Beavis, I never said I hated company men, you're the only one spewing hate. Do you understand HOW stupid the comparison to coach cals contract is, it's makes you look ignorant. Coach Cal's contract guarantees him 7.5 million, Guarantees is the key word.
The union members here are guaranteed 38 dollars an hour, or 79000 a year, do you understand that overtime is not a guarantee? Just like Calipari gets bonuses if he wins the title, that too is not a guarantee, agreed?
The overtime may be high one year and low another, it is not a guaranteed wage, do you understand the difference?
The union members here are guaranteed 38 dollars an hour, or 79000 a year, do you understand that overtime is not a guarantee? Just like Calipari gets bonuses if he wins the title, that too is not a guarantee, agreed?
The overtime may be high one year and low another, it is not a guaranteed wage, do you understand the difference?