How will they rule ??!

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This all makes sense too. I guess the point is none of us really know. Personally I haven't changed my routine (except that there is ****ing NOTHING to watch on TV.)
Well, don't. I hate using contractions, by the way.

Come Monday morning, I'm gonna ride the bus 8.1 miles to work. Between November 2010 until Feb 2018, I rode a fvcking bicycle to work so I could stay in shape. Our agency relocated my position, so I now bus to work. Mofos acting like this is end of days or some shit. Listen. I'm an outlier. Always have been. Always will be.

Missing Wildcat basketball. But unless directed, I'm not changing. Eff the fearmongering.
Any one of you get around OKC or Wichita Falls TX tag me in here and we'll meet up some where. Yes, even you low life libs.[winking]
I remember the pioneer drive-in restaurants in w falls back in the 60s (p1, p2, p3). drive up in your car, carhop brings your food-and beer. i can’t imagine they’re still like that nowadays. also the casa manana restaurant, which i think is still there.
buddy, it would be an honor. No liberals. I won’t spend more than 5 minutes of life wasting it on a liberal

Love ya, bro. Goodness gracious have we partied like there's no tomorrow together over the years or what? I mean, we're freaking legends here on the Paddock.

Follow Coach Cal's advice. We're gonna be fine.
Love ya bro. We need to take a trip to see Warrior
Check it out. My extended family (mom's indiscretions when she married my step-dad, JR's mom) are American Indians in OK. Over Facebook, I tell them all the time I'm gonna visit. Step-brother lives on a reservation in OK. My ass is in Texas, but I really need to get up there.

Possible road trip?


Joe Biden on the Corona virus

"I fought the Coronas in a galaxy far far away back in Nam on the moon with Neil and the boys. We called the little bastards Corn Pops. Took them outside on several occasions. My wife and sister are both beautiful. Barack Obama served as the first black Vice President when I was elected over 2 decades ago after beating Malarkey in a runaway election. My son Hunter saved Ukraine from the Russian invasion. Donald Trump has affairs with pornstars and playmates. I was both back in the day. They called me hairy legs Joe. I broke the glass ceiling 37 years ago when I saved a woman from a building, I think it was her home...It wasn't on fire, she wasn't being robbed. was cooking dinner...but I saved her. Busing? I sang in an all-black band. The economy? I once played a tune on a harmonica with a homeless guy people loved it and filled our cups up with dollar bills and change, I let him keep some of it."
If you and Austin go visit Sgt. Slaughter it is a helluva missed opportunity if you don't take a couple of the libs here with you. I have a couple in mind who have talked a lot of sh-t to him...I bet they would be a lot less talkative in person.
Check it out. Man, this is a big, complicated story spanning roughly 50 years between KY and FL. At any rate (I use this phrase too often), I'm gonna take my ass up there sooner or later. I have two step brothers, one currently lives in FL and is a preacher, and a step-sister who are American Indians, who have roots up there. I've been in Tejas since '96, but have yet to visit them on the reservation.
If you and Austin go visit Sgt. Slaughter it is a helluva missed opportunity if you don't take a couple of the libs here with you. I have a couple in mind who have talked a lot of sh-t to him...I bet they would be a lot less talkative in person.

yeah, I’d bet both my hands that Warrior would beat their faces in like mashed potatoes.
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There seems to be a lot more clucking, cawing, and Chicken Little on message boards than in real life. Most are reasonable except for a few fools that think that mass toilet paper cures Coronavirus.

I would recommend three things- wash hands frequently, avoid anyone with an obvious hacking cough, and as soon as you meet a Chicken Little (Levibooty, etc) in person, take your phone and start playing Beethhoven's 5th- it's a perfect theme sound for their glooming and dooming.
There are allegedly 100,000 cases in Ohio.

Either (A) this number is bullshit, or (B) within a week, we'll see thousands of dead bodies piling up the streets, or (C) there really are 100,000 cases, but it's about as deadly as the common cold.

Which is it!

I suspect it's a combination of A and C.
I felt like death today and was sure it had to be the Corona- turned out to be a nasty hangover. No doubt I'll go through it again tomorrow, and, to make me even more paranoid, I've been sneezing up a storm all week and have a runny nose!
After everything runs it's course, it will be interesting to see exactly what the information is as far as the actual disease is concerned as well as why the reaction/panic was what it was...

Yep. By Wednesday or Friday we'll know what's what. Even if everyone has it, there will be numerous sm posts saying it's not even a cold.

Then we'll see some spin

This thing has been circulating for many months now. I'm almost 100% certain my parents had this in december as well as my 6 year old son. It beat my parents up pretty good, but they got over it in about a week. They are approaching 80 btw. It was barely more than a nuisance to my 6 year old son. I'm fairly certain I currently have it at this time. If true, its not fun, but not the end of the world

I'm damn near certain I had it mid December. As well as everyone I knew. I really think that's why it's not taking off here - many of us already had it
Yep. By Wednesday or Friday we'll know what's what. Even if everyone has it, there will be numerous sm posts saying it's not even a cold.

Then we'll see some spin

I'm damn near certain I had it mid December. As well as everyone I knew. I really think that's why it's not taking off here - many of us already had it
I'm about 99 percent sure I had it around Christmas- I was coughing and sneezing like a banshee, and my nose was so clogged that it felt like someone shoved a sock up both nostrils!
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I mentioned Beethhoven's 5th as a good song for the coronanoids- here are a couple of others- Electric Funeral, from the Black Sabbbath, and the 4th movement of Dvorak's New World Symphony,

The score from Jaws is also pretty good.
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On Christmas Day a guy I work with got sick. He came back to work saying it wasn’t like anything he had before. Constant dry coughing, so much coughing it hurt to do it. Ran a fever, felt like crap for 3-4 days and got better.
My mother in law, whom has underlying lung issues, came back from a cruise the first week of February and was sick, couldn’t breathe and coughing with fever. My wife who is nurse practitioner, made her go to the hospital where they immediately checked her in for 4 days.
Both had the exact symptoms of Coronavirus.

Same thing here in SF Bay Area. One of my coworkers missed a week of work. He looked like death. And almost all of us got it. One of my clients had it (after visiting Switzerland for the economic conference). Super bad cough. Low fever. Etc. I’ve been coughing for 30 days though I’m on the very tail end now. Lost my voice for a week.

I don’t know what to think of all this. If that was just the flu??? then what the hell is this going to do?