Should the US Government Release ALL info about UAP’s?

There were events by the dozen in those days. Most of my friends know of my interest in the subject. At least a half-a-dozen folk who were never identified in the press have told me of experiences during those years.

In Eastern Lincoln County, we have joked for years that they didn’t f&@k with us because they were,indeed, intelligent beings: we would have blasted them!!
I only wish we had the type of instant communications that we have now, back in those days. I lived near Lincoln County at that time & only heard of those reports months, or in some cases, years later!
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Presidents don’t know so who is the authority that would say “there are interstellar beings visiting our planet”? Do we have to wait until aliens land or take over?
I only wish we had the type of instant communications that we have now, back in those days. I lived near Lincoln County at that time & only heard of those reports months, or in some cases, years later!
One of the abductees was on the daytime Merv Griffin show in ‘76.

According to internet sources, this was the only “close encounter of the third kind” confirmed by other witnesses.
Do we have to wait until aliens land or take over?
Keep up with the news the next few months.

As we speak (type) a lot of soul-searching is going on among the truly powerful.

At this point, one of two things will happen: (1) A bi-partisan effort to declassify the proof possessed by Grusch and others will allow us to see the proof; (2) or the “deep-state” again, threatens and intimidates both those in power and those who possess the proof, and silence reins.

I’m thinking the former is the better bet, at the moment.
So the hearing has come and gone, and it was a big dud.
Had you more closely followed the totality of what is happening, you would know that those items of proof have been presented by Grusch and more than 40 other witnesses in prior classified hearings.

Why have you not seen this proof? Well, because those in charge think you are unworthy of seeing it, as it is classified!

Will this change? Some of those who have seen the classified proof are seeking its de-classification.

Stay tuned!!
And all these whistleblowers cannot produce ONE VERIFIABLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE of that gigantic undertaking.

But stay tuned…Tomorrow could be the day…
I laugh at the Barnie Rubble comments like yours requiring "put up or shut up" from the people testifying. These Barnies have no skin in the game and nothing to lose as they sit next to the beer fridge.

Meanwhile those testifying have almost certainly at some point signed NDAs, official secrets, limitations of disclosure of anything declared "classified" at a moment's notice. You can guarantee gov't lawyers are watching each syllable looking for a rookie mistake to do an Edward Snowden-- even if its just to lock them up long enough to figure out what to charge them with.

They MAY have some protection talking in closed session with elected reps but open public disclosure of state secrets is simple suicide.

Give these people a break. If they wanted to just make money they would make a dumb documentary with no details ever. If a simple claim of domestic violence can get you on a no fly list, rest assured these people will be surveilled forever.

The problem here is people thinking objectively. If you are 100% certain that there are no aliens, then no evidence will dissuade you from your viewpoint. Dismissive skeptics (not all skeptics) see UAPs on the same level as believing in ghosts, so the possibility is not even an option to them and they will always try to come up with a mundane alternative. Even the official Pentagon videos get explained away as birds, flares, airliners, balloons, or drones, despite the Navy having exact radar tracking data of their motions, high-res videos of the encounters, and had experts with decades of experience look at them, yet they could not identify these objects. But a skeptic with only cuts of low-res videos somehow figures out a mundane explanation and then communicates that as a fact, which demonstrates bias and arrogance. This is how all evidence on UAPs that finds its way to the public gets knocked down.
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Pretty interesting commentary by Ross Coulthart the Australian journalist that did the initial interview with Grusch. What some people are missing is these hearings weren't brought about by some congressman who thought this would be an interesting subject to pursue. The hearings were a result of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Thomas Monheim, referring the matter to both intel committees in the House and Senate based on his interview with Grusch and numerous other witnesses that are involved in those special opts programs who validated his story.

I absolutely believe we are not alone and over time this planet was visited by other beings; probably multiple times.

I am even reasonably sure of their craft/vehicles/material was even recovered by one or more governments.

