Gotcha. In that case that welder should be fine for what you need, although I admit I've never used their brand before. I'm a Lincoln guy myself.I'm just a novice per say. to me it's much easier using a mig versus striking an arch with a stick and most of my uses would be less than a quarter. I just figure any dumbass can mig, that's me
They don't like those mean old guns.Go to Ukraine and fight for them. Take all your lib buddies with you.
Gotcha. In that case that welder should be fine for what you need, although I admit I've never used their brand before. I'm a Lincoln guy myself.
What requests? All we get are demands.You’re right trumps recent actions have no impact on foreign relations or how the world will react to American requests in the future.
I want you in it!The Kentucky Kremlin Club hopes Donnie can institute a gulag, gotta own the libs boys!
You wanted it before you passed, right?Granted, productivity tools have come a long way, and perhaps keeping a handwritten log is superfluous and old fashioned, but hey, I'M OLD. LOL
I guess unproductive workers are why it took me 8 months to get a copy of my birth certificate from New York, and that was after I paid EIGHTY DOLLARS to have it EXPEDITED. 🤣
Ukraine has done a good job of taking their shots when they think the risk / reward is there.
-They drove Russia back across the river and liberated Kherson.
- the large breakthrough in the north that liberated more land then what Russia has captured since.
- the counter invasion into Russia
Their biggest failure was the summer counterattack in against the strongest part of the line.
You can’t just erase the successes they Ukrainians military has had, and these examples are just successes in taking back land.
This doesn’t bring up their growing long range drone success, eradication of the Russian naval fleet in the black see, etc.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaThe US is proving to be an extremely fickle and unreliable partner.
Threatening to flex its muscles on smaller nations around us.
This is going to lead to more nations developing Nukes to assert themselves protection from the bullies.
The US and its ALLIES used to be the globalprotector from these actions.
Now the US is trying to bully its friends.
Donald Trump is making the future less safe for your children and grandchildren.
LOL. The only ones they will get will be the Rachel Lavine types. No worries there.
I am compliant oh great leader.Actually he is schooling you. What is more pathetic is how you MAGA think you are "winning" while the good hard workers in this country who serve are being screwed. Don't say you love the military when you are standing behind cuts to the very programs that help many military veterans.
The only thing you all are good for is laughs. Keep spreading your propaganda and we will be an isolated Nation unable to stand on its own.
Trust me, people are keeping tabs and realizing what side and who is compliant and who is not. If you think what is going on is normal and just "Okey dokey" then you don't know the first thing about politics, legislation and governing.
You're an idiot if you think you are speaking for most veterans. Again, when and where did you serve? Most veterans and retired military are with Trump. So are most active service members. Quit listening to CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the AP... and the list goes on. It is organizations like those who helped Kackling Kamala lose the election. That and she is dumber than a box of rocks.Actually he is schooling you. What is more pathetic is how you MAGA think you are "winning" while the good hard workers in this country who serve are being screwed. Don't say you love the military when you are standing behind cuts to the very programs that help many military veterans.
The only thing you all are good for is laughs. Keep spreading your propaganda and we will be an isolated Nation unable to stand on its own.
Trust me, people are keeping tabs and realizing what side and who is compliant and who is not. If you think what is going on is normal and just "Okey dokey" then you don't know the first thing about politics, legislation and governing.
You have to explain it in a manner he understands, he thinks Star Wars was real.It isn’t normal for the Govt to try and rein in spending?
It isn’t normal for the govt to downsize bloated agencies?
“ unable to stand on our own”? Because Trump realizes Ukraine can’t win without western troops, and our “ Allies” don’t have the military capability to defeat Russia. So that means US troops.
Is that what you want? Ukraine is a trap.
Great, Great, granpappy anus...I mean Amos needed his naps.Good lord bud, do better. On top of this, the least press conferences, and bed time by 7. You said...NOTHING
Joe Biden’s 577 vacation days over four-year term tops modern presidents
Joe Biden took more days off than any other president in a single four-year term in at least the last 50 years, new data
Al Bundy was the man. Most common men (real men of genius) loved that kind of comedy. Amanda Bearse (Marcy) actually hated him and did not like the direction the show went. Typical however for the liberal types, she did not mind the paycheck she got and the notoriety that came with being on that show though.This is the TV some of us grew up's great to me when Al Bundy says "Well I'd say not quite active enough"
And Chris Farley:
Fixed it. Otherwise I agree with you 100%.I read it. It’s the same bullshit drivel peddled by the American left wing media and journalists since 2016.
This is why Libs are 0-fer in the last 50-60 years.
Time for the secret service and other stuff stay at Marlago, don’t worry Trump is known for giving discounts….
More taxpayer money wasted.
Talked with an interesting couple at dinner. They just became US citizens from Brazil and they are hard core conservative. They told me to look forward to PBDs interview of Brazils former Presidente, Bolsonaro. Fascinating conversation.
Hey look who’s vicariously stalking JD Vance via X…it’s you!
The globalist world order you are clinging to is gone. It was erased by a 37 trillion dollar debt, and it was erased by voters who were exhausted by globalism and demanded change.Donnie boy is destabilizing the world and making it less safe for our kids and grandkids.
TDS.Maybe Trump can get a taxpayer funded trip to the final four? Prob get a round of golf or three in while he’s there.
Re #2) they are new world order butt munchers.
+/- 3.5% means the true value can be 43.5-31.5 Conserve to 38.5-36.5 Lib.Looked like 5 points to me, could be mistaken.
One thing that will happen:
This will be the most expensive judicial race in US History…breaking the record of the previous WI Supreme Court race.
They said several times, it was the same thing that happened here, referring to 2020.There is a video benz has on his Twitter where nuland is working with Brazilian officials on how to stamp out "disinformation" to make sure the populist candidate doesn't win. Shes urging their top judge to get tougher on it.
Plus usaid sent down voting machines for them to use in the election.
Iirc the usaid candidate won a very narrow victory. How convenient.
Yea, handled a country between holes.Dumb post but go forth and conquer...