Social media has been a god damn goldmine the last few days. LOVE IT

Social media has been a god damn goldmine the last few days. LOVE IT

Nationalism always has a strong showing.fuzz's nordic fairytale is slipping, via Bloomburg
Donald Trump-style populism has spread to Finland, where the world’s happiest people are set to show their displeasure at immigration and the mainstream’s obsession with climate change in Sunday’s general election.
The Finns Party, a nationalist movement that has adopted slogans which echo the U.S. president’s “Make America Great Again,” has surged from sixth to second place in the polls.
Nationalism always has a strong showing.
Maybe a bunch of them will collapse and not recover.
Dat's funie rat dar.NaTioNaLiZM??? WeLL aT lEaSt yOuR’E bEInG oPeN aNd HoNeSt wITh UR rAciSM
Capitalism may be great for selling ice cream, but it's not great for saving the earth. That's why we need the #GreenNewDeal.
Capitalism may be great for selling ice cream, but it's not great for saving the earth. That's why we need the #GreenNewDeal.
Ben and Jerry didn't get the memo.
This is straight from the donkey's mouth. Impeachment is even more important than NGD.
It's a shame that this has to happen, what with the clock ticking down on the 12 years thing. It's her Constsitutional duty to impeach the Prez.
It's kinda hard to say we have to cut back when China is going full throttle, old school coal.
The plants that China builds are massive. The stuff we haven't built in 40-50 years. 1500-2000MW. They are the size plants that we are retiring.
Mwuhahaha! Russians owns the guy who increased America's economy, strengthened the American military and also increased America's energy production in the world.
Suck it, Repubs!!
Ole Booty unleashing the fire and fury with the Memes.
I guess in some languages "No collusion" translates to "Guilty as charged"
AOC...STFU and grab me a beer. Stay in the lane with what your good at..And make that with a frosted mug!
And to poor people , where a lot of crimes occur, $749 is a lot of money. And hard to replace. Those people don't deserve justice?And how does he determine whether whatever was stolen was under $750?
I posted a documentary about Seattle's issues a few pages back, that is how their downfall started.
That was also the timeframe when Dave Chalian got fired from Yahoo for getting caught on a hot mic saying Romney would like to watch black people drown. He now heads CNNs political division.
For history buffs. The 2012 article above is the point in time when America lost CNN to liberal theology. Before Zucker was hired I never doubted anything I saw on CNN and now their just a version of The Onion.
Whats interesting about the article above is that the writer plotted the trajectory CNN would follow after hiring Zucker.
I think, unfortunately, the point that is missed by a lot of people with things like free education, etc., is how it violates the concept of individual liberty on which this country was founded. Anytime the government implements a program like this, liberty suffers because the government is taking money from someone and giving it to someone else who did not earn it. The liberty of the people who earned it, but can't enjoy the benefit of it, are having their liberty diminished. Fundamentally, the founding fathers recognized that the very existence of a central government infringed upon an individual's liberty. That's why they tried to limit the power of government through the Constitution. People today seem oblivious to this fundamental concept of our way of life. It's why we don't do those kinds of things. We value individual liberty over all other things. It's what makes us unique in the world.Again, and I don't expect a rational answer, exactly how would this "free" education be paid for WITHOUT raising taxes?
"Free" ain't free. Someone is paying for it.
However, as a former educator, I can see ways the current public school system could be modified to provide many more vo-tech programs without increasing taxes.
Go for it girls
aoc and the two terrorists would splinter the lunatic left from the democrat base though.. advantage trumpBiden's the only potential for them I think to beat Trump, if he's the nominee he could win really and I think would have last time around... Biden could deflect Trump's bravado in a folksy and charming way, appeals to the middle and could recapture the rust belt. Probably isn't going to propose any radical leftist nonsense either.
Also, Trump shouldn't underestimate the "not presidential" vote and should really focus on the strength of all that has been accomplished in such short time and not get pulled into the muck of collusion delusion and fake news; everyone who's gonna appreciate fake news and the left's assault on the office already has by now.
Pedos everywhere unite!
That was also the timeframe when Dave Chalian got fired from Yahoo for getting caught on a hot mic saying Romney would like to watch black people drown. He now heads CNNs political division.
Link is broken but that is an opinion piece I think from Scott Jennings, a Kentuckian. Surprised they ran it.Wonder of Wonders......CNN calls out Obama for doing F-All about Russian interference.....
Mueller's report looks bad for Obama
But the Mueller report makes it clear that the Russian interference failure was Obama's alone. He was the commander-in-chief when all of this happened. In 2010, he and Eric Holder, his Attorney General, declined to prosecute Julian Assange, who then went on to help Russia hack the Democratic National Committee's emails in 2016. He arguably chose to prioritize his relationship with Putin vis-à-vis Iran over pushing back against Russian election interference that had been going on for at least two years.
If you consider Russian election interference a crisis for our democracy, then you cannot read the Mueller report, adding it to the available public evidence, and conclude anything other than Barack Obama spectacularly failed America. Subsequent investigations of this matter should explore how and why Obama's White House failed, and whether they invented the collusion narrative to cover up those failures.
Lol my god. The lunatics really are more unhinged than usual.
Hard to believe those things happened 5 years ago.Remember when Julian Assange was arrested?
Or when Notre Dame burnt down?
That was crazy.