What I'm still not sold on, is these items contained dead space men. I'm not sure why but this strikes me as just a bridge too far. I think if this happened there would be no way to cover it up long term. The information is just too explosive to completely keep secret for this long
I absolutely believe we are not alone and over time this planet was visited by other beings; probably multiple times.

I am even reasonably sure of their craft/vehicles/material was even recovered by one or more governments.

What I'm still not sold on, is these items contained dead space men. I'm not sure why but this strikes me as just a bridge too far. I think if this happened there would be no way to cover it up long term. The information is just too explosive to completely keep secret for this long
The information is just too explosive to completely keep secret for this long.

I think any information about an alien presence now or in the past, that can be confirmed with observable evidence, is way too hot to have been covered up for nearly 80 years. The ramifications are just too profound.

There would had to have been some involvement by the great scientists who lived during that period. Einstein, Schrödinger, Feynman, Higgs, Bohr and many, many others would have been recruited in order to analyze the discoveries and search for their places of origin in the galaxy.

Yet there isn’t a paragraph published by them, or even any rumors of their involvement with the military’s UFO program. From all indications, if the military is indeed hiding anything, it may be revolutionary technology that was produced on earth or, more likely, a stonewalling tactic to keep Congress from defunding one of their programs.

I sincerely hope that the committee that was formed to investigate this matter will continue to hound the Pentagon until we know for certain that they consider UAPs to be terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or unknown.
There were events by the dozen in those days. Most of my friends know of my interest in the subject. At least a half-a-dozen folk who were never identified in the press have told me of experiences during those years.

In Eastern Lincoln County, we have joked for years that they didn’t f&@k with us because they were,indeed, intelligent beings: we would have blasted them!!
How do you know they did not f&@k with you?
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I laugh at the Barnie Rubble comments like yours requiring "put up or shut up" from the people testifying. These Barnies have no skin in the game and nothing to lose as they sit next to the beer fridge.

Meanwhile those testifying have almost certainly at some point signed NDAs, official secrets, limitations of disclosure of anything declared "classified" at a moment's notice. You can guarantee gov't lawyers are watching each syllable looking for a rookie mistake to do an Edward Snowden-- even if its just to lock them up long enough to figure out what to charge them with.

They MAY have some protection talking in closed session with elected reps but open public disclosure of state secrets is simple suicide.

Give these people a break. If they wanted to just make money they would make a dumb documentary with no details ever. If a simple claim of domestic violence can get you on a no fly list, rest assured these people will be surveilled forever.

The problem here is people thinking objectively. If you are 100% certain that there are no aliens, then no evidence will dissuade you from your viewpoint. Dismissive skeptics (not all skeptics) see UAPs on the same level as believing in ghosts, so the possibility is not even an option to them and they will always try to come up with a mundane alternative. Even the official Pentagon videos get explained away as birds, flares, airliners, balloons, or drones, despite the Navy having exact radar tracking data of their motions, high-res videos of the encounters, and had experts with decades of experience look at them, yet they could not identify these objects. But a skeptic with only cuts of low-res videos somehow figures out a mundane explanation and then communicates that as a fact, which demonstrates bias and arrogance. This is how all evidence on UAPs that finds its way to the public gets knocked down.
Barney Rubble said things like “put up or shut up?”
You are missing the point.

I've been around Washington a long time. And one thing I can tell you: The bureaucracy and the military are terrible at keeping secrets.

Look at the record: When the fate of the entire country was at stake, it took the Soviets a matter of months to steal atomic bomb secrets in the 1940s. All the most closely held Pentagon Secrets during Vietnam leaked. Look at how easy it was for Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansen and Jonathan Pollard and many others to steal vital secrets that in some cases were literally of life and death importance. How easy for Edward Snowden and whatever Manning's name was to expose classified, top secret Pentagon info, and even that lame-brained low level Massachusetts National Guardsman who recently leaked all our secret data on Ukrainian forces.

