walking dead

Yeah, they did have the in memory thing, nor did they have him on the show..they usually always have a major character on talking dead afterwards if they die. I hope we get zombie glen.
Another altruistic character gets eaten...

As hated as he is, Carl got it early, Carol too...kill every bad apple early or pay the price later. I knew Glen would pay a price someday for letting Nicholas live...assumed it would be Maggie.
Yeah, everything Maggie touches turns to shit

BTW- I bet Glen is alive. The zombies are eating Nicholas who was on top.

A hundred zombies - even if Glen's torso is covered, there are four legs and two heads on the ground to munch and they somehow only dine on Nicholas?

This would be Tyreese surviving the car scene X 1000. If they are going to toss out reality & plausibility, why stop there...bring in Wolverine and Spiderman....maybe a terminator from the future?

Glen is toast or WD just went into the magical fantasy phase
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Kirkman straight up lied when he said this season would closely follow the comics. Glen wasn't supposed to die until Negan came along.
I wonder if Glenn will become a walker and Maggie will have to put him down?
Not sure if Glen is dead but would be a huge loss if so. Quickest way to die is say something bad about Rick, no character has survived a episode yet that's done so have they? I think Michonne has her a bf if they make it back to the town.

Rick looks to be in trouble but I'm sure there will be a sound that draws them off in the next episode and maybe Glen get under enough body's that he can survive. Anyone notice the wolves that attacked Rick had guns but the one's that attacked Alexandria didn't? Maybe they got them there.
Man that sucks if that is Glenn dying. He is one of my favorite characters. I wonder if it didn't happen at all. That dude was having some major anxiety attack or something. I wonder if he was just seeing what he wanted to do? Maybe Glenn didn't really snap him out of it yet.

On the Talking Dead, the host made it sound like they didn't know for sure if he was dead. Most people are just going with the idea that he is under the other guy's body if he isn't dead. I think that would be kinda lame for him to survive that. If you go back and watch that scene again, the roof looks close enough and low enough to jump over to it and pull up onto it.

Rick looks like he is up the creek without a paddle. Of course something will save him. Maybe Morgan will save him after they show some of his backstory in how he became Donatello the bo staff master. He will probably end up dying while yelling out CLEAR!!!!!!
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Another thing is if Glenn is dead, how will anyone know? There is very little chance he would be seen again. He would be devoured so much that there wouldn't be much left of him to identify. If he came back as a walker, he would be lost in that mass of zombies.

I really think that when Nicholas and Glenn were at that intersection and looking around trying to figure out where to go, Nicholas was having one of those anxiety attacks/nervous breakdowns. Maybe he was seeing what would happen if he makes the wrong choice again. He got others killed by making the wrong choice before and seeing one of those guys as a zombie might have made him lose it. He didn't want to make the same mistake of getting others killed again.

The letter they read on The Talking Dead from Scott Gimple said this, “in some way, we will see Glenn, some version of Glenn, or parts of Glenn again, either in flashback or in the current story to help complete the story.” That tells me he isn't dead. They won't admit if he is dead and just try to throw people off by acting like he will be in a flashback or maybe as a zombie or something. They can say they told you they would have him back and that they never said he was dead.
How effed up would it be if they kill Rick next week? I know it's 99% unlikely, but that would be a good way to shock the hell out of the audience.

I think they will enter fantasy land and Glenn will somehow be alive next week.
The letter they read on The Talking Dead from Scott Gimple said this, “in some way, we will see Glenn, some version of Glenn, or parts of Glenn again, either in flashback or in the current story to help complete the story.” That tells me he isn't dead. They won't admit if he is dead and just try to throw people off by acting like he will be in a flashback or maybe as a zombie or something. They can say they told you they would have him back and that they never said he was dead.

The letter sounded pretty definite...too cheesy even for WD to show that scene and then make it some day dream of Nicholas.

I was also wondering why they didn't hop on the fence and shimmy to the roof. You're surrounded on top of a dumpster next to a fence that's next to a roof....duh. My 11 year old could figure out that puzzle.
How effed up would it be if they kill Rick next week? I know it's 99% unlikely, but that would be a good way to shock the hell out of the audience.

I think they will enter fantasy land and Glenn will somehow be alive next week.

Rick ain't dying alone in an RV...if they kill him off it will either be in full hero mode...or Walter White redemption mode.
Glen should have gone up the fire escape stairs. They ran right by them.

Glen is dead and Maggie is pregnant. Answers the riddle from letter.
The letter sounded pretty definite...too cheesy even for WD to show that scene and then make it some day dream of Nicholas.

I was also wondering why they didn't hop on the fence and shimmy to the roof. You're surrounded on top of a dumpster next to a fence that's next to a roof....duh. My 11 year old could figure out that puzzle.

There was razor wire on top of the fence.
They are giving Darrryl less and less of a role these days. It seems the only camera time he gets is when he is on that motorcycle.

Darryl dies or not? He's not in the comic. So I say maybe.

I think Michonne, Rick, and unfortunately Carl make it to the end of the series finale. Maybe Maggie.
I haven't read the comics so can someone that has, answer a few questions?

first, who is this Negan character that keeps popping up in this thread? They keep saying he is worse than the Governor. In what way?The Gov kept heads in a jar and his dead daughter chained in a closet. He killed his own people when convenient What does Negan do that is worse?.

Has Rick or Glenn died in the comics?

How closely has the storyline followed the comics? I know before the season started, the one guy said on Talking Dead that this season would closely follow the comics.
A hundred zombies - even if Glen's torso is covered, there are four legs and two heads on the ground to munch and they somehow only dine on Nicholas?

