How will they rule ??!

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9m69qt.jpg came out tonight that Putin has offered the U.S./Trump a better/larger rare mineral deal than Ukraine? LOL

Hmmmmm.... Seems like we've been thru this before with Trump screwing Ukraine for Putin.

Russia. Russia. Russia. 2019.

Russia. Russia. Russia. 2025.
Nothing says “it’s not a conspiracy. Seth was simply the victim of a robbery gone wrong” quite like refusing to show the files and the FBI wanting them hidden.

Trump will have served two terms of the presidency without ever having a DOJ that worked for him. Meanwhile, the last guy went after everyone the Biden admin told him to.
Remember those TikTok and YouTube videos of people going up to Kamala supporters and asking if they would be willing to move illegal immigrants into their homes?

Need to find someone to go door to door at homes with Ukraine signs in the yard and tell the owners due to their support they have been registered to go to Ukraine and fight in the war.
Correct. I pay a private company for trash. Correct. I pay fees on my water bill that handle any problems with the line not on my property, otherwise I pay for it. Done it already. Electric bills have maintenance fees, city fees, and state fees that are added to the bill to fix problems that come up.
OK. So property taxes don't pay for those items. Got it.
Notes I want to say today

- In less than 20 years, I have watched the supposed anti-war left who trotted out Bush/Cheney protesters and called them war criminals-- now advocate for World War 3.

It's simply not THEIR war, when the media and DNC tell them so. It IS their war when the media and DNC tell them so. THIS killing is bad. THAT killing is not. It really is that simple.

- The group who calls Trump a dictator and fascist (ppl so GD stupid that a group of white leftists were standing on Man o' War protesting Trump with signs on Saturday) have Ukraine profile pics and banners and say "I stand with Ukraine" (hilarious virtue signalling) where their little dictator canceled elections to stay in power, imprisons people for speech, banned a religion, abducting people to be forced into the military, has no desire for peace so he can keep power and money rolling in).

It's simply their turn to abuse others. The slave doesn't want freedom. The slave wants to be a slavemaster. The left saw what Bush and Cheney did with Iraq. They wanted their own little laundering operstion/coup/country. That country is Ukraine.

Where did Moses come from before he led the Israelites out of Egypt? He wasn't treated like a slave when he was in Egypt. He wasn't a slave when he went back. He lived a completely different life and risked all of it to lead others to freedom.

Because someone who's only known slavery has absolutely no idea what freedom is or means, this country doesn't know what it takes to remain free.

‘People are going to lose their property’: This Illinois woman’s property tax is poised to pop from $756 to over $10,000 — a shocking 1,222% spike. Here’s why she’s not alone

^ Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better"- WEF

We have a group in this country and across the pond, who are so oblivious to what globalists are doing and what they envision for us. It's like being punched in the face repeatedly and having no idea you're in the middle of the ring and in a fight. I think of all of the white leftists who live a life of comfort when I say this.

Yet all they have to do is read about the dark ages, feudalism, and the crusades to see what their future holds.
So how do you pay for government services to/for your property then?
Probably the same way apartment dwellers do, DA. Florida is not mismanaged like many other states and has the thriving tourism industry.

But to the point ... why do homeowners have to pick up the tab for renters? (There is actually a deeper economic lesson here...slum lords like yourself pass that bill to renters, right? Now do corporate taxes...)
Do you even source shit before you post? This guy is a real gem. Former chiropractor for starters. Has claimed some strange stuff…. Nicotine patches have cured Parkinson’s, dementia and brain tumors. Covid was created/caused by synthetic snake venom. You sent me down a funny rabbit hole with this guy. Did I mention he is a former chiropractor?
I "source" shit when I want to, live with it. Do you "source" every article you post? Hell no you don't, and if you say you do you're a liar.

Sorry it upset ya though , especially since it seems to upset you so. Take a chill pill and GFY.

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AOC on a flight back to Washington when the plane had a bird strike, the pilot announced the plane had four engines and was very capable flying with three, however there would be a delay in their flight. A few minutes later another bird strike took out a second engine to which the pilot again said what happened and the plane was very capable to fly with two engines, however there would be a delay in their flight. A little while later it happened again, another bird strike taking out the third of four engines, again the pilot announced what happened and assured passengers the plane was capable of finishing the flight with one engine, but there would be a delay. AOC then got pissed and stated, let's hope this fourth engine does not have a bird strike, we will be up here all day....Please tip your server.
"Nicotine patches have cured Parkinson’s, dementia and brain tumors"

What? A liberal misquoted someone? Such a shocker.

Reversing symptoms or reversing advancements is not saying "cured." He's also not said/saying it works for everyone. The basis for the statements regarding nicotine and coronaviruses, and these other neurological and cardiological conditions like Parkinsons, dementia, and carditis are studies with 100s of thousands (sample size(s)) of people relative to covid who used nicotine products, and studies and evidence of people trying nicotine products to see if their symptoms abated.

It's not anecdotal, but just like hcq and ivermectin, that our govt finally admitted are not harmful to humans but have actually helped people with covid symptoms, nicotine is and has been studied and the effects are being published.

You can ridicule the science of it all you want. It's your right to be anti-science and lack objectivity. Just like your fellow leftists who refused to get c19 shots, or flu and pneumonia shots, you are allowed to be anti-science. Your beliefs can Trump Pfizer marketing.

Pretty much summed up five years worth of leftist posting with these emojis.

If these things fell out of a leftist’s pocket, which ones do you think they’d pick up first? Which order? 😂 Who’s their most sacred idol?
I "source" shit when I want to, live with it. Do you "source" every article you post? Hell no you don't, and if you say you do you're a liar.

Sorry it upset ya though , especially since it seems to upset you so. Take a chill pill and GFY.

guy posts bullshit videos from the former chiropractor and gets pissed when someone calls him out on it. I may not source everything but I sure as shit don't post videos from Brian the Chiropractor and think they are real. Seriously, google the guy.
guy posts bullshit videos from the former chiropractor and gets pissed when someone calls him out on it. I may not source everything but I sure as shit don't post videos from Brian the Chiropractor and think they are real. Seriously, google the guy.
I'm telling you right here and now that I don't, and I won't, "source" every effing article I post. Not. Going. To. Happen. Here's a pro tip: just scroll on past my posts from now on and you won't have to wonder which ones have been vetted to your satisfaction, and those that haven't.

This is just fluff, entertainment, fun for me, nothing more. No one here is a damn journalist, and no one vetts every single thing they post. If I post a bad article every now and then, I guess you'll have to just deal with it, or else risk getting your panties in a wad again because you "went down a rabbit hole." Oh, the HORROR!!!
Occasional trolling is fun. You can always bring out the closet dims/liberals that way.
Less than 2 months into the 🤡 show.

"A GOP aide said House Republican leaders are urging lawmakers to stop engaging in them altogether."

guy posts bullshit videos from the former chiropractor and gets pissed when someone calls him out on it. I may not source everything but I sure as shit don't post videos from Brian the Chiropractor and think they are real. Seriously, google the guy.
You've used the word chiropractor in many posts.
We get it.
Could I get Brian's number?
My sciatic nerve is giving me some trouble.