Now, in that context, imagine the US government for several decades running a series of programs that involved recovering crashed UFOs, finding and preserving alien bodies, putting together teams of scientists and engineers to study, file reports on, do engineering projects and even build things through reverse engineering. It would cost billions of dollars. It would require large physical plants to be built. Many thousands of people - common soldiers gathering debris, truck drivers hauling stuff around, doctors, engineers, scientists, bureaucrats, people keeping the record books, someone transferring the money around, on and on and on...

Is it really possible all that could have gone on for roughly 80 years, and not one tangible piece of information -- one reverse-engineering schematic, one memo up the food chain, one autopsy report on a non-human being, one fragment of a craft that could be demonstrated to be on non-earthly origins, has ever surfaced? Even when doing so would make the person leaking the stuff — not second or third hand rumors like Grusch but real, provable evidence —a hero who literally changed the way we view our place in the universe?

The answer is no. That is not possible. It is a fantasy, fun perhaps, but not for a serious person to take seriously.
Who’s paying you to say these things?
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For those who say there's no way you could keep a secret like this for 75 years, just remember
Intimidation, ridicule, character assassination and even murder were used to contain the truth. Also there have been leaks all along, it's just that most people haven't taken them seriously. For instance Bob Lazar has revealed his work on reverse engineering the propulsion system of one of the captured craft. The very same thing Grusch has revealed recently (under oath). Yet despite the fact he passed 3 lie detector tests he has still been debunked by people in the media, and the government continues to harass him to this day.
For those who say there's no way you could keep a secret like this for 75 years, just remember
Intimidation, ridicule, character assassination and even murder were used to contain the truth. Also there have been leaks all along, it's just that most people haven't taken them seriously. For instance Bob Lazar has revealed his work on reverse engineering the propulsion system of one of the captured craft. The very same thing Grusch has revealed recently (under oath). Yet despite the fact he passed 3 lie detector tests he has still been debunked by people in the media, and the government continues to harass him to this day.
What’s a comparable secret that we now know was kept for such a duration? Do we have an example of anything so big that most of the government is simply in the dark? We have divisions of government set up for the purpose of space exploration and units within those organizations that focus on contact. Are all of those people in the dark? Is our technology utilized in those contexts so poor that there is no corroboration? Or are they in the know?
Or are they in the know?
An interesting question.

Every ex-military friend I’ve spoken to since June has acted as though the issue is old news . . . “well, sure we have recovered craft.”

Trying to compare this to other secrets? I’m not sure that is doable.

What about this has been kept secret?

Having followed the literature pretty closely since 1975, very little of what Grusch has said is a surprise.
I can't tell who is funning and who is serious.

We only became a radio source around 150 years ago. There don't appear to be any inhabitable planets at a range of 150 LY so there's nobody in that range to have noticed us. If there were an advanced civilization just beyond 150 LY away, and they suddenly notice us, we'd still have 150 more years before they could get it together to visit.

Personally, I think all advanced civilizations destroy themselves due to competing self-interests and consume all of their easily available fuel in the process. The remnants from those struggles would live on at a permanently reduced fraction of their previous high water mark of technology and be unable to move from their depleted home planets. Self-awareness is not a blessing.

For evidence of the effects of self-awareness, I offer the examples of mistrust and paranoia exhibited in this thread. Whether such feelings are warranted or not, they are human and a part of who we are. We all aren't going to suddenly become benign cooperative beings. Self-awareness does that. It isn't a trick of biology.
We have zero tangible evidence of aliens, but tons of evidence that our government has lied to us. We also have multiple leaders over the last 60 years say the one way to bring everyone together would be to fight against an existential force from outside our planet. I absolutely believe there are unidentified objects flying around & even underwater. I just happen to believe our government and other governments are in a silent race to create the best.
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There's a civilization so advanced it can send a craft across thousands of light years of space but would crash here? What are the odds?
It gets tiresome. The constant "well wait until these hearings" type watershed moment that never comes. Or the "I worked with a guy who saw.." Then it's "they are covering it up." Combined with bad footage that convinces no one. It could be anything, experimental aircraft, drones. Helicopters can hover and looks strange at night. But seeing a tic tac on bad footage is not going to convince me of anything. Do I think it is possible? Yes. Probable? no. I've seen drones at night that looked very much like a UFO. I work with a guy who is always going on about it.
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I've gone back and forth on this over the years. The only thing that's changed is that officials (former and current) have tiptoed forward the tiniest bit to the point that the conversation doesn't automatically equal crazy now.

