Actually, when I spend more than a few minutes in close examination, it becomes more and more evident that there if there is a God, this entity lies far outside our human understanding. My best guess is that Einstein thought more or less the same thing, as well-certainly not comparing myself to him in any way.
As I look at our world both physically and through the lens of morality, things appear as if they evolved over time, as opposed to being created in their entirety by a magical and perfect entity. As I get older, I'm actually aware that I'm on borrowed time. Humans, just like every other biological organism, are created from some type of seed, they develop, they are born, they develop more they reproduce, and after their reproduction cycle is finished, they begin deteriorating and they cease to exist-just like every other biological organism under the sun. Did a God redesign the whole system of nature just because Adam and Eve sinned-a sin he knew they were going to commit as he created them? Come on, now. In your heart of hearts, does that sound like the truth or does it sound like an ancient fable designed to explain our creation and our lack of morality.
Speaking of morality, it appears to me that our moral natures evolve as well. Generally speaking, we seem to be more morally aware than the ancient Sumerians, the ancient Hebrews, the Romans, the Spanish inquisitors, the Priests and Kings that presided over us during the Middle Ages, the Vikings and so on. Not to be political, but it appears that we are more morally aware than our ancestors who kidnapped and enslaved generations of Africans. That moral awareness, seems to come from innate consciousness and empathy, rather than directed by an all powerful being. In fact, the Abrahamic God appears to endorse practices we no longer allow today In todays world. Our morality seems to have evolved past the Bible that endorsed Slavery and blood magic while condemning divorce and homosexuality .