Red Dead Redemption 2

So bummed. I think I've discovered a glitch as searching yields no results.

Like, Monday night, while making my 10th+ attempt at the legendary jaguar, I got all the way to the final stage of tracking and my minimap turned red in front of me, just over the edge of a berm I couldn't see over. As I got closer, the red warning area doubled in size, then split into 2. Then 2 red dots appeared. It was bounty hunters screwing up my hunt. I killed them and the hunt was ruined.

I went on to do other things, thinking I'd go back later to get him when he respawns. I did LOTS of things, mostly fishing, hunting, playing cards and other rnadom crap for the challenge perks. I went back to get the jaguar last night and it shows the picture on the map is x-ed out. Not available. Everything says I don't have the animal, prompting me to kill the jag for Master Hunter 10 status. But, he never respawns. I've tried everything. Had to reload an old file. Lost so much. My daughter isn't going to be happy.

This game has a way of stepping on its own feet. I can't even imagine the headaches it caused the devs.

That sucks man. Glitches are bitches. I find myself constantly saving due to the fear of something like that happpening.
Yea, you need to save often on open world rpg’s. Oblivion had glitches among others

I thought Skyrim was bad too. I can recall 2 quest line breaking bugs that cost me a couple hours. Saving frequently is a must in big games.
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Have you met the Night Folk yet?

You mean the crying woman who tries to slit your throat, followed by an ambush in the swamp? Yes. I’ve met them.

First time I crossed them I didn’t pay attention to my mini map, so I tried to interact. They stabbed me in my gut killing me instantly.
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I know this is slightly OT and I'm very far behind:

But decided to grab GTA5 on the cheap and... It's a letdown. The city doesn't look any better than GTA4 IMO, the missions are the same ho-hum objectives, the character switching is gimicky, does nothing else new and possibly worst of all, they practically hand you eveything from the start. I was driving an Audi (their version), with two safe houses, firing grenade launcher.. in the first night of play.

For a game with SO much to do, I'm already kinda over it 5 hours in. Being from the same studio, does RD2 fix this? A lot of people comparing it to GTA5, for right or wrong.

Go online it has a lot more features.... but also a lot more whining kids and asshats with flying bikes with the sole purpose in life to blow you up.
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Yeah, the one where he walks you thru the swamp at night to get to his house.

Yeah. Night Folk in numbers is a pain in the ass.

Does everyone’s dueling work right on the default controls? I think mine is messed up. I never have the aiming dot appear and lose every time. I had to switch to the alternate controls for duels (R1 to shoot) and it works fine.
How many chapters are there? I am on chapter III right now. I spend most of my time fishing and hunting. With the occasional "deluxe bath", know what I am saying? [smoke]
How many chapters are there? I am on chapter III right now. I spend most of my time fishing and hunting. With the occasional "deluxe bath", know what I am saying? [smoke]

I want to say there are 7 or 8 chapters.

And is it wrong that I want a little more for my dollar with the "deluxe baths"?
So bummed. I think I've discovered a glitch as searching yields no results.

Like, Monday night, while making my 10th+ attempt at the legendary jaguar, I got all the way to the final stage of tracking and my minimap turned red in front of me, just over the edge of a berm I couldn't see over. As I got closer, the red warning area doubled in size, then split into 2. Then 2 red dots appeared. It was bounty hunters screwing up my hunt. I killed them and the hunt was ruined.

I went on to do other things, thinking I'd go back later to get him when he respawns. I did LOTS of things, mostly fishing, hunting, playing cards and other rnadom crap for the challenge perks. I went back to get the jaguar last night and it shows the picture on the map is x-ed out. Not available. Everything says I don't have the animal, prompting me to kill the jag for Master Hunter 10 status. But, he never respawns. I've tried everything. Had to reload an old file. Lost so much. My daughter isn't going to be happy.

This game has a way of stepping on its own feet. I can't even imagine the headaches it caused the devs.

Did you go to the trapper/fence to make sure your legendary jaguar items aren’t there? Because if you kill a legendary and leave it’s pelt behind, it will show up at the trapper. If it’s X’ed out on the map then maybe the game thinks that happened for whatever reason.
Did you go to the trapper/fence to make sure your legendary jaguar items aren’t there? Because if you kill a legendary and leave it’s pelt behind, it will show up at the trapper. If it’s X’ed out on the map then maybe the game thinks that happened for whatever reason.
Yeah, I checked. When you press left on the d-pad to bring up missions, it still tells me I need to kill the Giguaro for Master Hunter 10.