Government tech is likely far more advanced than we'll ever know and that scares people. The unknown scares people. When we don't have answers to the unknown, we create stories to fill that void. I just don't believe alien craft (actual alien craft) ever crashed on Earth or the absurd notion that we captured alien life. Life not of this world isn't in our oceans or is so advanced that it's secretly maneuvering through our seas. And the government isn't "slow-walking" this conversation to prepare the world for a big reveal. It's 2023. I'm sure they felt we're ready to know that tech has been created that various governments are unfamiliar with and/or unwilling to claim. I know this is shocking, but no one government is going to step forward and say, "Yo, over here - we did that! Yeah, that's us. Sorry for the confusion, world. We got stuff so advanced it'll make your head spin like Beetlejuice."
I remember Trump saying he was going to look into it. Are you telling me the President couldn't find out about this if he really wanted to?
Dang, there was a post by @MdWIldcat55 that's now been deleted to which I was going to respond. @Caveman Catfan quoted it above, though.

"I've been around Washington a long time. And one thing I can tell you: The bureaucracy and the military are terrible at keeping secrets."

I've lived and worked in DC for 25+ years, so respectfully, you probably don't have any particular type of insight that I don't.

On the surface, your argument sounds good, but misses the mark. For instance, if Roswell happened, the gov't certainly *was not* able to keep a secret. The same with Rendlesham Forest, Cape Girardeau, MO, etc. There's been a drips and drops of information over the decades. There was also an active disinfo campaign to marginalize those who tried to come forward, as well as disinfo campaigns disguised as investigatory programs (Project Grudge and Project Blue Book) to dismiss the topic. It's telling that Dr. J Allen Hynek, who was involved with Project Blue Book, ultimately came around to the conclusion research into UAPs shouldn't be stymied/ridiculed:

"In April 1953, Hynek wrote a report for the Journal of the Optical Society of America titled "Unusual Aerial Phenomena," which contained one of his best-known statements:

Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is. The steady flow of reports, often made in concert by reliable observers, raises questions of scientific obligation and responsibility. Is there ... any residue that is worthy of scientific attention? Or, if there isn't, does not an obligation exist to say so to the public—not in words of open ridicule but seriously, to keep faith with the trust the public places in science and scientists?[6]
In 1953, Hynek was an associate member of the Robertson Panel, which concluded that there was nothing anomalous about UFOs, and that a public relations campaign should be undertaken to debunk the subject and reduce public interest. Hynek would later lament that the Robertson Panel had helped make UFOs a disreputable field of study."

Again, for many years, there was a huge amount of stigma for serious research into the UAP topic, and anyone who came forward was ridiculed in the mainstream.

Continuing on...

"Is it really possible all that could have gone on for roughly 80 years, and not one tangible piece of information -- one reverse-engineering schematic, one memo up the food chain, one autopsy report on a non-human being, one fragment of a craft that could be demonstrated to be on non-earthly origins, has ever surfaced? Even when doing so would make the person leaking the stuff — not second or third hand rumors like Grusch but real, provable evidence —a hero who literally changed the way we view our place in the universe?"

The U.S. government can keep a secret if it wants to, and it can do so in several different ways: over-classification, compartmentalization, administrative reprisals or the threat thereof, to name a few. Sometimes, the government can keep a secret so well, it forgets it own secret. The most secretive agency in the U.S. gov't isn't the Pentagon, it's probably the Dep't of Energy. So, if you wanna keep something secret, don't let the Pentagon keep it, transfer it to the national labs like Los Alamos, keep it secret under the DOE's own classification system, and then at some point have it transferred into a contractor's system. That way the Pentagon mostly has plausible deniability.

