How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Um, you're now going against your own argument.

Don't make me dig your own posts up and throw them at you.

Take the L like a man. Your 'point' sucks and is based on conjecture and anecdotal evidence.
FALSE. They could have split anytime before marriage like those that did. Still would have been a relationship.
If you mean there will be very few cases of babies born in the country to non-US citizens if illegal immigration is eliminated, then yes.

Regardless, the "issue" always remains that it seems quite illogical for children of illegal immigrants who happen to be born on US soil to automatically be granted citizenship. I happen to believe this was not the intent of the 14th Amendment. Others have a different interpretation. It's something that needs to be resolved by SCOTUS and/or a further constitutional amendment.

And given that there is only so much that can be done to physically patrol the border, it seems logical that removing the incentive to drop anchor babies on US soil would assist in preventing illegal immigration.
OK on your yes.

Agree it's a bad feature of Constitution. Whatever your interpretation, I'll bet the USSC won't agree with you. An alternative amendment ain't happening as long as libs control 40% of one House of Congress or 13/50 states. So probably not for at least a 100 years.

Agree it would lower the incentive to have anchor babies, but I'm pretty sure that's not why most illegal women come here. I'd bet by far most babies born here to illegals occur more than 9 months past their arrival here because the illegal intended to stay here more than 9 months. I mean how many go back home after having the baby?
You're literally saying that any minority cannot get into law school without AA. Isn't that a backwards perspective?

You're basically saying that if you're not a straight-white male you get some sort of help when applying to school.

Plus you have no way of knowing how or why she got in, other than through your bias.
Stop with the straw men.

The very fact that you a) fail to respond to my very direct questions twice and b) respond with a flood of logical fallacies, proves that you have ZERO ability to or interest in having a good faith conversation.
Yeah, that is exactly what he said! What was that bullshit you're getting on to me about for changing your words or some nonsense?!?!? YOU'RE PUTTING WORDS IN HIS MOUTH.

Again, did he say THAT? Well ... pewresearch did and they said 73% of schools used RACE as a factor! 73%!!! YOU DID IT AGAIN.

Uhhh ... yeah we do. Fauxcohontas got her start by "being" a POC ... right wing outlet called ABC, (you probably never heard of them):

THEN, Trump called her out and she took a DNA test. Right-wing NPR:

Pull quote:
Less than a week later, Warren was asked about the DNA test again — this time by a voter in Sioux City, Iowa. And again, she did not publicly apologize.

But she tried to clarify herself.

"I am not a person of color; I am not a citizen of a tribe," she said. "Tribal citizenship is very different than ancestry. Tribes and only tribes determine tribal citizenship."

Bottom line: she freaking lied to get onto the Harvard staff!

Remember this?


Where do you find wheels for you goalpost?

Big breaking news of the day from getoffmylawn! Relationships end! Subheadline- Not all relationships last your entire adult life! The meat of the story- conjecture and generalizations... with some percentages thrown in! @FusterCluck you have to acknowledge his value to this thread. Nobody moves goal posts faster than someone trying to please the liberals as well as appear moderate and semiconservative to the rest. He's no shammystain, but he can move them goalposts well enough to make the liberal practice squad.
Emilia Pérez...a movie about a drug lord who gets a sex change received 13 Oscar nominations, inc. Best Actress ( who is really a dude)

And Hollywood wonders why their city is literally a burning hell.
One could only hope that the children are spared, but the rest should be burned down to the ground. I have no sympathy for those who vote for their own demise.

If the liberals of today could read anything past "Little Blue Truck," they'd see that they are EXACTLY like the national socialists of 1930s and 40s Germany. They are both the fascist captors and the internment camp prisoners with their joy divisions. It's all just a stage, and a fun little fake drama for them "that becomes like so real at times it's almost like really scary."

Every day for them is this virtual reality that has no ground and no consequence. Then when someone trying to help them escape the delusion points out that it's not real they absolutely flip their frkn lids. The libs have brought the asylum home and celebrated it.
Emilia Pérez...a movie about a drug lord who gets a sex change received 13 Oscar nominations, inc. Best Actress ( who is really a dude)

And Hollywood wonders why their city is literally a burning hell.

I heard about this on the radio today. ABC news maybe... Everything is shock art anymore. There is no actual value except how radical and yet "real" something can seem to be. It's probably related to stupid sht like egg white omeletsand avocado toast as staples in one's diet. Or maybe it's the drugs in the water out there.

I mean, have you ever watched one of their completely non-sensical perfume/cologne ads? Every one is completely cringey and makes you embarrassed for the actor/actress in the ad. What's more embarrassing is that someone goes out and buys it because of that ad....
OK on your yes.

Agree it's a bad feature of Constitution. Whatever your interpretation, I'll bet the USSC won't agree with you. An alternative amendment ain't happening as long as libs control 40% of one House of Congress or 13/50 states. So probably not for at least a 100 years.

Agree it would lower the incentive to have anchor babies, but I'm pretty sure that's not why most illegal women come here. I'd bet by far most babies born here to illegals occur more than 9 months past their arrival here because the illegal intended to stay here more than 9 months. I mean how many go back home after having the baby?
Yes, amendment is a long shot because there are just enough states overrun by liberal ideology to prevent common sense from prevailing.

Probably odds are SCOTUS won’t rock the boat with it, but then again they might surprise if enough common sense is presented in the arguments. I think some compelling arguments can be made about the intent of the 14th Amendment when it was created. There’s a better shot at SCOTUS than through ratifying a new amendment.

My impression is not a tremendous number of pregnant illegal immigrants come hiking across the border at 9 months gestation to pop out a kid at the first hospital. But getting here, and then having babies, is certainly viewed as a way to “anchor” themselves to staying here since their children are granted citizenship. This needs to be corrected, hopefully.
I always laugh at this shit. What are you gonna do, woman? Scream? You can’t do shit but run to Facebook and post about you being a hero.

We have an epidemic of crazy white left wing bitches.

“Our resistance will be talked about for generations.” 😂

Speaking of crazies-

Reddit is unusable

Just let ICE and the police cuff them and stick them in a cell for breaking the law and not visit them until they are ready to listen to reality. If it takes years, so be it. Prisons have become big business. Build some more and feed them what was fed to criminals in the past, Bread and water plus a One a day vitamin for the necessary nutrients they need to survive. Minimum sirvival that is.
Who are those dumbass scientists? LOL.

Been asking that a lot since undergrad. The answer is always "they're not scientists but subjectivists, which is the academic version of politics' activists designation." There's no objective science being done most places because there's a lot of pertinent data being excluded to support the required conclusion.

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