Running thread

This is pretty cool for those in Lou and Lex - I think I am going to try it

Kentucky Half Classic

It can be hard to determine which half marathon you want to run in the spring. To make it easier, RunTheBluegrass Half Marathon in Lexington and the Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon in Louisville have teamed up and are encouraging runners to do both!Now you can run the picturesque horse farms of Lexington including Donamire Farm, Stonestreet Farm and Keeneland along with great urban attractions in Louisville such as Louisville Slugger, the University of Louisville campus, Churchill Downs and more.

2014's Kentucky Half Classic Participants Receive...

Commemorative, Kentucky-crafted finisher's Medal recognizing your accomplishment (distributed at the Kentucky Derby Festival's Finish Line "Runners Reunite" area)Exclusive access to Half Classic food and drink areas after each raceUnique Half Classic photograph opportunitiesOne-of-a-kind Half Classic stickers for your racing bib (should be picked up at each of the race expo's)Private portable toilets at each Finish lineListed in Sunday, April 20th's Louisville Courier Journal as Half Classic FinishersInformation on weekly training runs for each race (January thru April)
Was tired of taking off days to recoup from runs so I pulled the trigger on this guy to mix into the rotation and work cardio. I've enjoyed it so far, plenty of climbs and great back country riding here in south east KY.

Originally posted by Voinovich.:

* You all read any running message boards? Let's hear 'em. and

And yes, I know I'm a dork for both of those.
Voin --> I'm not going to do the New Orleans Rock-n-Roll. I'll be cheering on my crew (mom, lass, friend from Louisville) instead. Howevvah.....I kinda know the dude who's in charge of the putting together the pacing teams. Can probably hook you up, if you'd like to run it that way (for free). They typically make you show proof that you've run x amount faster than your pace time -- 20 or 30 minutes, for example, on a marathon (and must have done it within a recent time period like 6-12 months).
*Thanks MCF

** Intriguing PTI. Always wanted to do that.

Are they having pace groups for the half? I could definitely help with that.

As for the full, I can't provide a time for the last year.
Every pace group I've ever seen has the 1/2 and full times on their little card they carry. So, like -- 2:00 and 4:00.
No, NOLA isn't a loop course. They either have 2 sets of pacers or no pacers for the half. For instance, the Derby Mini doesn't have pacers but the Derby full does. Until the course splits, you can keep up with the pacers through that part of the half and then you split off on your own.
Put in 31 the week before Xmas, kind of went lazy since which was basically the plan to make sure my legs we fresh and healed for training. About 16-20 miles a week, minus last week where I went 6 days with no running. Getting back in a light groove. Low mileage(24m), relaxing pace. Legs feel good for the start of marathon training.

-Need to drop 10-15 prior to the race. 175-178 is my goal weight for race day. Need to get back on my fitness pal so I can find the sweet spot btw not eating enough and proper nutrition.

-Legs feel strong. No noticeable injuries, hammy is good.

-Need to get my lazy ass in the pool for off days to mix it up.

-Picked up garmin 620 for Xmas. It's phenomenal. Light as hell. I hat wearing anything extra when running, especially watches and it's not to bad.

-Got my rough training plan in my head. Combo of about 5 different plans and expanded o n my 1/2 training plan I did last year. Thought process is, a structured plan just gives me negative thoughts and actually discourages me. If my plan flops and I end up with a 5 hour full "oh well." Not trying to qualify for Boston anyway.

-Key West in 3 weeks.
* I'm back on board with My Fitness Pal, and have dropped 8 pounds in 2 weeks. The week my parents were in town after Christmas, I ran something like 50 miles......and still put on weight.

Just eating and drinking non-stop. I'm at 181 now. Good weight for me is more like 175 -- but I'd like to set a goal for racing at 170 or below.

* No, Voin -- it's not a loop course. Runs all over the city. Starts downtown at the Convention Center, but finishes out at City Park.

* Took about 2 weeks off to try to help with my achilles issue. Not sure where this thing is headed. Doesn't hurt, necessarily, but isn't 100% either. Trying to be very cautious.

Current goal is to do 15 this week, then add 10/week until my next race (3/1).

* Been doing a lot of stationary bike and elliptical. That SUCKS.

* New pair of trail shoes yesterday. Eek.

Not gonna lie -- feel like a million bucks.
* I'm back on board with My Fitness Pal, and have dropped 8 pounds in 2 weeks. The week my parents were in town after Christmas, I ran something like 50 miles......and still put on weight.

Just eating and drinking non-stop. I'm at 181 now. Good weight for me is more like 175 -- but I'd like to set a goal for racing at 170 or below.

* No, Voin -- it's not a loop course. Runs all over the city. Starts downtown at the Convention Center, but finishes out at City Park.

* Took about 2 weeks off to try to help with my achilles issue. Not sure where this thing is headed. Doesn't hurt, necessarily, but isn't 100% either. Trying to be very cautious.

Current goal is to do 15 this week, then add 10/week until my next race (3/1).

* Been doing a lot of stationary bike and elliptical. That SUCKS.

* New pair of trail shoes yesterday. Eek.

Not gonna lie -- feel like a million bucks.
Have you figured out what you're going to do about elevation training, PTI, given you live below sea level?
No comment on my Zero Drops? Do I have to beg for attention here like catsfanbyky in GYERO?

Seriously, are those things something you guys are trying, or just gimmicks? Serious question. Look painful as shit.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

Seriously, are those things something you guys are trying, or just gimmicks? Serious question. Look painful as shit.
Not a gimmick at all if you are using the correct technique for them. If you have been a heel striker your entire life and just up and switch to them while increasing distance, good chance you wind up hurt.

But if you ease into and slowly adjust, it definitely can be beneficial.