Anyway, as an example of keeping something secret to the point the gov't forgets about it, I point you to the material known as "Fogbank," which is an aerogel used in our nuclear weapons. It was so secret that in the late 1990s, when the gov't decided it needed to refurbish some of its nukes, it realized it had forgotten how to make the stuff, and didn't re-figure it out until the mid-2000s.
An interesting question.

Every ex-military friend I’ve spoken to since June has acted as though the issue is old news . . . “well, sure we have recovered craft.”

Trying to compare this to other secrets? I’m not sure that is doable.

What about this has been kept secret?

Having followed the literature pretty closely since 1975, very little of what Grusch has said is a surprise.
I like this quote from the article:

We have not yet discovered life on any other planet, and we have not seen any scientifically supported evidence for extraterrestrial life.
I think that sums up the status of our knowledge about ET life.
Dang, there was a post by @MdWIldcat55 that's now been deleted to which I was going to respond. @Caveman Catfan quoted it above, though.

"I've been around Washington a long time. And one thing I can tell you: The bureaucracy and the military are terrible at keeping secrets."

I've lived and worked in DC for 25+ years, so respectfully, you probably don't have any particular type of insight that I don't.

On the surface, your argument sounds good, but misses the mark. For instance, if Roswell happened, the gov't certainly *was not* able to keep a secret. The same with Rendlesham Forest, Cape Girardeau, MO, etc. There's been a drips and drops of information over the decades. There was also an active disinfo campaign to marginalize those who tried to come forward, as well as disinfo campaigns disguised as investigatory programs (Project Grudge and Project Blue Book) to dismiss the topic. It's telling that Dr. J Allen Hynek, who was involved with Project Blue Book, ultimately came around to the conclusion research into UAPs shouldn't be stymied/ridiculed:

"In April 1953, Hynek wrote a report for the Journal of the Optical Society of America titled "Unusual Aerial Phenomena," which contained one of his best-known statements:

In 1953, Hynek was an associate member of the Robertson Panel, which concluded that there was nothing anomalous about UFOs, and that a public relations campaign should be undertaken to debunk the subject and reduce public interest. Hynek would later lament that the Robertson Panel had helped make UFOs a disreputable field of study."

Again, for many years, there was a huge amount of stigma for serious research into the UAP topic, and anyone who came forward was ridiculed in the mainstream.

Continuing on...

"Is it really possible all that could have gone on for roughly 80 years, and not one tangible piece of information -- one reverse-engineering schematic, one memo up the food chain, one autopsy report on a non-human being, one fragment of a craft that could be demonstrated to be on non-earthly origins, has ever surfaced? Even when doing so would make the person leaking the stuff — not second or third hand rumors like Grusch but real, provable evidence —a hero who literally changed the way we view our place in the universe?"

The U.S. government can keep a secret if it wants to, and it can do so in several different ways: over-classification, compartmentalization, administrative reprisals or the threat thereof, to name a few. Sometimes, the government can keep a secret so well, it forgets it own secret. The most secretive agency in the U.S. gov't isn't the Pentagon, it's probably the Dep't of Energy. So, if you wanna keep something secret, don't let the Pentagon keep it, transfer it to the national labs like Los Alamos, keep it secret under the DOE's own classification system, and then at some point have it transferred into a contractor's system. That way the Pentagon mostly has plausible deniability.

Anyway, as an example of keeping something secret to the point the gov't forgets about it, I point you to the material known as "Fogbank," which is an aerogel used in our nuclear weapons. It was so secret that in the late 1990s, when the gov't decided it needed to refurbish some of its nukes, it realized it had forgotten how to make the stuff, and didn't re-figure it out until the mid-2000s.
Have fun with the belief the US has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies and are reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology.

