walking dead

I believe that's the angle in Fear the Walking Dead. It ended with their group trying to get out to a yacht.
why down zombies eat other zombies?

Which of these would you eat?



I guess zombies like their food to be fresh just like normal people. Which below would you eat if you were a zombie the one on the left or right?

A freshly turned zombie would be interesting. The meat should still be fresh. Would be interesting. So far the rule seems to be as soon as they turn, that's it for zombie chow.

I assumed it was smell that kept the walkers away from each other. From the episode guts, and a couple issues of the comics, if you covered yourself in walker guts, you were camouflaged. When the threat of rain happened, as it washed off, walkers turned as if they smelled the humans. Which you gotta think, with showers being at a premium in this world, some people gotta be pretty rank to begin with. So the smell of a walker has got to be beyond awful.
Anyone ever wonder why they don just get on an island?

Kinda Long

It sounds like the smart thing to do. There are a bunch of negatives though. The east coast where they are gets hit by hurricanes, snowstorms, and ice. Unless they found an island with some kind of habitat already there, they would have trouble building something to hold everyone and make it through hurricane season and winter.

If there is something already there, then that means there is likely other people to try and share or fight over it. Judging by the series so far, they would have to fight for it. The water can be pretty rough as well and they would have to find a decent boat that could handle the conditions. Depending on how many people and how much supplies are with them, they might have to make a bunch of trips back and forth. So that increases the danger.

What do they do when they run out of supplies? They have to again go back and forth to try and find what they need. All this travel will burn through fuel like crazy and unless they find a stockpile, that is another issue. They better hope to find a boat with a motor and a sail. If everything goes perfect and they grow crops and have medicines and doctors and strong structures to live in, then it could work. Nothing ever goes as planned on this show though.

Since they are close to Washington D.C., they should try and get to the Pentagon. That has to be one of the most secure buildings in the area. There might even be a military presence held up in there still. I think the best overall thing to do is head out to like Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, etc. and find a farm to live on away from the cities. Unfortunately you need reliable transportation and lots of fuel to move everyone.

They could also go over to the Appalachian Mountains and find a valley to live in. You have the mountains to protect you. I doubt many zombies will be able to get through the mountains. Just roadblock the tunnels going through the mountains. That might be the best bet with their current location. They just have to watch out for the hillbillies living in the area.
Yeah, an island sounds like a great idea, but not in practice. You'd have no worry of being zombie chow, but supplies would be an issue. Assume for a moment you have ideal conditions and can sail, so no need for fuel on a boat. You would still need to run back and forth for supplies, and at that point, fortify yourself closer.

I always have said. should the zombie outbreak happen, us hillbillies have got it good. Low population, so little risk of herds or large groups of walkers. Mountains would make it hard for any to pass and valleys would funnel those who get through in. Very little effort needed to fortify a place. Would be reasonable to believe life in extreme rural areas would go mostly unchanged for a while after the outbreak. Power would likely fail quickly due to coal/gas plants going down, but that would be the biggest hardship. Environment wouldn't be awful. A couple months of winter to prepare for, but nothing like living in the northern US or Midwest.

Yes, it sounds like I have put way too much thought into this, but it has come from several post walking dead episode discussions with friends.
I like how zombies are so well coordinated. Last episode, that white girl who got eaten was because her ankle was busted from falling down in the woods. Funny, I haven't seen one single zombie trip over the wooded terrain. They can maneuver the woods like Grizzly Adams, yet they never trip over themselves.

Herds move in rhythmic sync? hahaha Yeah right. In reality, the herds would become nothing more than piles of zombies falling over each other. I'm calling absolute bullshit on that.
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I like how zombies are so well coordinated. Last episode, that white girl who got eaten was because her ankle was busted from falling down in the woods. Funny, I haven't seen one single zombie trip over the wooded terrain. They can maneuver the woods like Grizzly Adams, yet they never trip over themselves.

