How will they rule ??!

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Is there any doubt our current Dem party is the culmination of this?

That quote goes along with what that former KGB agent said in that interview from the 80's. pretty much everything that guy said in that interview is coming to fruition. Nobody listened when these statements were made. They just allowed it to happen despite being warned.
Law abiding my ass.

In November 2020, Ken Block was hired by the Trump Campaign to hire him to find evidence of election fraud. Block wrote a book about the experience in a book, Disproven which was published March 12, 2024.[24]

One cannot help but wonder what would've happened regarding January 6th, if Ken Block would've been timely invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning broadcast outlets that chose to ignore his work and findings. Ken Block is a highly-respected voting data specialist who was hired by the Trump campaign to research every allegation made regarding election fraud. He was under contract with the Trump campaign. The exhaustive and detail review by his firm came up empty and he reported no outcome determinant fraud took place in the election. All of the top people in the campaign received his reports and/or were engaged in verbal dialogue with him.

Block, a Republican/Injdependent who ran for Governor of Rhode Island, said that there were three (3) regretful outcomes of his research:
1) Trump was updated and advised of the conclusive findings, but refused to accept them. Trump didn't get the results he wanted.
2) There were Trump voters who heard his evidence, but still refused to accept it.
3) Lastly, but most alarming to him, was that he was never invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning outlets.

Interviews with him are very interesting to watch. There are many available on youtube.

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But many will tell you Agenda 2030 was a "Conspiracy Theory". You don't have the leaders of the worlds superpowers showing up in Davos every January over a conspiracy theory. That shit was very real and is the primary reason the world is in the condition it is now. None of this is because of just policy gone bad or whatever, it's all part and parcel to the larger Globalist agenda and the Great Reset.
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This is the voice of terrorism. I don’t believe this mentality has ever existed in this form in this country other than the KKK.

Congratulations on allying with the worst of the worst.

Disgusting evil mindset.

“We will target your product for destruction to the point they become uninsurable. Also, pay your taxes because we are disgusting fat sloven mentally ill obese losers who have forced insurance companies to insure us with Obamacare.”
If we're being honest and looking at Tesla objectively, the company was in trouble already.

True EVs were not selling well outside of North America and were set to be replaced by hydrogen powered vehicles elsewhere within 10-15 yrs anyway (as they should've been before the true EVs were pushed on people). The trucks are atrocious looking. The grid can't handle EVs. And the price is hilarious, even with tax rebates and other incentives.

They were never worth the price without free electricity on a capable grid. They were virtue and wealth signaling. That's it. They have zero positive impact on environmental pollution/ destruction and "climate change" as well.

Musk, too, had to have seen that end coming for Tesla, even with all of their innovation
Teslas are great and the full self driving technology is the future - the autonomous driving technology (for taxis for example) is what Elon is focusing on rather than refurbishing their auto line, which has not been updated in some time.


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In November 2020, Ken Block was hired by the Trump Campaign to hire him to find evidence of election fraud. Block wrote a book about the experience in a book, Disproven which was published March 12, 2024.[24]

One cannot help but wonder what would've happened regarding January 6th, if Ken Block would've been timely invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning broadcast outlets that chose to ignore his work and findings. Ken Block is a highly-respected voting data specialist who was hired by the Trump campaign to research the every allegation made regarding election fraud. He was under contract with the Trump campaign. The exhaustive and detail review by his firm came up empty and he reported no outcome determinant fraud took place in the election. All of the top people in the campaign received his reports and were engaged with verbal dialogue with him.

Block, a Republican/Injdependent who ran for Governor of Rhode Island, said that he were three (3) regretful outcomes of his research:
1) Trump was updated and advised of the conclusive findings, but refused to accept them. Trump didn't get the results he wanted.
2) There were Trump voters who heard his evidence, but still refused to accept it.
3) Lastly, but most alarming to him, was that he was never invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning outlets.

Interviews with him are very interesting to watch. There are many available on youtube.

They have full control over the DOJ.
They could take it to court.
But they won't because it's ALL Bullshit and they ALL know it.
"There were just crazy claims of fraud coming in from the most unlikely places, and some from very likely places that I was asked to evaluate carefully and was able to document and prove that every one of them was false," Block said, noting he completed his work in early December."
Ken Block

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Disgusting evil mindset.