It's like telling stories of Big Foot around a summer campfire, or taking the Ghost Walk in a colonial-era town at Halloween. Just understand that at no point between today and the day you die -- even if that is in 200 years -- will the "proof" ever be more than second or third hand accounts of what someone else allegedly saw, ambiguous radar blips, blurry video clips and faked nonsense like Majestic 12 and the Alien Autopsy.

That's why this recent hearing was so utterly predictable. Charlie Brown was really going to launch that football this time. Congress said so! Wait til all that proof comes out...But of course, Lucy has the last laugh.
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Have fun with the belief the US has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies and are reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology.

It's like telling stories of Big Foot around a summer campfire, or taking the Ghost Walk in a colonial-era town. Just understand that at no point between today and the day you die -- even if that is in 200 years -- will the "proof" ever be more than second or third hand accounts of what someone else allegedly saw, ambiguous radar blips, blurry video clips and faked nonsense like Majestic 12 and the Alien Autopsy.

That's why this recent hearing was so utterly predictable. Charlie Brown was really going to launch that football this time. Congress said so! Wait til all that proof comes out...But of course, Lucy has the last laugh.
This is very well said, and where most people I know and myself are at. It's always just out of reach. Lights in the night sky do not prove anything. And what's up with the terrible navy pilot footage that looks like an Atari game? No one is going to be converted because an airline pilot saw something strange a decade ago. Bring on the proof.
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Have fun with the belief the US has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies and are reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology.

It's like telling stories of Big Foot around a summer campfire, or taking the Ghost Walk in a colonial-era town. Just understand that at no point between today and the day you die -- even if that is in 200 years -- will the "proof" ever be more than second or third hand accounts of what someone else allegedly saw, ambiguous radar blips, blurry video clips and faked nonsense like Majestic 12 and the Alien Autopsy.

That's why this recent hearing was so utterly predictable. Charlie Brown was really going to launch that football this time. Congress said so! Wait til all that proof comes out...But of course, Lucy has the last laugh.
You have reading comprehension issues. I don't "believe," but neither do I foreclose the possibility. It is you who speaks with certainty and dismisses the idea out of hand.
This is very far from certain. There’s just no scientific evidence that aliens have visited earth or that we have reverse-engineered any nonhuman technology.

The physics barrier to any possibility of aliens traversing even the galaxy are so monumental as to be impossible.

What we are witnessing in the form of unidentified flying objects or unidentified aerial phenomena are probably super-secret American technological advancements. I doubt that any other society has capabilities even close to our own.

Always thought whatever was down in Area 51 was ours and way worse than aliens.
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You have reading comprehension issues. I don't "believe," but neither do I foreclose the possibility. It is you who speaks with certainty and dismisses the idea out of hand.

I don't "believe," but neither do I foreclose the possibility.

I agree. To believe means to accept without evidence. To deny without evidence is equally ignorant. Science has no closed doors, no absolutes.
Always thought whatever was down in Area 51 was ours and way worse than aliens.
I think that’s why China is so desperately trying to steal our technology secrets. They and the rest of the world know that our scientists are at the leading edge of development. The spy balloons, the human spys and the decades-long copying of everything from cars to military aircraft show that they can only try to keep up with the West. They don’t seem capable of developing their own skunkworks. Innovation seems to be beyond their skill set.
Former Army intel officer Phil Corso claimed that he had access to UFO crash retrieval material from Roswell which was back engineered into such things as lasers, fiber optics, and integrated circuits. Those in the industries where those technologies were developed have disputed his claims, so I remain skeptical.
I think that’s why China is so desperately trying to steal our technology secrets. They and the rest of the world know that our scientists are at the leading edge of development. The spy balloons, the human spys and the decades-long copying of everything from cars to military aircraft show that they can only try to keep up with the West. They don’t seem capable of developing their own skunkworks. Innovation seems to be beyond their skill set.
Yep. The amount of intellectual property theft is staggering. The Chinese gov't stole details about the F-35 and F-22 in order to develop their own stealth fighter, the J-20.
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