The West Coast shipping strike.

Beavis, I never said I hated company men, you're the only one spewing hate. Do you understand HOW stupid the comparison to coach cals contract is, it's makes you look ignorant. Coach Cal's contract guarantees him 7.5 million, Guarantees is the key word.

The union members here are guaranteed 38 dollars an hour, or 79000 a year, do you understand that overtime is not a guarantee? Just like Calipari gets bonuses if he wins the title, that too is not a guarantee, agreed?

The overtime may be high one year and low another, it is not a guaranteed wage, do you understand the difference?
They arent guaranteed to make that much year in and year out. All they are guaranteed is 79000 for 2080 hours. The overtime hours may not be there year in and year out to make that much, do you understand what I'm saying?

The only thing guaranteed in the contract is 2080 hours of work, and overtime rates when worked, not the hours.
I don't know how to make you understand, that what they made with overtime has zero to do with negotiations, zilch. Overtime pay is not negotiated, only straight time. They made that much because business was good enough that PMA needed them to work that much overtime, do you understand that?

PMA threw that number out because they knew it would turn public opinion. Nevermind that they were also making money hand over fist, and they needed the dockworkers to work that much.

What they are negotiating now is the minimum they will make in the future, because thats all that the contract mandates. Understand?

This post was edited on 2/18 9:48 PM by Bill Derington

This post was edited on 2/18 9:49 PM by Bill Derington
Originally posted by Beavis606:
Of course. But everyone else in this thread and in those videos and all other links has been reporting what they did make, not the minimum they were guaranteed.
Applaud your efforts good sir. But as you stated before: Noone has ever cured the brainwashing they give a union man.
Bill its silly to say that business has to be good if they are paying overtime. Not true at all. In my business, benefits cost me about 50% of persons salary, on average. Its much cheaper many times to just pay overtime. Especially when you throw in training cost etc.
The fact is, overtime is a huge part of what hourly people make. To preclude it, just shows you drink the union koolaid.
This thread is just more proof of how sad unions have become. You have employees who average $147,000 a year, yet unions and the union sheep agree with shutting the country down so these guys can make more money.
Rob, they aren't shutting the country down, and I understand overtime is part of the deal, but not as much as these guys worked, thats an insane amount of hours. And business is good for guys to be working over a 1000 hours of overtime, you know that. Of course it's cheaper to pay these guys that much instead of hiring new people, thats why they have them work that much, they need them. An employer is not going to have an employee work any overtime, much less as much as this guys did unless they need them too.

I agree that they need to hammer out a contract, but to act as if its all the unions fault is ridiculous. Especially when the PMA is the one stopping the movement of containers.
Rob, could the PMA eliminate all OT? And how much will their pay be this year? Will they average 144000 again?
Bill, sure. But the company is paying more than fair wages. Why tie a companies hands that is paying fair wages?
I don't think its about wages at all. If it is then I agree with your point, if they offered 3% raise, and they turned it down because that wasn't enough, then they're fools.

More than likely the sticking point is something else.