EDIT: update, apparently reloading was a good thing as I've just learned that 'someone' killed the gunsmith in SD trying to
rob the high-dollar poker game upstairs
, so it's not all bad.
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Where is the trapper? I had a cougar and grizzly pelt so long I was attack and it fell off. I never found it again!
Where is the trapper? I had a cougar and grizzly pelt so long I was attack and it fell off. I never found it again!

Had this happen to me. Trapper wouldn’t appear on my map after I was killed. There is one in Saint Denis at all times.

Here’s all the trappers. The one in the top right is the original.
Guess I'm an idiot, but all this time later I figured out how to switch the type of bullet hes putting in the gun. I always crafted those split point bullets at campfires and thought he was automatically shooting them. Didnt realize when you have the inventory pulled up you just push the d pad over when you have whatever gun highlighted
Anyone still early in the game or starting a new one, if you want a nice horse that’s not the white Arabian as early as chapter 2, head to Saint Denis. Just north of the city there’s 3 houses side by side by side:

(Bottom of the picture. 3 little houses southeast of the A in “Nwa”)

Make a save. There should be two random horses here. Exit and reload until you get the horse(s) you desire. I picked up a Turkman and Mustang this way.
Anyone still early in the game or starting a new one, if you want a nice horse that’s not the white Arabian as early as chapter 2, head to Saint Denis. Just north of the city there’s 3 houses side by side by side:

(Bottom of the picture. 3 little houses southeast of the A in “Nwa”)

Make a save. There should be two random horses here. Exit and reload until you get the horse(s) you desire. I picked up a Turkman and Mustang this way.

Nice tip. Wish I'd known that. I just started chapter 4 so I'll take a look and see if they're still there.

Right now I'm riding a KY thoroughbred that I bought for around $500. Expensive but a damn fast horse...a little temperamental though.
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Nice tip. Wish I'd known that. I just started chapter 4 so I'll take a look and see if they're still there.

Right now I'm riding a KY thoroughbred that I bought for around $500. Expensive but a damn fast horse...a little temperamental though.


I’m replaying the game and just found out about it a couple of days ago. I’m riding the tiger striped mustang at the moment.
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I went there last week and got a weird colored Arabian, all attributes as the elusive white. As posted I still went and got the white just because you have to. Of course I got tired of being poor so I executed the gold trick to get 15,000, went on a shopping spree for all things fine.
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I went there last week and got a weird colored Arabian, all attributes as the elusive white. As posted I still went and got the white just because you have to. Of course I got tired of being poor so I executed the gold trick to get 15,000, went on a shopping spree for all things fine.

What's the gold trick?
What's the gold trick?

Go to Limpany (burned down town) inside sheriffs office there’s a chest under table, open but don’t take the horse pamphlet out. When you are reaching down to get the gold bar inside pause the game and save. Load and go back to chest and you can remove the gold bar 30 times, just keep taking them for 15,000. Remember to save game when player is in the motion of reaching for the gold bar and not the book. Limpany is by the river sw of your camp that’s south of valentine
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Go to Limpany (burned down town) inside sheriffs office there’s a chest under table, open but don’t take the horse pamphlet out. When you are reaching down to get the gold bar inside pause the game and save. Load and go back to chest and you can remove the gold bar 30 times, just keep taking them for 15,000. Remember to save game when player is in the motion of reaching for the gold bar and not the book. Limpany is by the river sw of your camp that’s south of valentine


Insane how people find these tricks in games.
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I went there last week and got a weird colored Arabian, all attributes as the elusive white. As posted I still went and got the white just because you have to. Of course I got tired of being poor so I executed the gold trick to get 15,000, went on a shopping spree for all things fine.
Interesting. Nephew showed me a whole video just on horses and the SD trick yesterday. I learned that horses have hidded stats, like bravery and train-ability, and how different saddles can alter those stats.

Video I watched said that crafted saddles are better overall for stats, but that you can't put nice stirrups on them, which limits them compared to store-bought saddles... except for on the ROSE GREY Arabian. That particular horse's stats make it so that a crafted saddle on it makes it indistinguishable from the best horses in the game.

So, we did this for over an hour last night. Saw the rose grey, but they are just so small. Picked up the dark bay Turk and 2 thoroughbreds in blood bay and grey/white brindle. For the first time in the game, when riding the Turk, folks make comments about how fine the horse is.

Turkomans and Missouri Fox Trotters are supposed to be the best combination of stable and brave with speed and agility. I've yet to see a Missouri Fox Trotter.

