walking dead

I just watched the episode again. Prior to leaving the pet store Glen takes a flare gun out of his backpack so that could be the way he gets the walkers to leave the dumpster should he escape underneath it.
I would have no problem with him sliding under that dumpster and surviving. Heck they could push it through the fence and help him. They were too busy chowing down to notice him lol

Why didn't they dress like walkers and just sneak by like Carol did the termite walkers? Amazingly stupid bunch when you think about it
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Reality wise....I would tell Rick and the whole crew to get the hell out! They have been there all this time protected with no trouble and look at the damn drama Rick and company brought in just a week. Dianna lost her husband and son and the town was attacked. You got a undercover Carol threatening kids, a lying ass troublemaking chicken shit precher, a nutty ass chick with a death wish wasting ammo on photos, Daryl skinning possums on the porch, a drunk with a death wish, a nut job with a bo staff and the leader Rick who has them out on a stupid ass mission that will likely be the end of them all.
Reality wise....I would tell Rick and the whole crew to get the hell out! They have been there all this time protected with no trouble and look at the damn drama Rick and company brought in just a week. Dianna lost her husband and son and the town was attacked. You got a undercover Carol threatening kids, a lying ass troublemaking chicken shit precher, a nutty ass chick with a death wish wasting ammo on photos, Daryl skinning possums on the porch, a drunk with a death wish, a nut job with a bo staff and the leader Rick who has them out on a stupid ass mission that will likely be the end of them all.
Lol. Best post of the thread!!!
Reality wise....I would tell Rick and the whole crew to get the hell out! They have been there all this time protected with no trouble and look at the damn drama Rick and company brought in just a week. Dianna lost her husband and son and the town was attacked. You got a undercover Carol threatening kids, a lying ass troublemaking chicken shit precher, a nutty ass chick with a death wish wasting ammo on photos, Daryl skinning possums on the porch, a drunk with a death wish, a nut job with a bo staff and the leader Rick who has them out on a stupid ass mission that will likely be the end of them all.

Well one of their own killed the leaders husband and the wolves who just about took them all out were out there before Rick and company came to town. Who knows they have been planning an attack for a long time and that may be why the town wanted Rick and his gang.
Is this the first tv show many of you have watched? Until you're 100% sure someone is dead they aren't. Glen isn't dying like that come on people.
So do you all think they will ever say where the virus came from? I think it will be lame if they don't say sometime down the road before the end of the series. With everyone infected already then you gotta think it is an airborne virus that was released in the atmosphere to spread throughout the whole world in a short period of time. I don't think it could have been from one person that was infected. It would have spread to slow.

So the only likely scenarios I could see is a biological weapon that went very wrong or very right depending on someone's intentions. If not that then something was released naturally from the Earth as a defense mechanism, but that sounds to much like that lame M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening.

Who knows, maybe the writers don't even know where it came from.
Yeah like that movie Ronin. Everyone is killing each other over a case, but they never say what is in it at the end. Maybe they had the formula in the case for the zombie virus
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Saw a show the other day on the possibility of a zombie apocalypse that actually made sense and was kind of scary. Discussed how all viruses mutate over time and how they can be manipulated in labs. It showed the real life documented effects of rabies on humans. Not staggering moaning brain eaters but more like the zombies on the movie "28 Days" where they went mad and attacked biting and hitting in a rage. Due to the incubation period and the close proximity people are in daily life, the virus would affect millions before the first signs started to show. Some scary shit.
I would like to know the answer to this question as well. I like when movies and shows tie up all the loose ends before they're over. I don't like things to end, forcing me to have to try and answer my own questions. That's stupid.
Personally I'm a fan of ambiguity.

I watch movies and shows to have a story told to me, not for me to have to figure out the story myself.
Fair enough. The classic structure of narrative film will always have a place. I'm a fan of all sorts of story telling. Just saying I like for sometimes the story to not be tied up in a nice bow for me. It has to be done well though by a director and screen writer who know what they're doing.

I watch movies and shows to have a story told to me, not for me to have to figure out the story myself.

Shit, then don't watch Predestination with Ethan Hawke. Once you figure it out, it'll make you question life.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm thinking we'll find out the origin of the virus during the "Flight 426(might not be correct number)" commercial/story.
I didn't see this mentioned, maybe it was said, but Wtf happened to Ricks hand? Is this how he loses it? In the comics it happened earlier
I didn't see this mentioned, maybe it was said, but Wtf happened to Ricks hand? Is this how he loses it? In the comics it happened earlier
It isn't how he loses it in the comics. Governor straight up just chops it off for no GD reason. However, I am thinking it is the show's way of getting there.

