen and that Negan dude who apparently is on the way.
Say what you wish about this show but tonight's episode...
WTH did that dude Adian say to Glenn when he was impaled on the steel rods...something about " It was us, we left them"?

Hey look, Abraham has a nutsack after all !!!!!
Killin off Noah. I knew it was coming. Just a matter of time

The priest is a POS. I bet Maggie kills him.

Glen has turned into a bad ass. He got some dawg in him.

You definitely tell Rick's loins rage with passion over that house mom.
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:

WTH did that dude Adian say to Glenn when he was impaled on the steel rods...something about " It was us, we left them"?
I was only half paying attention because of Selection Sunday, so I had to look it up...

Aiden had his own admission, telling Glenn, "It was us. The others before. They didn't panic. We did. It was us." He was referring to the runners before Glenn, Tara and Noah - the ones who ostensibly died for not following Aiden's glorious command.
Solid episode last night. Rick is going to take this town over and take his new love and bend her, well he is going to take her. I hate to see the chick with the big breast go. Since there are four graves I assume she dies. The next two episodes should be great. I hope the preacher gets it, I hope Rick's new love gets it. I'm thinking about reading the comics. Are they online for free?
If you know anything about torrents, yes, you can get all the issues for free. I will say it's not an entirely satisfying experience unless you have a nice 1080p monitor, and it'd actually help if you could turn it on it's side. I'd much, much, much rather have the books or compilations. Try the library.
Originally posted by fballcats76:

Solid episode last night. Rick is going to take this town over and take his new love and bend her, well he is going to take her. I hate to see the chick with the big breast go. Since there are four graves I assume she dies. The next two episodes should be great. I hope the preacher gets it, I hope Rick's new love gets it. I'm thinking about reading the comics. Are they online for free?
What do you think happens next? Rick rapes her or her husband beats her?

You can read the comics for free at your local library. I got caught up to date and now I go to Barnes N Nobles and stand there and read the new ones in about 30 minutes. Still free.
I hope Carl's piece ends up being a tranny and they rub knobs together in the tree.

Dreading we are going to see Darryl bent over that cycle, biting on the handlebars, with his pants around his hips.

Somebody needs to drill Carol. She'd make a great side piece.

This post was edited on 3/17 3:01 PM by LeTude