My apologies for assuming. Your post came across that way. If caring about the well being of the program over an individuals success is considered selfish, then you hit the nail on the head with me bud and I wear it proudly. For the life of me, I can’t understand why some fans are cool with rooting for players to leave UK early at the detriment of the program. Especially in Sharpe’s case where he comes for a half year, uses all of our facilities and training for free, collects bookoos of money from NIL while a player like Oscar can’t, and UK gets absolutely NOTHING in return. And for what? Do you know these kids personally? Are you getting a piece of that action? I will never root for a talented player to leave early. Idc if they’re the number 1 pick. I want them back at UK and that’s the end of it. The only way I can see this making sense is if Sharpe is close with another player or played with another player in high school or AAU that Cal wants in the future and that relationship would help.1. I in no way think I’m superior to you. Not sure where that came from. But you sound extremely liberal trying to put words into my mouth 🤡😘
2. I don’t have the vaccine, and have no plans of getting it until there’s ample time to show efficacy AND so I can see if the possible the side effects are worth the upside. That being said, I couldn’t care less if you had the vaccine, west a mask, etc.. You do you. But again, thank you for assuming and making an ass out of UandME.
and 3. You showed your hand when you said “ALL I CARE ABOUT” is sharpe playing and giving us a better chance to win. Literally the EPITOME of a selfish bastard.
Kinda sounding like you’re the one on the high horse looking down but okay