If it is, WTF. We've seen walkers bleed all over them before with no effect. Pretty sure all the times they have all been blood covered it is safe to assume it has gotten in an open wound or their mouth before. We know everyone is infected already, so not sure I like the precedent set if this is how it goes.
So do you all think they will ever say where the virus came from? I think it will be lame if they don't say sometime down the road before the end of the series. With everyone infected already then you gotta think it is an airborne virus that was released in the atmosphere to spread throughout the whole world in a short period of time. I don't think it could have been from one person that was infected. It would have spread to slow.

So the only likely scenarios I could see is a biological weapon that went very wrong or very right depending on someone's intentions. If not that then something was released naturally from the Earth as a defense mechanism, but that sounds to much like that lame M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening.

Who knows, maybe the writers don't even know where it came from.
No plans for it.
It isn't how he loses it in the comics. Governor straight up just chops it off for no GD reason. However, I am thinking it is the show's way of getting there.

If it is, WTF. We've seen walkers bleed all over them before with no effect. Pretty sure all the times they have all been blood covered it is safe to assume it has gotten in an open wound or their mouth before. We know everyone is infected already, so not sure I like the precedent set if this is how it goes.
Herod, yeah , but he can chop his hand off , even if he was bitten. Like Hershel's leg. Plus Rick wasn't freaking out, which leads me to think that it's injured
He wasn't bit. He cut it when he ganked a walker. The problem is walker blood got in the wound. People are running that he's gonna have to lose it to keep from turning. Don't know I like that precedent. All the open wounds all of them have had over the show, and now we risk infection. Some bullish IMO.
When he saw the 4 zombies on the road (I think that was the number) while he was running, he stopped to take them out and sliced his hand open in the process. The blade broke off and he pulled it out of one zombie and stabbed another by grabbing the blade with his hand. He ended up slicing his hand open pretty bad it seemed.

If they are going the route of him losing a hand, I don't think it will have anything to do with zombie blood getting into the wound. I am guessing all that blood dripping out of his hand will attract some walkers into the RV and he likely will get bit on his hand during the confrontation. He will then have to slice his hand off. It will put it back in line with the one handed Rick in the comic. The same way Glenn getting under the dumpster will keep him alive to tie in the Negan storyline.

They are not following the comic 100%, but I think they still want the comic and show to reach the same places within the storyline with different paths to those points to keep people guessing.
If that was aimed at me, I don't know a a thing about the comics other then what I have read in these Walking Dead threads the past few years. I have never even seen any of the books.
I still don't understand why they call them comic books. Same goes for all the superhero magazines. They aren't intended to be funny so they shouldn't be called "comic" books.
I've watched this clip several times. Just not believable that Glenn survived. At all.

Watch the whole chase sequence again. Listen for the two "clicks" of Nicholas's gun running out of bullets, and he switches to his knife for defense. How can he manage to reload his gun on the dumpster and blow his brains out? Did he just hallucinate the whole suicide/Glenn gets eaten montage, and he snaps back to reality this week???


Skip ahead to the 4:10 mark and see them lose their effing minds! Best part of seeing a TWD character killed off is the reaction videos. She cries, dudes pissed.
It's dumb that they would react the way they did. Crying? Really? It's even dumber that they would record it in hopes of it going viral. I hate people.

Yeah but I know a bunch of grown assed men that reacted the same way after Seattles last play in the SuperBowl....myself included. I went from happy to sad to pissed in about 3 seconds!
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I still don't understand why they call them comic books. Same goes for all the superhero magazines. They aren't intended to be funny so they shouldn't be called "comic" books.
Courtesy of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of comic book is "a magazine that is made up of a series of comic strips"

And then a comic strip is defined as "a series of cartoon drawings that tell a story or part of a story"

So yes, The Walking Dead is a comic book.
It's dumb that they would react the way they did. Crying? Really? It's even dumber that they would record it in hopes of it going viral. I hate people.

I disagree with the first part. People get emotionally invested in movies, TV shows, sports, etc. Nothing wrong with that. People years ago cried during Old Yeller. Hell, I had tears in my eyes when Dobby died in Harry Potter. I cannot imagine the tears that were shed when Kentucky lost in the Final Four.

But I agree 100% on the taping themselves hoping to go viral. That is just stupid.
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I disagree with the first part. People get emotionally invested in movies, TV shows, sports, etc. Nothing wrong with that. People years ago cried during Old Yeller. Hell, I had tears in my eyes when Dobby died in Harry Potter. I cannot imagine the tears that were shed when Kentucky lost in the Final Four.

But I agree 100% on the taping themselves hoping to go viral. That is just stupid.
Very valid points. I guess I just can't imagine crying over a character from the walking dead. I've watched every episode and enjoy the show as sort of a guilty pleasure but most of the time the characters annoy the hell out of me and the writing makes me want shoot my own self in the head.
Crap, I hope this whole effing episode isn't about Morgan. A 90 minute show and they're not going to tell us about Rick or Glenn?