This guy says I don't see a problem with it.
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I would gladly rub A1 Sauce all over me and let the zombies eat my big ass just for one chance to tap Maggie's ass, all while she is speaking British to me.
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I know one thing and I told the wife... if Glen ends up living through this then I'm never watching The Walking Dead again. Done with it. Cold turkey. She can watch alone.

No chance in hell anyone lives through that. None. Zero.

The more I think about it, he is dead. If they bring him back after that zombie bombardment, then Negan can't kill him and he will end up surviving to the end.

Because, it's gonna be really hard to taste if Glen comes back after his implicit death only to have Negan kill him off, which will make me even angrier.
So he either went under the dumpster or it is some kind of daydream type of moment and it didn't happen yet. I guessed it was one of those two so I might be right. If he does go under the dumpster, it probably happened in a matter of a few seconds. They did the dramatic slow motion as a body is getting ripped apart. That took probably like 15 seconds in slow motion but only like 5 seconds in real time.

He then pulls himself under the dumpster (which has a gap about 8 to 10" high). He could also have gotten covered by the dumpster as the walkers pile up behind it and it forces the dumpster forward. If you watch the scene again, the dumpster was very close to the fence that had the zombies behind it at the start. When they climb on the dumpster there is now enough space behind it for a row or two of zombies. By the time they show the top view with Glenn on the ground, it is now even further away from the fence.

Glenn also appears to fade away like he is moving to a different spot. So if he ends up under there, then he can just stab at a few of them enough to get some bodies to block the hole. This is if there is more space under it then the actual opening's height to be able to maneuver around under there. Then he just either finds a manhole under there to slide down into the sewer or he hides out until the walkers get distracted by the noise Rick is making. Someone else could also show up (like Negan) and save him to tie into the eventual fate of the comic.
So he either went under the dumpster or it is some kind of daydream type of moment and it didn't happen yet.

He then pulls himself under the dumpster (which has a gap about 8 to 10" high).

No way, he crawls under a dumpster. Hell even hobos can't do that.
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He lived according to some things I've read. Probably crawled under the dumpster. If they follow the comics Negan will be the one to end him and that might be next season since from all I've found we won't see him until the last episode this season.
No way, he crawls under a dumpster. Hell even hobos can't do that.

If you watch when they are showing them running down the alley toward the dumpster, there is a split second where you see an opening under the dumpster to the right of Nicholas as he is running beside the fence with the trees. Of course in the real world there are no gaps that big under a dumpster but this isn't the real world and they can take liberties with stuff like that.
If you watch when they are showing them running down the alley toward the dumpster, there is a split second where you see an opening under the dumpster to the right of Nicholas as he is running beside the fence with the trees. Of course in the real world there are no gaps that big under a dumpster but this isn't the real world and they can take liberties with stuff like that.

You got a point there
why the hell would you grab and hold on to dude once he fell on you after he shot himself? Just let him fall/push him away.

why was glenn on top of the dumpster to begin with? no way a vet panics like that and does something so dumb as pinning himself into a corner with so many alternatives available. they were well ahead of the walkers when the scene started, enough time to play with a door, look around etc, they could of simply scaled the fence to the right, went up the staircase connecting multiple buildings with multiple levels, or simply climbed into the dumpster, all of which being better options.

as far as sliding under the dumpster, i've never seen one with enough clearance, but i'm no dumpster expert....



the whole scene was dumb and poorly constructed. i agree though, if glenn lives it's preposterous, everyone should just stop watching like you've vowed to.
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There's the gap under the dumpster. Glenn is skinny enough to slide under there.
if he slid under the dumpster wouldn't the zombies still know he's under there and still try to get to him? I mean where the hell is he gonna go once he's under the dumpster? [laughing]

That is when they can tie it into when Rick is going Rambo on the wolves through the RV. Maybe they hear that and they start leaving to investigate the noise. Maybe that Negan guy comes in with some heavy duty vehicles and just wipes out the herd and captures Glenn.
once under the dumpster i have no problem with the obvious distraction scenario, problem is he'd never get there. the zombies would just be eating until there's no remaining trace of fresh blood and he's covered in it, under a dead body and engulfed by walkers. lol at them eating every where but his exposed arms, face, legs and so forth, which are covered in blood
My issue, among many, is the height of that opening under the dumpster. Here is a picture of a similar dumpster.

