Running thread

Anyone else doing the Horse Capital run Saturday? I signed up for the half. Will be a good tune up before Rio Marathon on the 29th.
Anyone else doing the Horse Capital run Saturday? I signed up for the half. Will be a good tune up before Rio Marathon on the 29th.

I'm signed up for the half but if it's thunder storming, I'm not rolling out for that. I did the Chattanooga Marathon back in March and have kind of backslid on running since then as I recovered from that hilly touch, so I'm not really in shape to go run it, but why not.
Anyone else doing the Horse Capital run Saturday? I signed up for the half. Will be a good tune up before Rio Marathon on the 29th.

How'd you do? I overslept, so I didn't make it out there. Woke up about 2 minutes before the gun would have gone off.
@PTI (pti) - didn't you try the Maffetone Method (180 - age for your max HR) a few years ago and if so, how'd you like it? I've already started training for a fall marathon, so I don't want to try it right now, but I am curious about it and am thinking it might be perfect for the winter when just trying to build a base.
Finished 10th overall and 2nd in age group, 1:33:xx. Course was long by about .15 or so, organizers acknowledged it a follow-up email.

Very challenging course, but it was fun.

On to Rio.
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@PTI (pti) - didn't you try the Maffetone Method (180 - age for your max HR) a few years ago and if so, how'd you like it? I've already started training for a fall marathon, so I don't want to try it right now, but I am curious about it and am thinking it might be perfect for the winter when just trying to build a base.

I've tried it before, but it's hard to remain that patient. I just can't do it. You literally have to slow yourself to a crawl. I believe in the theory, but if I feel like pushing, then I want to push
This thing still on?

Trying to get back on the wagon after realizing I'm in the worst shape I've been in since around 2011. The New York City Marathon should be a shit show for me since I haven't run over 14 miles since last October. Back and knee issues seem to pop up every time I started hitting a rhythm.

Did sign up for my first foreign race this New Years in Reykjavik.
This thing still on?

Trying to get back on the wagon after realizing I'm in the worst shape I've been in since around 2011. The New York City Marathon should be a shit show for me since I haven't run over 14 miles since last October. Back and knee issues seem to pop up every time I started hitting a rhythm.

Did sign up for my first foreign race this New Years in Reykjavik.

Have a friend who just did Iceland. She loved it.

NYC is a fairly challenging course. Plenty of hills and bridges to maneuver. Also, unless it has changed, the staging area on Staten Island is the worst I've seen among all the Majors. Little to no support in terms of food and drink and not nearly enough portable johns. If you want something there pre-race, take it with you. When I ran it in 2013, it was mid-30's, overcast, with a 15-20 mph headwind for most of the course. Sucked.

Up next for me is Antarctica in late January, which will be continent #6. Have absolutely no plans of running for a time, just to finish and come back in one piece.
-WS's cousin wants us to go do a 3 day bike ride in Iceland next summer, don't think I can make it but maybe the next year. Hard to tell the specifics because the website is weird but I think you're basically going the whole time with the daylight being 24 hours.

-Haven't run at all since July 2nd when I had to get off the treadmill with hammy/lower back issues. After PT and now a trainer I think we've got it back in condition to run. Trainer wants me to run a mile once next week to see how it holds up and recovers. I'd rather run 10 miles than 1. Just the worst. Really sucks b/c my pace(sub 8) was fairly strong for me when this all went down and I pulled the cord. Luckily bike season so I'm in good shape still and with the trainer I'm as strong as I've been in years.

-I'm about ready for something though. Either a Ragnar type deal or what I'm really intrigued by is an adventure style race(not a tough mudder).

Did you run the LBL half today? If so, I was working the first/last aid station. Mike Howard mentioned an attorney from Benton who has run on multiple continents. I guessed it was you, but you didn't look like you were having enough fun to talk about Cat Paw.
Yep, that was me. I've got what I think is a hip flexor strain. Debated on whether to even try it this morning. I was comfortably in 2nd halfway through putting in sub-7 miles but the wheels fell off on that gravel uphill. Limped home to a 1:52, which is a career worst time by 18+ minutes. Guessing I'm down for a couple weeks. Might be able to make Tunnel Hill on November 4, but we'll see. Last 6 miles today were absolute torture. Should have just quit but I'm stupid.
I don't run, but I do walk from 24-32 miles a week on our city's fitness trail (paved) depending on the weather and how much time I have. I've been seeing a guy (probably in his late 60's or early 70's) about once or twice a week who is running barefoot. WTF could possibly the benefit of that, versus the very real possibility of impaling or cutting your foot on something sharp and getting an infection? While the trail is paved, there are lots of trees with twigs and leaves on the path. There's also a creek that runs beside it and if we have some heavy rain, parts of it will flood and leave muddy areas, not to mention there' always some asshole who won't clean up after their dog, which adds to the duck and geese poop you have to dodge on a couple of stretches. Can't imagine getting a cut on my foot and having to run through that. This is a big guy too. I'm 6'2 and he looks like he is a good 3+ inches taller than me, and isn't exactly a stick, probably weighing 200+. Makes me cringe every time we pass each other.
Anybody still running this year? Flying Pig coming up this weekend, wondering if anyone else is dumb enough to try it again this year after the lovely 78 degree sauna we had last year...
Half marathon in Paducah week from Saturday, then off to Africa for my 7th continent full marathon in June. Also got into Marine Corps Marathon in October.

Considering the Tunnel just outside of Seattle in late September to take a Crack at a 4th BQ. Supposedly either flat or a gradual downhill the whole way.
I've tried to take up running so many times in the last few years. But something always stops me, bad feet, knee issues from skiing, overall lack of cardio fitness. I get done running just a mile or 1.5 and something is in pain.

Not sure my body is meant to be pounding pavement. Plus it's tough to incorporate running with leg strength training. I think I'll be relegated to laps in the pool for my cardio.
I'll stroll Paducah. Slow right now. Thyroid has my metabolism touched, need to drop 15 pounds to get faster.

Need a fall marathon, something close.
Thyroid issues had me too. Just started getting treatment for it in January. Lost a bunch of weight with treatment, exercise and diet. Used to run all the time. Finally getting back to where I can now. Want to train for a half marathon.
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Hello, all. Fairly new to distance running. Longest runs in the past were 2-3 miles as an afterthought following weight training. Had a "what the hell" moment 7 weeks before KDF, trained, and ran the half. Horrible time, but the goals were to start, finish, and survive. Now, I'm excited to train properly for another half and improve time, technique, diet, etc. I'm exploring GPS training watches and am curious on suggestions you may have for one. I don't want to break the bank, but I do want the best features to help me train. Any input is appreciated. TIA