EDIT: Also, apparently, there is a later side mission that gives a really good horse.

EDIT: Here's the vid I saw. BTW, you don't have to use binocs unless you're just trying to save running over there every time. Just get near any animal, look at it and press L2 for info to come up.
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Go to Limpany (burned down town) inside sheriffs office there’s a chest under table, open but don’t take the horse pamphlet out. When you are reaching down to get the gold bar inside pause the game and save. Load and go back to chest and you can remove the gold bar 30 times, just keep taking them for 15,000. Remember to save game when player is in the motion of reaching for the gold bar and not the book. Limpany is by the river sw of your camp that’s south of valentine
Damn. I already took the gold. Was probably one of the first gold bars I found.

I cheated by looking up some special gun locations first. However, in so doing, I collected a lot of cash by stumbling onto treasure hunts. I'm carrying 10 gold bars around but keep a running balance of about a grand.

Also, I bought the ultimate edition of the game b/c gamestop was sold out of the rest, so I got the bonus bank robbery mission which lines your pockets pretty nicely.
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Nice tip. Wish I'd known that. I just started chapter 4 so I'll take a look and see if they're still there.

Right now I'm riding a KY thoroughbred that I bought for around $500. Expensive but a damn fast horse...a little temperamental though.
I might be wrong, but I've had 3 thoroughbreds now and the males seem to do much better with running away from danger. Still not good, but not as bad as the female I was riding.
So, if you get the chance to hear Hosea talk around the campfire about losing his wife, stay and listen. If you truly love your partner, it's worth it. Shit broke me down.

Damn, this game.

What chapter did this take place for you?
Just finishing chapter 3. The fight scenes are too hectic and loud (which is great), imo, for you to be expected to accomplish anything other than staying alive and fighting the onslaught. I keep missing so much stuff that goes on during shootouts that I don't even know it happened until after. They start barking for help or screamig for you to change positions... but when you go into deadeye, it mutes the surroundings so you don't hear anything, adding to the confusion... It just makes you feel rushed and ruins any sense of completion. It's more of a 'wtf just happened and what all did I miss' kind of feeling.

I've also found myself in some spots wondering what exactly it is they want me to be doing b/c the minimap icons/indicators are sometimes not big/bright enough to get my attention.

I need constant text prompts, dangit.
Just finishing chapter 3. The fight scenes are too hectic and loud (which is great), imo, for you to be expected to accomplish anything other than staying alive and fighting the onslaught. I keep missing so much stuff that goes on during shootouts that I don't even know it happened until after. They start barking for help or screamig for you to change positions... but when you go into deadeye, it mutes the surroundings so you don't hear anything, adding to the confusion... It just makes you feel rushed and ruins any sense of completion. It's more of a 'wtf just happened and what all did I miss' kind of feeling.

I've also found myself in some spots wondering what exactly it is they want me to be doing b/c the minimap icons/indicators are sometimes not big/bright enough to get my attention.

I need constant text prompts, dangit.

One time I was so into trying to kill every enemy on my screen, I chose to ignore Dutch when he told me to move to the other side to help provide cover. I then got a small cut scene where Dutch physically grabbed me and moved me from my position.

Damn Dutch, couldn’t YOU provide some cover fire?!
Sounds like some of you may be able to explain what may have happened... as I have gotten to try this out for all of a few hours:

Early on, rode into Valentine with the girls on the wagon. Did the tasks that basically left me in town with no horse. I think I looked at a bounty from there, stole a Hungarian half-bred horse and completed the bounty mission. I rode back to camp, took the saddle off my existing horse and put it on the half-bred, then hitched the horse and saved/quit.

I went back to continue at a later time and I was in camp, but there was no half-bred horse nor saddle... just the low-end horse I had without a saddle.

Sounds like some of you may be able to explain what may have happened... as I have gotten to try this out for all of a few hours:

Early on, rode into Valentine with the girls on the wagon. Did the tasks that basically left me in town with no horse. I think I looked at a bounty from there, stole a Hungarian half-bred horse and completed the bounty mission. I rode back to camp, took the saddle off my existing horse and put it on the half-bred, then hitched the horse and saved/quit.

I went back to continue at a later time and I was in camp, but there was no half-bred horse nor saddle... just the low-end horse I had without a saddle.


Sounds like it, unless you have an earlier save. Once you put your saddle on the half-breed, that should have became your main horse. Not sure why it reverted back to another low end horse.

Chech your map and make sure you don’t have 2 horses. That’s all I can suggest.

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