“We will target your product for destruction to the point they become uninsurable. Also, pay your taxes because we are disgusting fat sloven mentally ill obese losers who have forced insurance companies to insure us with Obamacare.”
I suppose that it’s also the mindset of the mafia. Still, not who you want to be associated with. Democrats are openly in rebellion against the people.
In November 2020, Ken Block was hired by the Trump Campaign to hire him to find evidence of election fraud. Block wrote a book about the experience in a book, Disproven which was published March 12, 2024.[24]

One cannot help but wonder what would've happened regarding January 6th, if Ken Block would've been timely invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning broadcast outlets that chose to ignore his work and findings. Ken Block is a highly-respected voting data specialist who was hired by the Trump campaign to research the every allegation made regarding election fraud. He was under contract with the Trump campaign. The exhaustive and detail review by his firm came up empty and he reported no outcome determinant fraud took place in the election. All of the top people in the campaign received his reports and were engaged in verbal dialogue with him.

Block, a Republican/Injdependent who ran for Governor of Rhode Island, said that he were three (3) regretful outcomes of his research:
1) Trump was updated and advised of the conclusive findings, but refused to accept them. Trump didn't get the results he wanted.
2) There were Trump voters who heard his evidence, but still refused to accept it.
3) Lastly, but most alarming to him, was that he was never invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning outlets.

Interviews with him are very interesting to watch. There are many available on youtube.

lol, so he ran for governor of a state he knew he couldn’t win. I’ll bet he had a pac, and I bet that pac and that book deal paid him handsomely…
They are almost at the point of burning us out of our homes. All it takes are a few more nudges from the media.

Remember, this is all because of media lies that Elon Musk gave a Nazi salute and that he is stealing from the government.

Let that sink in.
Wife just went to the grocery. She dgaf about politics. Came into house and starting railing about how much grocery prices have gone up in the last couple of weeks.
Dropped 177 bucks on some hair products/lotion/body spray and minor grocery items. It filled about 4 plastic bags.
Way worse than anything under Biden thanks to the tariffs now effecting packaging and cost of materials.

Lets reduce the activist judge discussion down to the judge that ordered usaid get their 2 billion dollars. His wife was the ceo of an organization directly funded by usaid grants. That issue was never disclosed to the parties.

Do you agree this constitutes a direct financial tie that requires the judge to recuse or at least requires the judge to disclose to the parties so they can request recusal?

I have no issue with a random federal district court judge making a bad ruling. That's baked into the cake because most judges at any level are either incompetent or borderline incompetent.

That said, there is zero authority that im aware of, either actual or via logic, that allows a district court judge to issue an order that has national reach. By the very appointment and creation of the judicial districts, its inherent their power reaches no further than their district. Otherwise the federal judiciary would've been set up without districts.

Secondly, trump and co need to be very careful attacking the entire judiciary because of some obviously corrupt judges. No need to throw an entire history of respect for the separation of powers into the trash especially when you clearly have other avenues of successfully challenging the ruling and their power.

One of those avenues includes tracking all the usaid money to their end sources, which will absolutely get all of these rogue judges. There is a very clear reason these cases are filed in front of them. Doge clearly has the ability to track it down, they just stopped for whatever reason after the initial layer of usaid corruption. This is the best method to root out these people for good.
Plus... Dore doesn't even know about the order. He is commenting on something he hasn't looked into. The judge gave a verbal order. He didn't right anything down or give any reasoning. He just said "make it so". Dore knows damn good and well that judges can't just do that and people have to do what they say. LOL.
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Thought this was well said:

"These cowardly morons don’t seem to understand that all their power and authority is little more than a figment of the political imagination—once the desire to believe in the judicial tooth fairy is gone, it is gone forever, and nothing will bring it back.

Wiser men with far stronger backbones understood this for centuries—they knew their power as an institution was entirely one of perception, given the institution’s lack of any real power to enforce its rulings against the two far more powerful branches of the federal government.

The Supreme Court controls no army and no bank account. Its police can barely keep people out of its own building or away from the homes of its members. How on earth will it enforce rulings without the force of money or arms? The simple truth is it cannot, and its smarter members—until recently, at least—understood the court’s unique challenge: how to enforce rulings against two institutions despite any real power to do so.

Those with brains and no fear of their own shadows knew this was only possible if the politicians and the people believed the courts had the necessary credibility and reputation to produce long-term deference to its decisions.

