Rick Pitino is Back: New Coach at Iona

Except that Pitino is probably one of the 5 best coaches in the country....Big difference. He will win wherever he goes.

He was years ago, is he still now or has he lost his edge? He’s no spring chicken, I’m not sure he wasn’t already losing his edge before the house of Cards fell on his head.

We shall see. I’m not particularly invested either way, I can see the redemption side but at the same time Rick has already had plenty of time in the sun.
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BBN’s opinions of Pitino are all over the map, and that’s fine: everyone is entitled to an opinion.

But here are facts: elite coach, loves/lives for the game, good for college basketball, teams will be in the mix almost every March.

Sorry if you’re a Pitino hater and the truth hurts. Bash me all you want....
And a serial cheater in basketball and in his personal life. But it doesn’t bother me he will be coaching in college basketball.
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This school is located in New Rochelle which is the East Coast’s epicenter of this virus!

But Rick is fine “exposing” himself to viruses....just not the kind you get from someone coughing...
I hope Rick succeeds. He’s been through hell since he left his Camelot (UK) much of it his own doing. He will forever be scarred among UK fans for taking the Louisville job when he could have had his pick of any school. His hell began with that decision. He went from being one of the most beloved people in Kentucky to one of the most despised.

Still, at a critical time in UK’s basketball history, when we were at the precipice of becoming nationally irrelevant in college basketball, Pitino instantly rescued us. He gave us credibility. He put UK on the front page again about its basketball accomplishments and not its basketball scandal. I know there are many UK fans who will hate Pitino until the day he dies and even thereafter, I’m not one of them. I will always be grateful to Rick for what he did for UK and especially when he did it.
He won at Ky without cheating. No one said he'd win a NC. If nc's are the criteria for being a great coach, he has already accomplished that. Guarantee he will be successful wherever he coaches in the college ranks.
UK gave him the opportunity to win a NC. Pitino is a cheater both on his wife and his employer. No one should hire a Coach to lead young men with no ethics.
Here they all are after reaching the summit at Kentucky and leaving.

The one Price is Right game where I always cheer against the contestant.

Nothing better than seeing the yodelie guy go over the edge.
Wow just as college basketball was impacted by a virus this happens.
Iona will be pre-season ranked #1 and favorite to win it all. Lol I can’t wait for them to play Louisville in the 1st round of the tournament next year.
He can coach and he will do well at Iona. UK should be glad he left or he may have done something stupid here.
I could care less where or if he is coaching college basketball. He is such a control freak he probably won’t be able recruit elite players anyways. His offense is very complicated , I don’t know if it will work with the present college game. If anything, this shows that Iona cares more about winning than having a good role model as coach for it’s young men. A Catholic school should do better than to hire a coach with the type of character as Pitino.
As long as he never coaches a team capable of defensive full court press...........

Several of his past teams could do that quite well.
There is no comparison between Memphis and Iona. So his results won't be anything like what Cal had at Memphis. Number 1 draft pick, ranked number 1 multiple weeks, number 1 seeds in the dance - all of that is way out of reach for Iona.
Even though Memphis has a good recruiting base don’t underestimate New York City. Plus the MEAC Is not a juggernaut. Love him or hate him the man can coach. Given enough talent he will do well. I disagree with you on this. Time will tell.
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