Anyone been down in the towns where the first game took place. Went to armadillo and everyone was basically dead. Started killing everyone else and no law even bothered to show
My hope is that they make DLC and it’s a remastered red dead 1
Anyone been down in the towns where the first game took place. Went to armadillo and everyone was basically dead. Started killing everyone else and no law even bothered to show
I’m going to take that activist high up in the grizzlies and throw her off the mountain. I wonder what the murfree brood would do if I dropped her off? Or maybe see what predator bait would bring, the possibilities are numerous.
A remastered red dead 1 would be amazing.My hope is that they make DLC and it’s a remastered red dead 1
I keep finding new types of wildlife..came across those big ass lizards that run on two feet across the sand the other dayA few missions in to chapter four and I’ve noticed a big reduction in the amount of wildlife, even hot spots seem to be void of most things except a few deer. I rode a lengthy section of dewberry creek and saw three deer in eagle eye, not a single small animal. Anybody else had this happen?
Aside from that the owl is hard to locate, I hear them but haven’t spotted one yet. Same goes for the woodpecker, smashing a nearby tree and yet I’ve never saw one.
A few missions in to chapter four and I’ve noticed a big reduction in the amount of wildlife, even hot spots seem to be void of most things except a few deer. I rode a lengthy section of dewberry creek and saw three deer in eagle eye, not a single small animal. Anybody else had this happen?
Aside from that the owl is hard to locate, I hear them but haven’t spotted one yet. Same goes for the woodpecker, smashing a nearby tree and yet I’ve never saw one.
I think it’s glitched on me, 90% wildlife gone. Guns revert back to saddle in item wheel for no reason. The only good thing is I spent a lot more time hunting than playing missions to start out. I’m not starting over even if it’s like hunting in downtown Lexington.
The end of Chapter 3 is nuts.
I’ve heard a bunch of owls and searched a long time trying to locate it’s position but never found it. You can hear woodpeckers in the west grizzlies going up mount Shann in big valley.Sounds like it. That stinks man. But I will say... I’ve never seen a woodpecker either. I’ve seen exactly one owl.
Finally finished the main story. What an experience. One of the greatest games ever made.
First game in a long time where I actually want to do another playthrough. Only this time I’m really going to slow down and explore the world and do more side quests.
One of the few video games nowadays where I feel like I’m actually getting more value than what I paid for. Just a masterpiece of a game, albeit with some flaws.
Just finished my 2nd playthrough... decided to get 100% completion. Talk about a GRIND. Loved every minute of it though. Only second to God of War as the GOAT for me.
I bought it the day it came out, probably replayed it a year ago.Reviving an old thread here but I just finished the main Arthur story and WOW! I was never a GTA fan because I never played them outside of the first one. I played RDR 1 and this exceeded it on multiple levels. This is the best game I've ever played and it's not even close. The attention to detail is head and shoulders above anything I've ever had the pleasure to play. Sure, this game is a few years old but it's gonna be hard to top. Seems to have good replay ability as well. Top notch gaming experience and ties in well to the first RDR. I can't say enough about this game.
Will there will be a 3? It's one of my favorite games I have played. Only played 2.
I'd say there'd have to be one centered around Jack. Rockstar knows how to make a game, man. I like that the game was a prequel. It had a nice lead in to the first game and answered some questions I had while playing that one.Will there will be a 3? It's one of my favorite games I have played. Only played 2.