walking dead

Yeah what's up with TWD killin off all the black people. TWD racist? Cuz you know that c***k sucker priest is about to go. If I'm that hot sniper chick and Michonne, I'd be shittin' 10 lb bricks...
I heard that two of the main characters are about to go bye bye..........don't know which,
I'm guessing Glen or his wife (she burnt their photo at the start of this season) or preacher boy..........but he might make it till next season before he gets it. I doubt its Carol so I bet on the sniper girl (she keeps saying they are taking everthing to the next level)......

now I am waiting to see if they were right,

also, someone has wiped out the home town of Noah, cut a bunch of walkers in half and placed them in that camper......put the walker lady in the trunk, the W on the forehead.
My guess is that the town is about to be hit hard by some Governor type group

My guess is that season will end with a cliff hanger type deal with the black guy who makes a cammeo every 5 episodes (Rick's old friend) showing up to save the needs a new black guy since they have killed them someone else noted, black guys don't last long on that show.

This post was edited on 3/19 7:51 PM by akers65
Are you sure the two deaths you are hearing about weren't Aiden and Noah? That was circulated a couple days before they aired the last episode. Norman Reedus is on record saying get your Kleenex ready for the somebody you figure has to die. I have read a rumor where it was going to be Judith...who knows though. You think they would have brought Negan in already....

But here is your next week's episode spoiler for "Try" (ep 15).....
> No main characters die.

You're welcome
Theyve gone through Atlanta, Richmond and now outskirts of DC and the only "brothas" thegroup can find are a schizophrenic, a overgrown wussy, a wine-o, a chicken shit and a gimped up kid. They havent had a strong male black character on the show since TDog got eat.
well, to be truthful here, black people only make up 13 percent of the population and by and large most live in or around urban areas, by percentage. cities would be the hardest hit when this outbreak took place making them the hardest areas to survive. the number of black people vs whites on the show is pretty similar to the overall demographic of the country. and there have been wayyyyy more white people meet their fate on the show than black people. and michone is one of the strongest members of the group and she is well ya know, not white. those darn statistics never lie.
I get that. But if dufus Rick can keep surviving, so can black people. It's a shame TWD can't add a heroic black male.
i get that too. rick has been horrible. one bad decision after another. the group would have been better off with shane. i never understood why the writers of the show made tyreese such a pansy.
Yep. The only Hispanic is the helpless one who yearns for Abraham. Can't make it on her own without a strong white man.
Eff that. Rosita should be heading to Orlando to bounce on my post-apochlyptical balls.
Originally posted by WonderBrow:
Any other guesses or things you're guessing, Akers?
lol, I did use that word a lot........sorry
My nephew's friend claims they paid to see the next two episodes,
they said two more main characters will be killed off..........wouldn't say which

now as to were they watched or who they paid, I have no clue........they aren't know as liars but who knows, maybe they were pulling my nephews leg.........Claim it was some pay per view site/channel.........

I was just guessing based on this.......When they burnt that photo I laughed and told the family one of those two are going to go..........
Originally posted by thabigbluenation:
well, to be truthful here, black people only make up 13 percent of the population and by and large most live in or around urban areas, by percentage. cities would be the hardest hit when this outbreak took place making them the hardest areas to survive. the number of black people vs whites on the show is pretty similar to the overall demographic of the country. and there have been wayyyyy more white people meet their fate on the show than black people. and michone is one of the strongest members of the group and she is well ya know, not white. those darn statistics never lie.
13 percent of the US population overall, but in ATL , blacks make up 54% of the population and in Richmond 57%. If you really want to break down statistics, parts of western ATL where the prison was located is as high as 98% black. Just saying...that should produce more than a strong black chick with a sword and a handful of walkers.