We are rapidly approaching the point where that is no longer the case.

And if Justices Tweedledum and Tweedledee insist on closing their eyes and sticking their fingers in their ears in the belief that if they can’t see or hear or the consequences of their own idiocy and cowardice then there won’t be any, then their only precious legacy will be the destruction of the very institution they’re allegedly so desperate to save."
Sounds like when leftist were demonstrating in front of SC judges houses when Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Roberts is such a worthless cuck.

If corrupt judges are going to disregard our constitution and decide cases based on politics, and the justices on scotus do the same, impeachment is the remedy.
Enjoy. They'd never be convicted. Just a show trial like Trump's impeachments.
Plus... Dore doesn't even know about the order. He is commenting on something hasn't looked into. The judge gave a verbal order. He didn't right anything down or give any reasoning. He just "make it so". Dore knows damn good and well that judges can't just do that and people have to do what they say. LOL.
Any lawyer knows that a judge's oral ruling is the same as in writing. Judges rule from the bench all the time and then sign the order later. That argument is the dumbest I've heard.

Also, the argument against nationwide injunctions - I understand it but that cuts both ways. There are many Obama and Biden era rules/laws that were struck down on a nationwide basis (OSHA vaccine mandate, overtime rules, FTC non-compete rule, etc) if a judge only had authority to strike down the rule in his district, then there would have to be numerous cases filed across the country on every such legal challenge. That would make no sense.
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No one trusts Putin, but ending the war and getting some level of cooperation on other issues is a good thing. Neither the Russians or the US will completely live up to a deal made with each other, that has always been part of the game....but this situation is a thousand times better than where the Dems would have us right now.
Saying it's a 1000x better now is your wet dream. It's no different at all. Any "deal" will be a mirage for Trump & AFsters to claim they did something. Putin will continue on in various directions. Just admit that anything Trump does there is Ukraine surrender. Then we can agree.
In November 2020, Ken Block was hired by the Trump Campaign to hire him to find evidence of election fraud. Block wrote a book about the experience in a book, Disproven which was published March 12, 2024.[24]

One cannot help but wonder what would've happened regarding January 6th, if Ken Block would've been timely invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning broadcast outlets that chose to ignore his work and findings. Ken Block is a highly-respected voting data specialist who was hired by the Trump campaign to research the every allegation made regarding election fraud. He was under contract with the Trump campaign. The exhaustive and detail review by his firm came up empty and he reported no outcome determinant fraud took place in the election. All of the top people in the campaign received his reports and were engaged in verbal dialogue with him.

Block, a Republican/Injdependent who ran for Governor of Rhode Island, said that he were three (3) regretful outcomes of his research:
1) Trump was updated and advised of the conclusive findings, but refused to accept them. Trump didn't get the results he wanted.
2) There were Trump voters who heard his evidence, but still refused to accept it.
3) Lastly, but most alarming to him, was that he was never invited to guest on Fox News and other right-leaning outlets.

Interviews with him are very interesting to watch. There are many available on youtube.

My problem is saying "there is NO evidence of cheating". There most certainly was cheating. We've seen plenty of evidence of that. The question is how much and was it enough to shift the election. When people claim it was the most perfect election ever and there is no evidence of any shenanigans, I think it shows a bias all its own. LOL. Hell, some people did go to jail, some dead people did vote, illegal aliens did vote, mail in ballots were counted without signatures or nonmatching signatures.
Any lawyer knows that a judge's oral ruling is the same as in writing. Judges rule from the bench all the time and then sign the order later. That argument is the dumbest I've heard.

Also, the argument against nationwide injunctions - I understand it but that cuts both ways. There are many Obama and Biden era rules/laws that were struck down on a nationwide basis (OSHA vaccine mandate, overtime rules, FTC non-compete rule, etc) if a judge only had authority to strike down the rule in his district, then there would have to be numerous cases filed across the country on every such legal challenge. That would make no sense.
So you think if the president orders troops to leave Syria a judge can just tell someone not to do that and they have to listen? Is there any limit on the power of a district judge or can he make any order he wants with no legal reasoning behind the order? Article 2 is a real thing. A judge can't just pretend it doesn't exist.
As of 2023 only 540,000 Germans bought an EV of any brand out of 84 million. That's .6%, so 99.4% of Germans in 2023 did not buy an EV of any brand. Cute thing about propaganda. It's really effective on the obtuse.
I'd guess 0.000% of Germans under age 18 bought any car & that no more 20% of those over 18 bought any car. Probably very few over age 85 bought any either.
Look, this is really something we're never going to fully agree on.