The gap under this one looks half as tall as the one by Glenn. Why would they have a dumpster with an opening like that unless it plays a role in this?
I didn't read the comics, but judging by what everyone else says, Negan is a much worse Governor type character.
My issue, among many, is the height of that opening under the dumpster. Here is a picture of a similar dumpster.

The gap under this one looks half as tall as the one by Glenn. Why would they have a dumpster with an opening like that unless it plays a role in this?

Maybe Karen Carpenter, but not Glenn.
Good Christ folks are putting a lot of thought into this.

The show is finally becoming what I have been expecting for a long time. I am enjoying talking about all the possibilities. The past few episodes have been some of my favorites of any in the whole series.
i get it is a show about zombies, so i allow certain liberties in my mind when watching this show. i don't watch it for the realism. these writers aren't that good when it comes to keeping these scenarios believable. but i am ok with most of it. one thing bugging me at this point is the gasoline issue. they are somewhere in the ball park of 2 years into this apocalypse. so cars would not work at this point. gasoline would be broken down into its separate chemical components. pretty much paint thinner by now. all these cars just sitting around wouldn't matter, the gas in them is obsolete. maybe some farm diesel type large trucks, or farm equipment. hell some military vehicles as well that can run on oil. but gasoline, it is gone by now. they have to be back to the old west by now. it is horse and buggies. but no more cars.
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So in the pic of Glenn with the Jesus character that has not been introduced yet, he's wearing a clean, blue shirt. It was just filmed last month, so seems like he escapes this situation somehow.

It's also a little interesting that Glenn and Nicholas are wearing almost identical outfits. Maybe they coordinated theutfits because theyre new bromos, or the producers did it so they could claim that even though it looks like Glenn's shirt etc, it was really Nicholas's body getting eviscerated.
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If you need further proof Glen is not dead remember this quote from Michonne...

"Have you ever been covered in so much blood that you didn't know if it was yours, or walkers', or your friends'? Huh?"
If you need further proof Glen is not dead remember this quote from Michonne...

"Have you ever been covered in so much blood that you didn't know if it was yours, or walkers', or your friends'? Huh?"
I don't think that had anything to do with Glenn. It was more about the black guy that was arguing with Michonne the whole episode.

He realized that after they had to leave the girl when they were trying to escape. And then when they climbed the fence and had to leave the guy that wrote the note to his wife. And he had the guys blood all over his face.

He knew then that michonne was right.
They may have tried to do a lot of double meanings in this episode. For instance the whole thing with Glenn calling Rick a dumb@$$. He did that back when Rick had to hide in the tank because he had no chance to get out of that situation with hundreds of zombies surrounding him. Glenn needs to hide under the dumpster to also get out of a situation with hundreds of zombies surrounding him.

Also the RV not starting. Does that have something to do with the fact that it kept breaking down but Dale showed Glenn how to fix it? Now we have Rick stuck in the RV needing Glenn to fix it, but he is in a precarious position. I don't know if they were going for some kind of hidden meaning with that or not. If so it could mean if you can fix the RV you will get eaten by zombies. I don't think Glenn dies so I think it probably means nothing or something else.
When the wolf with the pistol (he picked it up off a dead Alexandrian as he fled Morgan) takes a shot at Rick in the RV, he disabled the vehicle when he missed and shot the dashboard up. You can see sparks and hear a "fried" noise after he shoots so I dont think the RV is going to start.

IMO, I dont think Glen dies yet. Its not a very celebrated way to send off a character who has been there since the beginning. Trapped and eaten by walkers? Too easy. Thats something that happens to secondary characters. I could be wrong but when most main characters have died theres usually more drama around it. In a way Glens 9lives is a little old but in a way its pretty good strategy because look at the conversation it has sparked. Its all I heard Monday at work.