Cernovich- “Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Paper No 78 that the judiciary, unlike the Executive and Legislative branches, has "no influence over either the sword or the purse." Hence judges must not exceed their appointed role, nor legislative from the branch.
Americans are watching DC judges appoint themselves as Head of HR, by demanding fired employees be reinstated. Now a judge, who cooperated with FISA court fraud, and himself should have been impeached and removed from office, has proclaimed he has the power to determine how Trump may use his power in matters of removing illegal immigrants who belong to terrorist gangs.
Trump can say, No. Courts can issue contempt findings. Who is going to serve the arrest warrants? US Marshals? The Marshalls fall under Executive authority.
Congress, of course, has the power to impeach and remove Trump from office. Judges lack any such authority, and it would be unfathomable to our Founders to see this vulgar power grab and use of show trials in DC.
Because Trump's actions are popular at the 80-20 or even 90-10 level, there is no appetite for the democratic remedy of impeachment.
In this conflict between activist judges, some of whom sleep in the same beds (literally) of people who represent the opposing side and work for Trump-hater groups, Trump will win.
This is not my opinion. This was proven this last November.
Judges must conduct themselves appropriately, which is to say, they must admit Trump has the power to deport illegal criminals, fire employees, and interpret the full use of his Article 2 powers independently.
Hyper-partisan judges drunk on stolen power haven't thought this through. They will lose the standoff.
For the sake of the country, Roberts must bring these lower courts to heel.
Otherwise judges will be in the position of issuing orders Trump is not obliged to follow, and as is his prerogative, he will not obey them.”