Travis Branham has removed his crystal ball predicting DJ Wagner to Arkansas

The mere fact that fans here and across the sport are weary on if they want 1AD talent in basketball.. but would NEVER balk at a top25 football recruiting coming to them.. tells you everything you need to know about the differences.
People would be way more accepting of a tougher year with top 25 Freshman if they knew we would see their junior year together. I can only imagine how many titles Cal would have won if his best classes stayed 3 years. Even he wouldn’t screw that up.
People would be way more accepting of a tougher year with top 25 Freshman if they knew we would see their junior year together. I can only imagine how many titles Cal would have won if his best classes stayed 3 years. Even he wouldn’t screw that up.

Exactly. Recruiting a bunch of 1AD types is not some automatic road to success. There are HUGE inherent drawbacks with that strategy, that football doesn't have.
I would welcome Wagner back with open arms! He always seemed to give it his all every game but honestly folks, I think a ton of his problems stemmed from being coached by CCC.
IMO from what I saw last season he could get to the rim anytime he wanted, the guy had fantastic moves and could get past any defender. His main problem which was huge and most obvious was finishing!
If and when he figures it out and starts making all those misses he had at the basket, that's when he will truly flourish and that is another reason why I would gladly welcome him back. From what we have heard from his teammates, he tried to to be positive, was a great teammate and motivator. As I stated above, if and when he finishes at the rim the guy will be a problem for any opposing team. Being coached by anyone who puts a giant bullseye on your back is definitely gonna put massive butterflies in your belly and when you get all that figured out is when you will see results.
We all know that he is a great athlete with tremendous skills who is a good teammate and has a high ceiling, I think with proper coaching the guy will produce and I think CMP could help him get over the hump that CCC placed in his path.

Go Big Blue !! 🏀
Good god…even when they’re sort of right(Cal did do a good job preparing kids for the league) it will never stop being maddening to see the same group of brain dead supposed UK fans immediately come running to the defense of John Calipari even after he spent years tanking the program because he stopped prioritizing winning over draft picks.

He made 9 million a year to win basketball games. And then dippped(thankfully) for a conference rival when our AD finally grew some balls and wouldn’t let him hire his way under qualified son.

Dude never gave a shit about or had any loyalty towards the long term success of UK basketball. For ****s sake stop defending him already.
A few so called fans who see winning one championship in 15 years as the norm for UKBasketball are beyond brain dead. In my opinion they all got a blue ribbon for showing up and are accepting of low expectations. UK is still the premier basketball program in America. Has always been and will always be and expectations are the highest which is why anyone who accepts 1-15 as a goal is not a real fan that wants Championship but a fan that accepts their blue ribbon instead.
Saying Cal cannot develop guards to be successful in the NBA is literally a ridiculous comment. It was time for a change from Cal, but arguably his absolute strength was getting guards ready for the NBA. Just ask Rose, Gilgeous-Alexander, Fox, Monk, Maxey, Murray, and. List goes on.
All of those guys would be guards in the NBA with or without Cowl. Next you’ll say he developed AD into a shot blocking machine with dribbling skills.
A few so called fans who see winning one championship in 15 years as the norm for UKBasketball are beyond brain dead. In my opinion they all got a blue ribbon for showing up and are accepting of low expectations. UK is still the premier basketball program in America. Has always been and will always be and expectations are the highest which is why anyone who accepts 1-15 as a goal is not a real fan that wants Championship but a fan that accepts their blue ribbon instead.
Beautiful post. I'm hoping that expectations from fans will rise along with being patient with Pope and the mess he has to work through.
Yeah, the sports are apples to oranges big time.

Even if basketball players had to stay 2 years I think that means at least 2 more UK titles I'm cal era.

It certainly means, very dominant regular seasons, thats for sure. ANd yeah, I'd like to think if we had these guys for just 1 more year, we are probably adding 2-3 more Final4s and another title, maybe 2 title appearances.
IF---dogs could poop gold nuggets--

About the same chance begok WANTED to win anything significant these last 4 years at UK.

"IF"--such a little bitty word--but so meaningful

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IF---dogs could poop gold nuggets--

About the same chance begok WANTED to win anything significant these last 4 years at UK.

"IF"--such a little bitty word--but so meaningful

Begoky begoky I weally foqued-upy
My showcase lineups weally got sloppy
When they ask why my coachings a floppy
Il just tell those Bennies to top me
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What does begok stand for?
BEGOK stands for nothing as he has no spine, but kneels as an insult to the very flag that gave him his right to behave and exist, as he does. He has a bloated enough ego to actually stand against his providers and protectors who bled and died so he could flourish in the safety and opportunity they gave him. BloatedEGOKneeler
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Beautiful post. I'm hoping that expectations from fans will rise along with being patient with Pope and the mess he has to work through.
I agree with Coach Pope on this that's not what we do here. He knows exactly how how much fun it is and how much good it does for the whole state when we win titles. You can tell he's in go mode for real!!!
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BEGOK stands for nothing as he has no spine, but kneels as an insult to the very flag that gave him his right to behave and exist, as he does. He has a bloated enough ego to actually stand against his providers and protectors who bled and died so he could flourish in the safety and opportunity they gave him. BloatedEGOKneeler
I have no room for kneelers. You can protest anyway you want, but don't disrespect those who gave all or put it all on the line for your freedoms. CCC is not a patriot and only cares about advancing CCC.

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