This would be Tyreese surviving the car scene X 1000. If they are going to toss out reality & plausibility, why stop there...bring in Wolverine and Spiderman....maybe a terminator from the future?

Glen is toast or WD just went into the magical fantasy phase
you're right, the WD is sooo realistic how could they possibly make up something like that.
I watched the death scene again and this time I noticed a big enough opening under the dumpster for a person to crawl under. When they showed Glenn on the ground his head was right by the opening. Of course he fell the opposite way he landed and there wasn't even any space on the ground to even land. Things tend to lose their realism if it helps the storyline.

So now I am betting Glenn is freaking out while they are eating Nicholas and things are so jammed up by zombies that they can't get to him right away and he finally calms down enough to see the opening and crawls under it. He then can wait it out until someone rescues him.

Maybe this ties into the whole Negan storyline. Maybe he shows up with his people and saves Glenn only to kill him later on like I've heard happens in the comics.
I haven't read the comics so can someone that has, answer a few questions?

first, who is this Negan character that keeps popping up in this thread? They keep saying he is worse than the Governor. In what way?The Gov kept heads in a jar and his dead daughter chained in a closet. He killed his own people when convenient What does Negan do that is worse?.

Has Rick or Glenn died in the comics?

How closely has the storyline followed the comics? I know before the season started, the one guy said on Talking Dead that this season would closely follow the comics.

Negan is brutal. He kills Glen in the comics. His bat is named "Lucy".

Rick still isn't dead. I think i am one issue behind. but comic book Rick is awesome comapred to AMC's dipshit Rick.

It's following fairly closely. Some characters are fake like Daryl and Merl. Bob the drunk (from the Gov' crew) was actually very good character. They turned him into a bumbling idiot for the tv series. I have no idea where they are going with this comic.

it seems like the plot is getting old. Travel around from community to community and deal with end boss and then rinse and repeat.
I haven't read the comics so can someone that has, answer a few questions?

first, who is this Negan character that keeps popping up in this thread? They keep saying he is worse than the Governor. In what way?The Gov kept heads in a jar and his dead daughter chained in a closet. He killed his own people when convenient What does Negan do that is worse?.

Has Rick or Glenn died in the comics?

How closely has the storyline followed the comics? I know before the season started, the one guy said on Talking Dead that this season would closely follow the comics.
Negan is more brutal and psychotic. TV governor compared to comic governor is night and day difference, he is WAY more brutal in the comic than he was on TV, so it's hard to say if Negan will be more evil on TV than the governor.

Glenn has died.

We're somewhere around issue #80, which came out at the end of 2010, and issue #147 just came out two weeks ago. It's hard to say for sure because the Wolves don't exist in the comic. If Negan is introduced by the end of the season as rumored, they are really going to start blowing through this story as Negan's first appearance isn't until issue #100. Jumping 20 issues in less than a season is quite the quick advancement of the story arc, this whole season would end up covering well over two years worth of comics if Negan pops up.

Story arcs for the two shows are about 70% similar, if I had to venture at an estimate. There have been some pretty significant differences, but most haven't significantly changed the overall story arc. The biggest difference that I can remember off the top of my head, aside from a whole slew of drastic differences with characters, is that the whole Terminus thing never existed in the comics.
Nobody is going to be worse than those whacks that were trying to eat them, alive even. Whatever Negan is, he can't top that unless he's pull out intestines and sucks on them like a straw.
Remind me, how did everyone walk around amongst the walkers back in the day?

Coat themselves in zombie slop? What would Glenn be covered in after having that queefbag eaten on top of him? Zombie slop.

Didn't Rick just unload an entire clip of AR ammo a couple miles or so away, which would likely draw the herd away from Glenn?
I don't read the comics, but couldn't help myself going to Wikipedia and reading up on Negan. A very interesting character, to say the least.
you're right, the WD is sooo realistic how could they possibly make up something like that.

It is pretty realistic...other than the Zombies, things are pretty plausible. Glenn surviving that mess is worse than lottery odds...implausible.
How effed up would it be if they kill Rick next week? I know it's 99% unlikely, but that would be a good way to shock the hell out of the audience.

I think they will enter fantasy land and Glenn will somehow be alive next week.
haha. as if a zombie apocolypse is somehow not otherwise fantasy land
personally, i would be disappointed if Glen somehow is alive... i just feel like if you want to kill someone off just commit to it and be done. this "he's not really dead" possible scenario is stupid. if you want to leave readers in suspense whether he alive or dead, then that can easily be done... but the presumption is that he dead, so if he comes back now then I'll be disappointed in the writing quality of the show
personally, i would be disappointed if Glen somehow is alive... i just feel like if you want to kill someone off just commit to it and be done. this "he's not really dead" possible scenario is stupid. if you want to leave readers in suspense whether he alive or dead, then that can easily be done... but the presumption is that he dead, so if he comes back now then I'll be disappointed in the writing quality of the show

Tv shows have a habit of bringing back dead people. Arrow and the Flash both do it regularly.
same way I feel. Keep dude dead. People that are so attached to a GD show that they were outraged they killed him off last night had me rolling. It's a show.
I totally agree. how can anyone be upset about people dying on a show about people dying?

its not like the big bang theory killed sheldon.
killing main characters keeps the show interesting. if the main characters are infinitely safe, then what is the point of watching? a main character has to die occasionally so as to tell the audience "see, no one is really safe"
... except Rick, he is totally safe... but his hand might not be... according to the comics he loses his hand.... this might be it for Rick's hand

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