While Im splitting hairs, wheres all the kid walkers at? They go 2 seasons without a kid walker and then Tyrese gets bit by not only a kid walker but a black kid walker operating in ninja mode. WTH?! Tyrese must have been the most unluckiest sumbitch on the planet.
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:
Originally posted by thabigbluenation:
well, to be truthful here, black people only make up 13 percent of the population and by and large most live in or around urban areas, by percentage. cities would be the hardest hit when this outbreak took place making them the hardest areas to survive. the number of black people vs whites on the show is pretty similar to the overall demographic of the country. and there have been wayyyyy more white people meet their fate on the show than black people. and michone is one of the strongest members of the group and she is well ya know, not white. those darn statistics never lie.
13 percent of the US population overall, but in ATL , blacks make up 54% of the population and in Richmond 57%. If you really want to break down statistics, parts of western ATL where the prison was located is as high as 98% black. Just saying...that should produce more than a strong black chick with a sword and a handful of walkers.

While Im splitting hairs, wheres all the kid walkers at? They go 2 seasons without a kid walker and then Tyrese gets bit by not only a kid walker but a black kid walker operating in ninja mode. WTH?! Tyrese must have been the most unluckiest sumbitch on the planet.
well to be honest then, here it is....probably. black folks have been watching horror flicks long enough now to know better than to hook up with a group of crazy white people looking for trouble all the time. they know what the outcome always is. with the few unlucky exceptions that got stuck running across rick and his gang, the rest are hold up somewhere in their own camp safe from crazy trouble seeking white people, or something like that.
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:

Tyrese must have been the most unluckiest sumbitch on the planet.
It's not just that. But what if "Darryl" was black. I think it would've added a solid black character to the show. It's bullshit. Started out as a joke, and realized that this is some bullshit.
well also to my point...sort of. rick is a COP, and a batsh!t crazy one at that. how many black people are going to follow that lead. cops before the zombie shish hit the fan, cop after shish hit the fan, still a COP.
I believe Michionne is pissed Rick is wanting to plow that Jessie chick and not her.
Rick should have never went into the house after the girl. As soon as she said she could handle it herself, he should have dropped it. Hes turning into Shane.

Im afraid Glenn is going to be killed by the chicken shit with the gun that Rick left outside the wall

Im afraid Rick and Aarron are going to catch up with whoever is marking the W and its not going to be good.

Im predicting that Sasha dies in the next episode. No spoiler just a gut feeling.
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
Any ideas what was up with the red balloons Rick kept seeing?
Rick's a big Nena fan.

I've always hated Rick, but I think my hate for him went tenfold last night. Like him much better in the comics. And carl. Eff Carl. Looks like a 12 yr old lesbian in that tree trunk.
They're going to kick Rick out of Alexandria (or try anyways). Some of the group goes with him and some stay. But before that all goes down the "W" group attacks. Rick going crazy at the end; having to fight to survive was foreshadowing.

The guy that got Noah killed is going to kill Sasha or she will kill him.

You think Negan and the "W" group are one in the same?
I have liked Rick throughout (except for the few episodes in the prison when he went soft), but I was pretty shocked at his antics last night. Guess that's what happens when you throw a love-interest into the mix :-/
Rick has gone full psycho more than once. Last night was actually tame compared to when he bit the guy's throat when he thought Carl would be killed. The last few episodes have kicked ass. It's hard to believe this season is down to just one episode left already.
You'd think Rick, who has been through countless hand to hand combat situations with crazy psychos, could do a little better than essentially coming to a draw with some lanky, drunk, soft-handed pussy doctor.

On Talking Dead, the producer said next week there would be blood and not just walker blood. This along with Darryls leak of "better have plenty of tissues" makes me think a major character is going to get it. Im guesing Carrol, Sasha or Glenn. Carrol is getting too brave/careless just like Beth...Sasha is pregnant in real life(although they could keep her in the tower and hide her belly) and If you follow the comics, its Glenns turn up to bat (litterly). Earlier in the season, it was reported that a big party was held on the last day of shooting where some of the past actors showed up and was all hugging one certain actor who was teared up. This could have been for Beths exit or some other actor not yet known.

