Sometimes, the bull wins.

Southwest France is Basque country like northern coast of Spain. But this is first I knew the Basques are into bull fighting like (most of) the rest of Spain and the first I knew bull fighting was allowed and occurred in France. Looking up in Wiki, it occurs across southern France over to Monaco. Who knew? Not me. Been to Bilbao and Aries in France.

Went to a Spain bull farm on a tour. Bulls are not permitted to see the cape till they enter the ring. So how do they pick bulls? They fight the cows at the farms & the best are deemed to produce the best bulls. The rest make good burgers.

How many bulls does Spain go thru a year? About 25K. Every little podunk town has a ring and 2-4 days of fights as part of what we'd call a county fair.
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Southwest France is Basque country like northern coast of Spain. But this is first I knew the Basques are into bull fighting like (most of) the rest of Spain and the first I knew bull fighting was allowed and occurred in France. Looking up in Wiki, it occurs across southern France over to Monaco. Who knew? Not me. Been to Bilbao and Aries in France.

Went to a Spain bull farm on a tour. Bulls are not permitted to see the cape till they enter the ring. So how do they pick bulls? They fight the cows at the farms & the best are deemed to produce the best bulls. The rest make good burgers.

How many bulls does Spain go thru a year? About 25K. Every little podunk town has a ring and 2-4 days of fights as part of what we'd call a county fair.

I didn't know the red cape was just for show. The matador could be waiving a floral print cape and the bull will still charge. He charges from the movement, not the color.
Bull fighting has to be one of the most ridiculous "sports" around. They are basically torturing animals for god's sake.
What amused me were his last words: "Hurry up, I'm dying."

Yeah, you was. And you did. That's why I always root for the bull!
Did you read the comments and see the video of the young bull veering off course and plowing the guy face first ? HILLARIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!

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What amused me were his last words: "Hurry up, I'm dying."

Yeah, you was. And you did. That's why I always root for the bull!

I always root for the bull just like how I root for a semi to take out the asshole driver who is driving like a maniac and passing people and running lights.

Sometimes the universe has to deliver the comeuppance.