
Sep 14, 2021
1. What a win. Best win in school history, and could not have been more dramatic.
2. Kudos to BBN. They were loud and looked to be there in large numbers.
3. Pooser is a rock. He didn't have his best stuff today, but he made one bad mistake and paid for it. Regardless, giving up 3 runs in 7 innings is generally a winning recipe at this level.
4. Pitre a vacuum cleaner at second. Nicholson continually makes the right decision on when to go to 2B for the potential double play. The only defensive miscue was the wild pitch.
5. Mitchell daly should never buy another meal in the state of KY. Legend.
6. Ryan Nicholson is a beast. He has 22 HR. I think the school record is 24.
7. This is now officially the best team in school history. Win number 46 is the most ever. Add that to the first ever home super regional, first ever CWS berth, and second ever SEC title and this is indisputably the best team we've ever had.
8. It's nice to have some guys who can put it over the fence. We've struggled to execute "Kentucky baseball" over the last few weeks (i.e. move runners, score them from third with sac flies and bunts, get bunts down successfully, etc)...we have left a lot of guys at 3rd base; however, getting three homers will cure a lot of ills.
9. En fuego: Nicholson, Mccarthy, Daly, Lopez, Pitre.
10. Ice (and I mean ice) cold: Burkes, McCoy, Smith, Waldy. I can't believe I have to lump Waldy in with that group, but this is officially a slump. 1 hit since the Illinois game. Waldy seems like he should be able to snap out of it, but the other three are absolute disasters at the plate. I have pretty much lost hope that any of them can get a hit when they step into the box. Not sure if it's all mental or if they're mechanically off...
11. Hats off to the team for hanging in there. Aside from the homers, it was struggle today. Kept their composure and survived the rough patches. Well done.

Looking forward.

-I want to play A&M. They're better than Florida but I hate Florida and I'm tired of them and I want them eliminated by NC state.
-Mason Moore will likely get the start. if he can regain his control and avoid all of the walks, then we will be in good position to go 2-0.
-Bullpen-wise, I don't think any of the guys would be out for Monday. None went super long, though we did use quite a few arms. I'd guess that Hagenow, O'Brien would be first up.
-I have no doubt that Burkes and Smith will remain in the lineup for defensive purposes, but I wonder if Herrera gets a shot in Right field. We just can't continue to have four automatic outs in the lineup.

What a day, enjoy it. Let's get another dub on Monday night.
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