Rick pisses me off but hes right about the town, they are pathetic.
Originally posted by VT/UK Rondo:

On Talking Dead, the producer said next week there would be blood and not just walker blood. This along with Darryls leak of "better have plenty of tissues" makes me think a major character is going to get it. Im guesing Carrol, Sasha or Glenn. Carrol is getting too brave/careless just like Beth...Sasha is pregnant in real life(although they could keep her in the tower and hide her belly) and If you follow the comics, its Glenns turn up to bat (litterly). Earlier in the season, it was reported that a big party was held on the last day of shooting where some of the past actors showed up and was all hugging one certain actor who was teared up. This could have been for Beths exit or some other actor not yet known.

Rick pisses me off but hes right about the town, they are pathetic.
God, I hope it is Sasha who gets killed. I am pretty bored with her whole PTSD crap. I just don't care anything about her character so I don't like time spent on her. I hope Glenn sticks around. His character has really evolved and he is just now starting to be a real badass. In the comics, it is Negan who kills Glen.
I thought the last two episodes have kicked ass. The music, everything.

This last episode, I found myself tense the whole time with music and the situation. I think last few episodes have been as good as the start. I know we all hate Carl, but I was getting chills.
When are they gonna start killing each other? That would be a fun plot twist!

Deanna is probably going to die. I think in the comics she has an anuerism or something. On the Talking Dead they eluded to the "W" (Whisperers most assume) carved on the zombies heads to actually being a "M" for Morgan...who they haven't shown lurking in a while.

I just don't see how they can kill off the core 5.....Rick, Carol, Darryl, Michonne, Glen. I can see a comic doing it, but not everybody reads comics. You have 12 million or so watching this dang show every week. They can't kill off that many "main" characters each season. Everybody else is fair game. Maggie biting it would be pretty harsh. Maybe Gabriel gets it.
Originally posted by LeTude:

When are they gonna start killing each other? That would be a fun plot twist!

Deanna is probably going to die. I think in the comics she has an anuerism or something. On the Talking Dead they eluded to the "W" (Whisperers most assume) carved on the zombies heads to actually being a "M" for Morgan...who they haven't shown lurking in a while.

I just don't see how they can kill off the core 5.....Rick, Carol, Darryl, Michonne, Glen. I can see a comic doing it, but not everybody reads comics. You have 12 million or so watching this dang show every week. They can't kill off that many "main" characters each season. Everybody else is fair game. Maggie biting it would be pretty harsh. Maybe Gabriel gets it.
NOOOOO! They have to keep Maggie. This show needs all the eye candy it can get. Just kill off Sasha please. I just don't give a fu*k about her crazy ass.
After watching Talking Dead and listening to the kid that plays Carl talk I don't want Carl dead as much as I did before. Kid comes across as really intelligent.
I meant Wolves not Whisperer...whatever...

No way they exile Rick. Doing that exiles Carl and Judith too. Deanna won't have that hanging over her head. I have convinced myself Deanna is one of the 2 that is going to die in the finale. The second will be Sasha. She has gone too rogue.

Final scene...Aaron,Gabriel, Darryl and Carol in a 4 way, inter-racial, bi-romp atop a pallet of disemboweled walkers. Let's push the boundaries AMC.
This post was edited on 3/24 10:46 AM by LeTude
Originally posted by -LEK-:

Originally posted by LeTude:

Final scene...Aaron,Gabriel, Darryl and Caol in a 4 way.
I would watch that.
No way on this earth could someone pay me to watch two gays and a emo-bi dick some Ellen DeGeneres looking housewife.
Originally posted by argubs2:
I was actually envisioning it as Carol pegging all of them one at a time.
That would be quality television. Maybe incorporate Gabriel as a cuckold.
Side note, did the opening scene of the last episode remind anyone of the scene in Buffalo 66 where they played the King Crimson song? I know it was NIN (or trent reznor) song, but it was edgy and touching weird and tense.
I haven't been much of a fan of the episodes done since the break. This recent one was just ok. The one before this one was the best so far. The reason being that they finally made the zombies more than just target practice. I still say more zombies less soap opera.
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