* I never felt much of a difference below 10k feet, but the portion of that climb between 10-12k should be, uh, interesting. I'm not really even sure its trainable unless you live at elevation year round.
Hope Pass is literally 2 1/2 miles higher than where I'm sitting right now.

I've got a few ideas in mind, but I have no clue what will/won't work.....

- you can actually buy a mask that limits oxygen intake (kinda like that thing bane wore on the batman movie)
- i'll probably spend 4-5 days in leadville before the race
- some sort of prescription drug for altitude sickness
- something similar to help increase oxygen intake

I mean, I have no clue what will work. But I'm certainly willing to try anything. Leadville is the highest incorporated city in the United States -- and the course climbs a half mile higher than that. Yikes.
Originally posted by PTI (pti):

- i'll probably spend 4-5 days in leadville before the race
Probably your best bet. I'd definitely make sure you get up to that elevation once before the run and just walk around.

You don't want to take altitude meds in the middle of the race. At least not acetazolamide, which is the common one they give to most climbers. The side effects seem pretty counter productive (its a diuretic) to endurance racing. Plus you aren't at an altitude where it is going to make a huge difference.

No clue how all that is going to work though, as I started getting gasped at 12k just from packing my hiking gear. And that was after several days at 8k+
- PTI, those shoes look straight dope, they look really lightweight for trail shoes.

- MCF, think I've read where you did the Augusta Half Ironman. Lining up to do it again this year? A guy I run with just pulled the trigger on it.

- Speedwork on the track this a.m. I enjoy mixing it in one day a week, nice change of pace.

- Loving my Brooks pure flows.

- Really enjoyed that Deadspin article Voin. It learn't me some shit.
Originally posted by Deep_oak:

Lining up to do it again this year? A guy I run with just pulled the trigger on it.
As of now, no. I want to because its a really fast course if you are aggressive, but I'm going to be coming back from about two weeks of vacation so I likely won't be in the best of shape.

Will likely do the half in Muncie and then debate if I'm going to make another run at Ironman Louisville again. If I do Louisville then I likely won't be doing squat for a good two months after that.
IMO, the only thing you can do is make sure you're 100% ready for the race if it were at sea level. You're not going to be able to get any relevant amount of altitude training. Even if you did it wouldn't be at 12k.
Ran 4 with negative splits. First mile was 8:20, last was 7:23

- ran a 10K this weekend and set a PR. Still don't see how those burners do it.

-- Ran this evening for the first time in my 4th pair of last years Pegasus. Will continue to buy til their gone.

---Planning for a marathon the end of March.
At current pace, I'm about 4-6 weeks away from needing new shoes. Been pretty loyal to the Vomero's for 3 years now but I've got something going on with the joint where my big toe joins my foot and my shoe seems to aggravate it, so I'm curious if they'll put me in something different.
-Love the Vomero's. Won't be changing.

-The garmin 620 is pretty amazing. Super light and not bulky. Battery is unreal, I have left in on like 3 days in a row and it still has full battery, I guess it has some kind smart mode.

-Felt like crap all day, presumably from FAT food and day drinking all weekend. Had to essentially shame myself in going 3. One of those weird nights when .25 in and my legs felt great and I ended up ripping of a damn fast 5.

-Goal is 30 for the week. Hoping for my first long run sometime in the next 14 days.
I've done both regular and minimalist/zero drop shoes recently. It's shocking how big of a difference it makes in the muscles you work. You *must* break them in slowly. You'll have sore muscles you didn't even know you had. It's very strange.

Personally, I just think it's a matter of choice. And I think it's nice to at least rotate both in and out on a weekly basis. Works a broader range of muscles.
Two advantages for the Zero Drops:

1. Forces, or at least encourages, a mid-foot strike.
2. Extra wide toe box.

Both are going to allow a more even weight distribution with each foot strike, which reduces stress on joints. I could tell a difference in recovery time after a long run immediately.

And they're also cheaper than most of your high end running shoes. You have to ease into them or you'll end up hurting your achilles or straining a calf muscle.
* 5 total miles on the indoor track for a duathlon class... that will likely be the extent of my track work until I can catch a Tuesday night that is not 5 degrees or snow covered.

* I typically don't mind running in the cold that much, but this week is going to be damn near impossible to figure a way to hit 45 miles when the high for the next three days will be topping out around 17.
Dean's Duathlon class gets 5 miles in? Damn. Was planning on giving that one a shot, guess I better up my running a bit first.

Bored with routine, was planning on spinning a bit, but the Duathlon class looks more fun
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Dean's Duathlon class gets 5 miles in? Damn. Was planning on giving that one a shot, guess I better up my running a bit first.

Bored with routine, was planning on spinning a bit, but the Duathlon class looks more fun
~3 miles... I do two to warmup before the class starts. And he doesn't go by number of laps, he just gives you a time and an effort level to run. Tough workout if you go 100% at it.

Plus, I'd really appreciate someone showing up at the 7pm class as I've been the only one in it two of four times he has had the class. Though there is a absurdly hot girl that shows up every once in a while who can outrun me .
^ I'll be shooting for the Tuesday morning 8am one.

-You notice the Trainer profiles up lately? That smoking ass Allison chick was a Colts Cheerleader for a number of years...guess it all makes sense now. Cot damn she's
Impressive running legal & Voin.

Still getting adjusted to the bike - but enjoying the hell out of it.

MLK day, pulled a 20 mile loop, jumped off the bike and ran a hard 5.

Pulled the trigger on the Rev3 'Olympic' tri in Knoxville this May so have to start working the brick workouts.

Lucky to have free pool access within 10 minutes from home.

Definitely diving into this shit head first but that's how I roll. Never been able to dabble in hobbies.

This post was edited on 1/21 11:23 PM by Deep_oak