My take...If you listened to the season wrap up/opening segment of the UL post game show, then you listened to Vince's interview this know Matt Jones isn't a bagman for UK. That's just asinine to think it as some have suggested. Matt is a SUPER smart guy. He's built one helluva company and listenership. How about this take? Matt gave Vince the platform, in part, obviously because they're buddies but also in part because he knows THIS is what we're stuck with. He was the exact same way after the Barney/Cal interview thing. I also think there's something to Matt giving Vince the platform to show just how awful the situation is. We all know where this is headed, and as long as no other school rescues UK by hiring Stoops this is what we're stuck with.
If the stars aligned...and you rolled sevens...A Purdue-type gets super desperate, pays Stoops $5M while UK also negotiates the balance of his contract via a buyout. They then hire Sumrall for roughly the same as the negotiated buyout. That's about the only prayer of this changing. Stoops is gonna get his $44M, it's just UK being luck enough for some other desperate team to pay half of it.