No, MAGA is tired of paying 50% of our income to the fedgov and having it wasted. It's time foreign countries who have been ripping us off give some of that money back. We're freaking broke. And newsflash, tariffs raise wages at home and create jobs. Stop fearmongering, you come off like a complete ignoramus.
It's unfortunate, but there's no other way for him to come off.
Ukrainian blood is on EU hands. They said they'd step up. They said they had Ukraine's back. They said they didn't need the US. They said they could send troops.
Ukrainian blood is on the hands of those who have the Ukraine flags on their Fb profiles, because they haven't sent Vlod his money, nor have they signed up to go defend Ukraine from Putin.
When are the liberals and moderate war-mongers going to step up to the plate for Ukraine? Lead by example. Send your money. Take up arms in Kyiv. Let us know how it goes when you get back.
When are the liberals going to go help the SA mobs kill light-skinned people? When are they going to step up and take one for the benefit of the mobs? Surely they want justice and to help the mobs kill more white people? Why don't they just volunteer to be raped, tortured, and killed by the SA mobs? Those poor oppressed murderers and rapists need more victims.
While all of the liberals are touring Ukraine, tUK, and SA, we'll clean up the mess they made here. We'll start shooting looters and robbers. We'll make it safe to run a business in downtowns around the country.
We'll put to death those who take innocent lives through rape, murder, and violent assault so that no one in any country will again be their victims.
We'll bring back free speech and return words like "racism" back to their original meaning regardless of a person's pigmentation.
We'll work side by side with anyone who merits it, regardless of God-given, superficial traits, as long as they respect human life. We'll oust ideologies that seek to ban the rights of others through religion or politics, and bring back jobs to this country.
We'll stop letting people who hate this country, want to change our republic into a socialist "democracy," those who want the many to feed the able-bodied that dont want to work, cross into our country.
Then, when the liberals see how great martial law is in Ukraine, when they see how wonderful socialism is in Europe, and "anti-apartheid" racism is in SA, where they can rape and be raped without anyone being able to defend themselves or prosecute their attackers, they'll never want to come back to America. They'll finally be HOME