So much ignorance in this ^^ post it amazes me this far into this thread. The people who keep asking questions won’t do the work to find the answers and don’t accept answers spoon fed to them. Reveling in ignorance or attempting to deceive others to ignorance has been what this thread is about.What utter nonsense:
Of course our modern morality flawed as it is, is Superior. It's not even an argument. The Old Testament condones-even encourages the following: Genital mutilation, murder of innocent women and children, blood magic through animal and occasional human sacrifice, including child sacrifice, slavery, kidnapping of others for slavery and rape, and even rape in general (unless you think maybe forcing your sister or daughter to marry her rapist is A-OK).
Of course none of these sound like anything a God would endorse, but they sound exactly what an ancient stone to Bronze Age society would endorse and practice. Out of virgins in your own town? Why just ambush the next town over at the community dance, and kidnap their young girls and rape them-TWO at a time! No need for Tendr on that one. But the truth is that all early Middle Eastern civilizations behaved in much the same way.
So that brings us to the New Testament, which I will agree on the surface is a little kinder gentler. God apparently has a change of heart on the Genital mutilation thing, although he fails to address that through Jesus or himself depending on your view of the Trinity. The end of circumcision comes from Paul and not Jesus. For some unexplained reason, the gentiles he was trying to convert felt cutting off the ends of their Penises was a dealbreaker. God changes his mind on few other things too-he seems to cool on the burnt of offerings of animals and humans, the old dietary laws go out the window, and he goes from endorsing having your fun with virgins to being damned for lust in your heart.
Of course slavery is still fine, and misogyny and racism were very much acceptable. Why? Because those were the prevailing values of the time. Even after the Romans and Mediterranean world became"'Christian" the murdering and raping continued , although it became in the name of Jesus, instead of supporting Mosaic law.
Point is, morality is part of our innate empathy and reason which evolves over time (even Jesus appears to have agreed that we evolve morally), and that TRULY is self evident.
Mad will yet again seek an explanation, but (1) his lengthy diatribe is riddled and (2) the answers are in this thread.
But, claiming innate morality is anything but scientific and actually points to a moral creator. So, there is that. LOL