I'm staunchly on the side of keeping Israel as an ally. I don't buy the conspiracy theories that Israel is somehow running our government. I do believe we have a close relationship, and as the only democratic government in the Middle East, that seems like a very good decision. I also subscribe to the Biblical promise that those who support Israel will be blessed by God.

To answer your (rhetorical) question.

Iran is the head of the snake. It's obvious to anyone who has two brain cells to rub together that Hamas and Hezbollah are helpless without Iran's support and funding. And Iran has only been effective thanks to OBAMA'S funding. If we need to partner closer with Israel to undo that damage for the next few years, I'm all for that.

Furthermore, as I said, if you want peace in the Middle East, you have to have regime change in Iran. However that looks. The Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah, they are run by Iran. They are the threat to peace. If we want to promote peace, we have to threaten Iran and take them out at the highest level. Israel can't do this by themselves. All the Arab countries for the most part have gotten in line with Trump to broker peace with Israel. The Persians need to be brought to heel to make this happen.
A rare good post by you. I'd add that if you want peace in Europe you have to have regime change in Russia.
So you think if the president orders troops to leave Syria a judge can just tell someone not to do that and they have to listen? Is there any limit on the power of a district judge or can he make any order he wants with no legal reasoning behind the order? Article 2 is a real thing. A judge can't just pretend it doesn't exist.
Your problem is you have no idea of what you're talking about because you don't know anything about these cases or what judges do in general. They are not just "making any order with no legal reasoning". They are interpreting the law. Maybe they get it wrong, but they aren't making it up as they go along. Read the pleadings or transcripts from the hearings.
While it obviously isn't going to change state-wide elections in California, still interesting to see a big surge in Californians registering Republican and Independent in just a few months. Could be the difference in certain districts adding a GOP congressman or two.

I suspect this won't change things because more Pubs will move to other states than will newly register in CA.
Any lawyer knows that a judge's oral ruling is the same as in writing. Judges rule from the bench all the time and then sign the order later. That argument is the dumbest I've heard.

Also, the argument against nationwide injunctions - I understand it but that cuts both ways. There are many Obama and Biden era rules/laws that were struck down on a nationwide basis (OSHA vaccine mandate, overtime rules, FTC non-compete rule, etc) if a judge only had authority to strike down the rule in his district, then there would have to be numerous cases filed across the country on every such legal challenge. That would make no sense.

Is anything just legal or illegal or is it all up for debate and certain people get to decide what things mean and others just have to sit there and wait to be told? LOL
Your problem is you have no idea of what you're talking about because you don't know anything about these cases or what judges do in general. They are not just "making any order with no legal reasoning". They are interpreting the law. Maybe they get it wrong, but they aren't making it up as they go along. Read the pleadings or transcripts from the hearings.
Please tell me if a judge can stop a president from moving troops? I want to know how far you'd let this farce go.
If we're being honest and looking at Tesla objectively, the company was in trouble already.

True EVs were not selling well outside of North America and were set to be replaced by hydrogen powered vehicles elsewhere within 10-15 yrs anyway (as they should've been before the true EVs were pushed on people). The trucks are atrocious looking. The grid can't handle EVs. And the price is hilarious, even with tax rebates and other incentives.

They were never worth the price without free electricity on a capable grid. They were virtue and wealth signaling. That's it. They have zero positive impact on environmental pollution/ destruction and "climate change" as well.

Musk, too, had to have seen that end coming for Tesla, even with all of their innovation
EVs just trade "burning gas" for "burning coal".

Until we go nuclear, no environmental advantage that I can see (feel free to prove me wrong as I'm no expert on this topic).
Plus... Dore doesn't even know about the order. He is commenting on something he hasn't looked into. The judge gave a verbal order. He didn't right anything down or give any reasoning. He just said "make it so". Dore knows damn good and well that judges can't just do that and people have to do what they say. LOL.

Im guessing he followed the verbal ruling with a written order. Thats the norm. Usually, especially if its a contentious issue, the written order will contain the reasoning and legal authority.

If they don't, they can be forced to. Its crucial for appeal.