Running thread

I would totally be down for something like that. We can cross Cuba off the list on the way home.
$2400 basic price....+ RT to Beijing, insurance, etc.

Not all that outrageous considering that pays for all your tellies & RT from China to Pyongyang. Maybe 7K for a an experience of a lifetime? I'd take up running for a year just to be able to do something like that.

I have a weird fascination with all things North Korea. Just being there would be the eeriest feeling every, I'd imagine. Get to watch one of those amazing weird ass "shows"'/tributes.

I've watched the Lisa Ling YouTube Documentary on NK at least 5 times.

The DMZ has to be the creepiest place on earth...

This post was edited on 1/22 7:54 PM by B.B.d.K.
There's a 3-hour time limit.


For reference, at the Louisille Marathon (pretty sizeable race)...

- this will often win the women's
- this is probably top 10-20 in men's
Tonight was the coldest run I've experienced. Way out wasn't too bad, it was really cold but the way back was 2 miles in 20mph head wind. No idea what the actual wind chill was but I ran in 4 degrees this year and it was noticeably colder. My lungs were hurting from the cold.

I really really hate the treadmill but I might have to breakdown Monday. This is destroying marathon training.
Coldest race I've ever done....

Planet Adventure (Lafayette, Indiana race outfit) nighttime Winter Marathon. Two years ago it was 20 degrees with 20 mile-per-hour wind. And it was at night, so you can forget having the sun peek out from the clouds to warm you up. And it was very wet/muddy. Yikes.

Very ridiculous, but this year one-upped it's previous best. That race was planned for tonight.....and canceled. The low there tonight is expected to be 3, with 20 mile-per-hour winds, and a wind chill around -10.

Definitely sounds like treadmill weather to me.
Originally posted by Voinovich.:
Lord. Was at a hotel all weekend and ran on the treadmill. Probably haven't done that in 5 years or so. Just awful.
I ran on one last week for 4 straight days and now my damn achilles flared up.

Got 16 in yesterday, which was a mistake. Cherokee was still completely covered in snow and the sidewalk down Frankfort Avenue was the same way. So now my damn arches hurt in addition to the achilles. Miserable.
Yep, ran short in the snow twice and my lower shin and upper ankle hurt like hell. Had to walk a bit yesterday during my run because it was shooting into my knee.
With Key West next week that's f*cking awesome. Obviously need to lay off a few days but thats the last thing I want to be doing right now.

Can we just get some decent frigging weather? I just want a week of running with no BS. Not asking for much here. 20 degrees and no snow. That's it. Yesterday was warm but my feet were soaked a half mile in and running on slushy ice might be worse than straight up snow.
* Rock N Roll half marathon lineup....

- my mom (63 years old = 1st)
- lass (32 = 2nd)
- friend from louisville (6th)

Route went right by our house (on St Charles) twice, which was perfect -- miles 3 and 6. Then we hauled over to City Park to see the finish. And who comes sprinting down the chute first, at a blistering pace, 30 seconds ahead of the two gals half her age?? My mother.


Freaking awesome. Afterwards, she still had a ton of energy, walking around fine, and the 30-somethings looked like Frankenstein. Go, mom.

* Best story of the event...

* I get so pumped watching people finish. Just a ton of emotion. From the first finish to the last, so many people work hard, train hard, set goals -- then bring it all home on race day. Great event.

* Random thought = I really want to run a race dressed up in costume. This really isn't my "thing" at all, but...


Never seen a Teen Wolf run, like, a 1:36 half before. Marcus. Voinovich? anth? MCF? If we could add Styles and Chubby, that would make a nice little team.
I can't even imagine how hot is to run in that damn thing... no way I could run a 1:36. It would be hilarious though to attempt.
@ that dude running in a huge cardboard spongebob costume. I don't know. For the right race I might dress up but I wouldn't wear a damn wolf costume. Maybe Elvis, something comfortable for sure.
I'm in.

*A costume like that could work in a cold race. If its gonna be warmer, figure something else out.

Friend of my brothers ran the full in NOLA yesterday with his sister dressed as Raggedy Ann and Andy.

** Congrats to your mom and lass Pti (pti). Awesome. Heard the weather was meh.
Not sure how people run in costumes, particularly in warm weather. I think it was last year at the Derby Mini where a hot dog, ketchup, and mustard all ran together. While the conditions were comfortable, I can't imagine trying to do it in those. The dude that wears the Captain America costume at the BG 10K kills me. It's either soaking rain or soaking humidity but dude wears it every time. I'm pretty sure I'd fallout about mile 2.
* Ideally, the weather would be cold and dry.

* Saturday, here, it was warm for a race -- 62 to 72. Overcast with a slight drizzle. Had the sun come out, it would have been pretty awful. The year I ran it was about 20 degrees cooler across the board, and sunny.

* I mean, Teen Wolf is a baller. I'd run in that outfit, plus a basketball. Dribble that f'er across the finish line. Homeboy had game.
* Ya, it would have to be ice cold for me to wear it and survive. I sweat a ton as it is already.

* Seems like everyone I know was doing the Rock N Roll in New Orleans last weekend. Had a bunch of friends from college over there doing their first 1/2 and one of the people from Kili was down there as well.

