The earth is a flat, non spinning realm, not a planet in an infinite universe

Is the Earth Flat or a Globe

  • Flat

    Votes: 10 10.3%
  • Globe

    Votes: 87 89.7%

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BigBlueFanGA is correct. Rivers flow due to elevation changes. The miniscule difference in the acceleration of gravity at the equator and at the poles is inconsequential. Any noncompressible fluid of a given density and specific gravity would also flow downhill. Simple hydrodynamics.

The New River is fairly close to me. It flows North from the mountains in North Carolina, "downhill" through Southwest VA and finally into West VA, where Bluestone Lake's discharge flows into the Ohio, then into the Mississippi, and then into the Gulf. Even when I was 9 years old, I understood why this river flowed North, while the other rivers my dad and I used to fish back then flowed South.
Did we ever find out what causes the tides and ocean currents on a flat earth that is constantly moving upwards?

You see, because the world is flat, and gravity is actually buoyancy, the earth kind of floats. In fact it has an undetectable and constant see-saw motion. This causes the water to crash in the the "rim" and bounce back (think making waves in the bath tub). And what you think are "tides" are actually just the result of the imbalance.
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I had such high hopes for you, you seemed curious, oh well.
I am curious but you're saying silly things. Mean sea level, which is what we're really talking about, has nothing to do with distance to the center of earth. If this has anything to do with your "proof" there is nothing for us to talk about. I'm more interested in the nascar track you believe in. Thats a pretty good example of the disk with a high wall around it, a belt of oceans in front of the wall and land in the center. We're simply talking about a nearly round Nascar track. Within reason, do you agree?
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I had such high hopes for you, you seemed curious, oh well.
The reason I was asking you so much about the disk at first is simple. As I said, you described a Nascar track with the wall and stands being your ice wall, or Antarctica. Here is the simple problem. For you to be correct, anyone "circumnavigating" "Antarctica " would always have to turn away from the wall, otherwise they would hit the wall. If you are wrong and Antarctica is basically a round island, you would constantly have to turn towards the ice to go around it. Otherwise you'd sail off to other places. Many long. and lat. studies have been done while circumnavigating Antarctica. They all result in turning towards the ice, not away from it. You can't really escape this simple fact and this simple fact proves that your disk theory is incorrect.
You see, because the world is flat, and gravity is actually buoyancy, the earth kind of floats. In fact it has an undetectable and constant see-saw motion. This causes the water to crash in the the "rim" and bounce back (think making waves in the bath tub). And what you think are "tides" are actually just the result of the imbalance.

Try to rent a boat or plane and go to Antarctica without getting permission first. You can't it's restricted by the Treaty of Antarctica and you will be turned back before you can step foot on land. Cruises go to predetermined ports, tourist flights travel predetermined flight paths, try to go on your own, you can't.
Try to rent a boat or plane and go to Antarctica without getting permission first. You can't it's restricted by the Treaty of Antarctica and you will be turned back before you can step foot on land. Cruises go to predetermined ports, tourist flights travel predetermined flight paths, try to go on your own, you can't.
I know you've tried, Bill.

Did you mean The Antarctic Treaty?

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington on 1 December 1959 by the twelve countries whose scientists had been active in and around Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-58. It entered into force in 1961 and has since been acceded to by many other nations. The total number of Parties to the Treaty is now 53.

Some important provisions of the Treaty:

Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only (Art. I)

Freedom of scientific investigation in Antarctica and cooperation toward that end … shall continue (Art. II).

Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall be exchanged and made freely available (Art. III).

Among the signatories of the Treaty were seven countries - Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom - with territorial claims , sometimes overlapping. Other countries do not recognize any claims. The US and Russia maintain a “basis of claim”. All positions are explicitly protected in Article IV, which preserves the status quo:

No acts or activities taking place while the present Treaty is in force shall constitute a basis for asserting , supporting or denying a claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica or create any rights of sovereignty in Antarctica. No new claim, or enlargement of an existing claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica shall be asserted while the present Treaty is in force.

To promote the objectives and ensure the observance of the provisions of the Treaty, "All areas of Antarctica, including all stations, installations and equipment within those areas … shall be open at all times to inspection " (Art. VII).
Try to rent a boat or plane and go to Antarctica without getting permission first. You can't it's restricted by the Treaty of Antarctica and you will be turned back before you can step foot on land. Cruises go to predetermined ports, tourist flights travel predetermined flight paths, try to go on your own, you can't.

You can go on your own. No one will be there to check your papers and turn you away.
Just don't go December-March due to the extreme cold. No, wait, it's summer there during those months. Hmmmmmmmmm, that's a brain tickler right there. Wonder why that is‽ ‽'s purty dark there when it's summer here....and purty much light all the time when it's winter here. Same with the North Pole. One of my wife's friends used to be married to a guy who worked in Barrow, Alaska. Said she hated the midnight sun and the endless nights.
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I had a chance to go to a graduate program that was going to send me to Antarctica for research. I turned them down and went to grad school elsewhere. I never really regretted that decision - until now.

Of course, it wouldn't make any difference in this thread. We could set up a GoFundMe and get Brushy Bill sent up to the ISS so he could orbit the earth and see it with his own eyes, and he'd still come back here arguing nonsense.

No sir! You have stated there are no satellites, right? How is it possible then that we know exactly when and where an object in low earth orbit will be visible? And visible with our own eyes no less.

There is no conspiracy or trickery involved. Download the app. And on a clear night look up exactly where the data shows the ISS will be. And there you will see it. It will look like a fast moving plane (but with no blinking lights). It will appear and disappear EXACTLY were the data tells you it will be. And if it's not a satellite in low earth orbit what is it that you think we can see?
No sir! You have stated there are no satellites, right? How is it possible then that we know exactly when and where an object in low earth orbit will be visible? And visible with our own eyes no less.

There is no conspiracy or trickery involved. Download the app. And on a clear night look up exactly where the data shows the ISS will be. And there you will see it. It will look like a fast moving plane (but with no blinking lights). It will appear and disappear EXACTLY were the data tells you it will be. And if it's not a satellite in low earth orbit what is it that you think we can see?


so what happens when you climb over this antartica ice wall?

You move from the land masses we know to a Dinosaur filled land area. My theory is the earth isn't a disc but multiple "lands" that are corrected via several ice walls. We find dinosaur bones here because of a great warming of the ice wall, which caused it to melt enough for the large reptiles to make their way here. Once here, they couldn't adjust to the climate and died out.
That is my theory and if you think i'm wrong, then prove it. This theory is about as sane as a flat earth one.
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