* Key West Ragnar this week. Love these type of races. Apparently the drinking is frowned upon a lot more than in the Bourbon Chase where a quarter of the field is hammered the entire race, so that's a downer. But looking forward to running through the Everglades at midnight. Also looking forward to running in temperatures above 30 degrees.

* Speaking of, I'd love to do one of Ragnar's trail relays. Think they do one in West Virginia where they do encourage drinking because you are basically camped in all weekend.

* Ursch, you down for doing that 1/2 Ironman in New Orleans next year? Probably need to rope Anth in as well.

I had always wanted to run it on the old course and was kind of bummed when they killed the Pontchartrain swim and Decatur street finish. Supposedly though it is a lot better than most expected since the transitions are a lot easier.
Not sure if something has been lost in translation, but the Tokyo Marathon guide seems to indicate that the chances of seeing people shitting on the side of the road during the race are pretty good. It also speaks of a "hypothetical toilet" in the finish area.

Lord. So my boy roped me into his one-race-a-month challenge this year and I signed up for a little 4 mile race with him this past weekend.

Turns out there was a 2 mile race before so I decided to run both. Ran the 2 miler as hard as I could, had illusions of breaking 12 minutes and did not. Was going to run the 4 miler at his discretion, if I could keep up...

-> 1 mile in, damn near shit myself. Wished him luck, peaced out and walked extremely carefully to the nearest toilet. Chicken pan yang (and some old fashioneds and shitty beer) from the night before are what I've chosen to blame it on. 30-40 races over the last 7-8 years and thats my first dnf.

Just an awful, though humor inducing, feeling.
^Worst feeling in the world. I don't know a single runner who hasn't experienced it.
Ragnar KW was pretty damn brutal. The heat and humidity was unreal. Apparently much hotter than other years. Sun was just burning. People falling out all over the place. Had a legit 6:45 guy as our anchor throw down 11's on his final 5 mile leg.

First half of the race was meh but the second was pretty solid on Hwy 1. After everything I was pretty happy with my runs.

The party at the end was the best though. Love those relays. Crew is already talking about Hood to Coast as the next destination. Great way to see the country.
Does anyone else have problems running in the cold? It's damn near impossible for me because I get a stabbing pain in the dead center of my chest anytime I try to run when it's
Weather in the 40's this weekend, 50's and 60's next week.

Signed up for the Rodes tonight. Haven't ran a race since last summer after dealing with some injuries. I am sure my time will be absolute shit, but I am running with my father-in-law, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep up.


Bought these today.
Originally posted by -BBH-:
Weather in the 40's this weekend, 50's and 60's next week.
I have been waiting for this since December. Probably going to end up hurt from the miles I'm going to run over the next ten days but I really don't give a shit.

* Ragnar thoughts - our group finished 40th out of about 470 teams. Heat was just absolutely brutal, especially on a group of people from Kentucky and Colorado that have been running sub-freezing since December. Still was able to keep an overall pace of below 8 minutes.

Absolutely imploded on my last run of 9.8 miles. The first half of it ran on the last two miles of the 7 mile bridge on US 1. Direct sun and a small ass shoulder. Once you hit whatever key it was that you run the last two miles on you basically lose all wind and it turns into swamp. Started getting cold chills and goose bumps all over my body. Still churned out a 8:15 pace on it but good lord.

Was really well organized and I love Key West, but I think I still prefer the Bourbon Chase for the scenery.
Originally posted by MobileCatFan:

Originally posted by -BBH-:
Weather in the 40's this weekend, 50's and 60's next week.
I have been waiting for this since December. Probably going to end up hurt from the miles I'm going to run over the next ten days but I really don't give a shit.
Me too, we are quickly approaching some of the best running weather of the year.
-Totally agree w/MCF on Bourbon Chase. Logistically it might not be as fluid as the Ragnar folks but it's not far off. However, the course is much better. Hell we spent basically 3 team legs in Miami, which isn't scenic at all, in fact it was pretty scary. My middle run went from Homestead speedway -> Winchester Rd/ Preston Hwy area -> trail through a creepy ass field -> past a prison where I could see and hear inmates yelling at us(after dark) -> the swamp(literally).

The last legs would have been really cool if the temperature was bout 10 degrees less.

Really the best part was ending in Key West.
The US 1 stretch was beautiful. Loved everything about it. But running the first half of the Keys at midnight took a lot of the views out of it. And Miami is a damn nightmare with all the streets you are crossing and redlights you have to wait for.

My favorite part of the BC is that you run into some pretty cool ass towns in the middle of nowhere that actually give a shit about you being there. Rolling into Danville at 3am with the center of the town just jam packed and stores still open is awesome. So is running in pitch dark down some two lane and not seeing a single vehicle the entire time, just a stretch of red flashing lights.

* Anyone interested in this? Could always sign up as an ultra to make a little more interesting, but the course looks pretty damn challenging. Plus they have a beer garden that you can booze at in between runs. No need for a big ass van. Just some cheap ass RV + running clothes.
Originally posted by goose41:

Anyone done or planning to do the Flying Pig?
I haven't, but....

- ive heard its extremely hilly (especially for such a big, city race)
- its typically the same day as derby